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Windows Media Connect

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    Windows Media Connect

    Just installed this on my PC and after a lot of swearing have got it working. The 360's "Test Media" function just could not see my PC, despite the PC being able to see the 360 no problem. I ended up browsing for Windows PC in the Media section and establishing a connection that way. Then the "Test Media" thing saw the PC.

    So anyway, I've shared my MP3, Photo, and Video folders from my PC and I'm able to access the first two. Images from my PC (taken with my camera) llok absolutely astounding in 1080i, there is so much detail on show it really is almost like being back in Monaco and Monza all over again when looking at the holiday pics!

    It looks as though for Video that you need to be running XP Media Centre in order to be able to stream video to the 360. Bit of a let down, but the images and audio streaming is a great system, especially as it's free.

    Anyone else use this, or know of how to stream video to the 360 any other way?