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DS game carts

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    DS game carts


    DS game carts are so friggnig hard to put in the box place. you know, the place that holds the cart in place so that if you shake the box you dont hear nothing
    i was trying to get advance wars in one just now. i ended up nearly breaking it

    for now ive just put it in the spare GBA slot.

    Anyone elase having hell with these stupid carts?

    Maybe you should do some weights.


      When I had a DS, I had no problem putting carts back into the box. *shrugs*


        lol harsh ;p I quite like the DS cards, apart from if I put them down anywhere other than where they should be I'll prolly never see em again, lost project rub on the carpet once, took me weeks to find the bugger again, lesson learned!


          I use the official DS carry case for holding all the carts, it holds about 8 of them, the DS and my USB charger

          couldnae be arsed messing about with the cases


            Nope, never had a problem with the US or Euro style boxes.
            Some empty space actually in the console to store a few cards would be cool though.


              I find the original boxes a bit annoying to put carts back in & take them out again. So I bought some protective cases and put those in my DS carry case. works like a charm for me.


                Originally posted by oblivion_6
                I use the official DS carry case for holding all the carts, it holds about 8 of them, the DS and my USB charger

                couldnae be arsed messing about with the cases
                I wish Nintendo would build some storage ports into the new DS. It would be easy to do.


                  put it in left edge first, rather than trying to mash the whole thing into the slot at once. ?


                    i put the game in to the left as the clips are quite springy and push them to the left and the cart fits in the the case


                      *Scrtaches head* im puting them in ziplock bags and hanging them in my room.

                      Drastic, but effective.

