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Do you buy games because you feel you "should"?

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    I'd say I'm at least semi-interested in the games that I buy, but I do own a few that are percieved to be "important", even though I have little inclanation to play them - GTA, Final Fantasy, other RPGs etc.

    Used to be like this with DVDs & music too, but now I only buy what I actually want. Hopefully one day, I'll be like this with my games too...


      I have done, for example i bought 'Killer 7' and 'Shadows of the Collosus' as i felt i should as they were both getting really good press. I actually really liked them both, they are great games, but i haven't played them enough, which is a normal symtom of me buying something i feel i should, rather than something i'm desperate to play.


        Nope, I've never felt a game because I thought I "should". Any time someone recommends me a game I'm always very skeptical, I'm just arrogant like that. Metroid Prime and Killer 7 are good examples of games that everyone's told me to get that i've been disappointed with.


          Buying games because I feel I should is happening less and less nowadays.
          The most importany factor for me when it comes to buying games, is how badly I wanna play them.


            The only games I feel I should buy are Sonic games. This is for the pure reason of collecting. Though the **** ones, I wait til they're down in price. I got Sonic Heroes for like, a fiver. That'll do. I'll wait til the same happens to Shadow.


              Next Thursday then.


                Yes GTA San Andreas,Id even sold my ps2 as I was bored of it. Then bought that atrocious excuse for a game, whitey writes blaxploitation 90s piece dammit I should have just watched Foxy Brown again. Also Metroid Prime, hte game they all say was good, hmm scan shoot scan shoot in an average fps settings.... well this time with live doing the demos to download and the cost being so high i think being frugal is called for.

                BTW who ordered the bucket of pigs blood for anpherics party?


                  Not because "the cool kids" are buying them even though I don't want the game per se, but part of me feels I ought to buy We (heart) Katamari and OutRun C2C at full price rather than wait for the ineviatable price reductions. Even though I can't see me getting through my current games pile before the reductions happen, part of me feels I should show my support financially, if I don't want the likes of EA getting the idea that they should stick to sports games in the future.


                    Originally posted by Generic_Chaos
                    I just bought Final Fantasy IV Advance even though I'm not much of a FF fan and probably won't get around to playing it for a while yet.
                    Yeh I almost did the same thing, saw the previews and said "Ooh that's pretty", and then stopped myself because it's just FF which I can't stand.


                      I find it hard to sell on 'classic' games after I bought them cos its blasphemy or something. Even though I'll probably never play them again.


                        Do I get some kind of 'anephric voucher' for spotting the blatant ghostbusters nod?


                          Originally posted by babs
                          Do I get some kind of 'anephric voucher' for spotting the blatant ghostbusters nod?
                          "Yes, have one."

                          (Do you see what I did there?)


                            Originally posted by babs
                            Do I get some kind of 'anephric voucher' for spotting the blatant ghostbusters nod?
                            I'm slightly scared about what you think you could use it in trade for...

                            Certainly not my Johnson. I remember when there were Johnsons as far as the eye could see. And what a lovely sight it was...


                              Mongo like candy


                                hehe, i bought PGR3 for the obvious reason, everyone going on about it. even though its just frustrating and every online game ends up with some c*nt spinning me out right at the start ensuring a last place. ****ing grrrr

