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A question to all the people who have bought a x360

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    That'll be more than enough unless you're totally l33t h0st!!11


      I'd say its worth getting without Live as long as the games appeal enough to you. Mine will never be connected to Live but there's still more than enough to warrant it Oblivion to say the least. Live is merely a nice cherry on the system, other than the downloads its largest contribution is just an extention of multiplayer. It's nothing that makes or breaks the format so just go off whether the software is strong enough in your eyes


        Originally posted by crazytaxinext
        I'd say its worth getting without Live as long as the games appeal enough to you. Mine will never be connected to Live but there's still more than enough to warrant it Oblivion to say the least. Live is merely a nice cherry on the system, other than the downloads its largest contribution is just an extention of multiplayer. It's nothing that makes or breaks the format so just go off whether the software is strong enough in your eyes
        Oh yeah, but it is worth remembering that Live is the focus of the machine, it's what the machine stands for andd the main weapon it will have against the PS3. It's really so much more than it was on the XBox1.

        But yeah, if the software appeals to you enough, it's certainly worth it (if the price suits you, that si).


          It's all about Live at the moment, since there aren't many solid single player games on the machine yet (although Condemned and CoD2 are rather good, but that's only 2 games). I've clocked over 100 hours on DOA4 for example, and about 90 of those hours have been spent online. Even for many upcoming games (GRAW, Burnout, Battlefield etc.), their online functionality is as much an appeal as their "next-gen" graphics. I'm looking forward to the first truly immersive single player game though, which will hopefully be Oblivion as an exceptionally designed single player game still can't be matched imo (eg. RE4).


            I would say that X Box Live Gold is an essential purchase with an XBOX 360. Overall the 360 is a 3rd of the Console without its live functions.

            Indeed Live 360 rejuvinated the gaming scene for me and brought me back to my youth. Do you remember when you used to buy the latest game out with all your friends at the same time and race to clock it, everyday having long conversations about levels/tactics/bosses etc..well I had lost that in gaming as I grew up....then Microsoft threw in gamerpoints. Quite simply...360 games single player without Live hold absolutly no appeal for me.

            Therefore this actually motivates me to play and complete single player games I never would have in the past. I have clocked COD2, Quake 4, FIFA 06, Condemned, Kameo, DOA4, and Kong. I am currently working on Gun and Full Auto, intertwined with Geometry Wars and Hexic HD.

            Which leads me on to the next best feature of XBOX live...Live Arcade. Genius! Brilliant games, very cheap...all with achievements. And SF2 is coming soon.

            So..Overall...I love XBOX live...for its SINGLE PLAYER features. I haven't even scratched the multiplayer games of all the games I have which just extends the game life by another few months. ****in Brilliant!


              You don't need Live Gold for that mind - that's just for online gaming.

              Live Silver is enough for everything else, and that's free


                My bad. I have no exerience with Silver. I migrated my account from the XBOX so not sure what Silver actually offers.

                Still...X Box Live Rocks.


                  AHH free i like the sound of that

                  Well to be honest i like the idea of playing against other people online in games like dead or alive 4

                  Hopefully by the time i do get broadband though the price for the 360 will have gone down a bit


                    Price Drop? Not until the PS3 comes out don't hold your breath.


                      Hmmm. No i would still get a 360 without Live, HOWEVER, Live is a big deal to me. I am always on, always chatting, playing, comparing scores. I had my BB go down for a few days, and it wasn't as fun without it. I missed the whole "community" feel it gives you. Still great games, but as i said i love online.


                        I would have bought one still, but I couldn't live without it.

