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Nintendo History

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    Nintendo History

    A bit of Nintendo history thanks to video Google

    On for 1 hour, worth a watch.

    Fakking superb Dude - Thanks


      Cool! Learned some things from that video.

      "2 games didnt fail the epilepsy test. 1 Super mario brothers and 2 Zelda the Windmaker"


        Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
        Cool! Learned some things from that video.

        "2 games didnt fail the epilepsy test. 1 Super mario brothers and 2 Zelda the Windmaker"

        That got me too, i was wondering if she did genuinely know much about nintendo to begin with....but still a pretty good show


          yeah i watched that when it was on the tv


            Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
            "2 games didnt fail the epilepsy test. 1 Super mario brothers and 2 Zelda the Windmaker"
            Apparantly Double Dash did either. Failed when going up the stairs on the ship track. Can't remember if that was on the BBC program.
            Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 08-01-2006, 00:52.


              Is that the BBC program where the woman tries to break up all the long standing relationships between all the greats of nintendo?


                Nice one!


                  It was shoddy IMO, she used that crap 'agressive' journalism in the interviews, which really throws me. Uncomfortable viewing, would've been nice to see more about the games and such tbh.




                      Is this the BBC3 "Outrageous Fortunes" show? It was bull**** journalism at its very best. The bits of the show that weren't filled up with driving around with music had the most pathetic hissy-fit claims against Nintendo that I had previously thought impossible this side of GameFAQs. The fact that supposedly they didn't even let Nintendo respond to some of the claims only soils its very tainted knickers further.

                      Anyway yes, jerk-off sensationalist garbage at its finest. Sorry for sounding so pissed off, but this is exactly the stuff we're fined 100+ pounds per year to AVOID.

                      BTW, did anyone else cringe at the presenter's face being stuck into the games?




                          I recorded this show on DV when it was first on... but for the last year havent been able to find it and its been driving me mad. So thanks.


                            now they need one for Squaresoft/Enix.. FFantasy and chrono


                              Thanks alot for posting the video, I actually spoke to the BBc about this when they were making it, and the question's that they asked me at the time were from the perspective of people who knew nothing about Nintendo and games in general.

