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Deciding what to play?

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    Deciding what to play?

    For some fluke reason I ended up packing up all my game stuff. I was buying too many games that I wasn't playing and pretty much on an obsessive drive to have as many strange dual shock abusing PS2/PSone games I could find.

    I figured I'd use this week to try to focus on what I want to play, what I can put off playing, while I wait for Viewtiful Joe.

    At the my last check I was juggling: Space Fisherman -I'm a wierd one-,Dark Cloud 2, PN3 -for the 3rd time Papillion here I come-, Mr. Driller Drill Land, My Cooking, and Soul Caliber 2. Its too much for any single person. Then I got hooked on my NBA street and DW4 demo on my OPM disc. Not to mention the Viewtiful Joe demo.

    So now you get an understanding of my dilemma. Here I am trying to figure for myself what I want to play. I'm trying to narrow it down to three. Is there anything anybody else here has done in a similar situation?

    I have this trouble trying to decide which DVD to watch, I have a DB of them, so I have a random title picker in that.

    Trouble is, I often end up picking a number of times until I'm satisfied



      Tell me about it mate!!!!

      Frustrating isn't it?!

      At the moment I'm playing,


      Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
      Moto GP2 LIVE!
      Panzer Dragoon Orta


      Silent Hill 3


      Street Figher 3 3rd Strike

      Once I sort my GC's regulator board out I'll be playing,


      Soul Calibur 2
      P.N 03 (when it arrives)

      I would say that they're aren't enough hours in the day, but being un-employed at the moment means it's not strictly true.

      It does get frustrating trying to choose what to play though. Good topic!


        Originally posted by MartyG
        I have this trouble trying to decide which DVD to watch, I have a DB of them, so I have a random title picker in that.

        Trouble is, I often end up picking a number of times until I'm satisfied

        Ah, the good old, not really random, random selection. A mate used to do that on Twisted Metal all the time, yet he couldn't see how he wasn't really selecting at random.


          Tell me about im currently about play/playing


          Ridge Racer
          Rage Racer (when it arrives)
          Suikoden 2
          Raiden Project (when it arrives)


          Monkey Ball
          Wave Race


          Capcom VS SNK Millionaire Fighting (when it arrives)
          Power Stone 2 (when it arrives)

          and even more when my xbox and ps2 make it bk from will!!!

          i also have problems with deciding what to play, however my recent solution was to put a thred up in online/challenges challenging peoeple to get the fastest time on ridge racer, giving me motivation to play the game, may be setting up a score topic for one of your games could be the answer?


            I'm in the exact opposite position. I've got my 3 games sorted.

            I've just finished my exams and I have vowed to complete both Zelda:TWW and Metroid Prime, and get some good scores on Ikaruga.

            I've got the three on a cycle. It is great! Whenever Metriod gets too much for me, I relax on Ikaruga for a while, try to get some good chains going. Then when that annoys me relax out on Zelda, maybe get the ol' brain working on a couple of puzzles...



              Im struggling to spend time playing -

              PS2 (JAP)

              VF evo
              Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
              MGS 2 substance
              Silent Hill 3 (when its released in the nippon)


              Steel Battalion
              Panzer Orta


              third strike


              Castlvania SOTN
              Burning Ranger

              Game Cube (when it arrives)

              monkey ball
              nba street
              Skie of arcadia
              Lost Kingdom (when it arrives)

              Went a bit off topic i guess. One way to deal with this situation is will power, to stay with a game till its conquered! My advice is to not play any games for say a week, then you'll want to play with em even more!



                Glamorous problem, people

                And yes, I suffer from it also.


                  The trick is to sell the old stuff. You'll miss it sometimes but if you buy as many games as we do then there's always something fresh to replace them with.

                  I try never to have more than 6 games for each console. I've been finishing (or at least getting very far in ) alot of games recently which is a good sign.


                    Im bogged down in loads of games at the moment (1 exam left)


                    Chrono Trigger
                    Chrono Cross

                    Panzer Dragoon Orta

                    Castlevania HOD/ COTM (at final boss of both!)



                      I must be the only exception here, just playing Buffy on XBox atm, and enjoying it more than the reviews have told me I have a right to.


                        not haveing a good time at the mo, things keep going wrong, my roof colapsed the other day due to a burst pipe, haveing to get that sorted and play this lot, lifes so unfair

                        Currentley playing


                        suikoden 2 - About half way through, not put it on for a bit though

                        burnout 2 - play this a lot with gf its her fave at the moment

                        socom - on-line, am so addicted to this at the mo its the team element, im playing it to much though

                        gitaroo man - Just got this for ?14 of amazon it hurts my hands but i like it so much

                        Game cube

                        zelda wind waker - not enought time at the mo as it requires a hefty investment as when it goes on it stays on i dont want to play it in bits

                        Animal crossing - spending a lot of time fishin and have a three story house which needs paying for 50000000000000 bells

                        X Box

                        Pazer Dragoon 0rta finished it a few times tying to build my score up

                        Wolfenstein - mainly play it for the online thing but its a bit laggy

                        Amped - picked this up cheap and its pretty class working through careaer mode

                        indy - too much like tombraider, i love the indy films so im kinda forceing my self to play through it, no saves is doing my head in though one slip and its back to the start. spose you could say its old school



                          I did myself a favour and lent out my Cube, along with a step down which also powered my Xbox. I've only my JPN PS2 so I've been playing Rez's Area 5 cos I cant get over how wicked this track is! Then I've been sampling Psyvariar sound effects (through the hidden Sound Test option) and producing Ambient Drum on my PC with some LEVEL UP.

                          Originally posted by ZeroRisk
                          At the moment I'm playing,


                          Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
                          VR Missions? Dish some scores man.


                            im finishin uni this week and ill be back to gaming with full force

                            games ill be wanting to finish

                            zelda WW
                            animal crossing aint even been put into the GC yet
                            steel battalion
                            metroid, aint even played this once yet
                            and get better at cvs2.... cos at da mo im gettin owned on the net


                              Originally posted by Canton Province
                              Originally posted by ZeroRisk
                              At the moment I'm playing,


                              Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
                              VR Missions? Dish some scores man.
                              Will do in a bit. Only just started playing it. I've already got a few passwords though. I'll post some up next week when I've got to grips with it.

