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can't wait till E3

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    Originally posted by muse hunter
    if everyone did that then this wouldn't be much of a forum now would it?
    By the original post I meant the one where you said you were leaving videogames or something. Why even make that post if you were lying?


      wishful thinking i know, but I'm still hoping for a shenmue 3 announcement


        Originally posted by IanE
        By the original post I meant the one where you said you were leaving videogames or something. Why even make that post if you were lying?
        i never said i was never going to play videogames again, i said i play them less, which is true, and i have sold off all my handheld consoles seeing as when i am on the couch or i'm out i take a manga book with me instead. As i said before i stick with what i said but i will always play and buy videogames old and new. Although i did say you would see less of me, i guess i was wrong there, but reading 'the root of all evil thread' and seeing daisuki and kotatsu neko let rip into eachother reminds me why i like these forums so much.

        If you read the whole of the 'bye bye gaming' thread i didn't say that i will never ever play games again, all i said was that gaming hasn't fulfilled its potential, which inturn made me disillusioned enough look away from gaming for what i seek. Once gaming was my sole hobby, it no longer is, but i still have time for gaming and i still love it, nothing will change that, i'll be long dead before my jap saturn leaves my possesion. But in the end that thread was a good honest debate, and isn't that what these forums are for?


          Originally posted by stroppa
          wishful thinking i know, but I'm still hoping for a shenmue 3 announcement
          it is rumoured that its coming out on the 360, so you'll never know, i'm with you here, a shenmue 3 announcement will be the best thing ever.


            Muse - You said "Bye Bye Gaming" - that's a pretty clear statement of intent.

            You could have gone back and changed the thread heading but chose not to.

            Now you have failed to stand by the courage of your convictions and you did invite flaming in that thread.

            Flame On


              But hey, that has nothing to do with E3!

              I, for one, can't wait to get all excited at Microsoft finally having the guns to shoot down Sony, and then blowing it at the final stretch with another blatent misunderstanding of how the show works.

              I think MS may struggle at this years show as their cards have been shown, everything PS3 and Rev is brand new tech, and hopefully playable. They do have Halo3 to reveal, of course.

              I also hope MS put their playable demos and videos up on the marketplace after and during the show.


                Having playable stuff on Marketplace as the demos are launched would be sweet, as would the videos.

                By integrating the show with Live would be a major boost and a great demonstration of now-ware instead of the vapour-ware that the other two will be showing(still waiting for GT4 online and GT4 PSP ffs!)


                  I dunno PeteJ - I think you'll find MS could have a few things up their sleeve - If there's one thing they've shown to date it's that they're more than happy to adapt quickly if they have to - I'm sure they learned a lot from E3's past.

                  I actually think Sony may have a harder time than people are expecting - They're going to be up against Revolution whilst 360 is established and will be more about showing us users what's in store.

                  Rev will be something new whilst I can't help but wonder what Sony can show apart from powerful hardware running new versions of existing IP's - And I'll bet most of the comments on PS3 stuff will be along the lines of "360 could do that no problem".

                  Will be interesting for sure !


                    If they could sort out live video feed from E3 for xbox live users how sweet would that be !!!

                    I'm sure we'll at least get their keynote speech as a download along with video montages (hi-def).

                    the demo's would be the icing on the cake


                      Not really headline worthy either. I mean... I can't wait to take a dump but I don't feel that's of interest to anyone else. 'General gaming' at most.


                        Leave the guy alone, he just obviously likes to make a big scene .

                        E3 should be good though, even if it was only the Revolution it'd be the interesting one in recent memory.


                          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                          Muse - You said "Bye Bye Gaming" - that's a pretty clear statement of intent.

                          You could have gone back and changed the thread heading but chose not to.

                          Now you have failed to stand by the courage of your convictions and you did invite flaming in that thread.

                          Flame On
                          i've said all i need to say already, if you choose to misinterpret the thread title as a statement of intent than thats nothing to do with me, maybe i should have stuck a question mark at the end, but its too late now.


                            Locked, if you need me to explain why, suggest you head over to

