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The making of Shadow of the Colossus

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    The making of Shadow of the Colossus

    A very interesting article on how Colossus was made. It's quite technical so perhaps one for the developers in the forum.

    They really did push PS2 very, very hard.

    Woohoo! So, I'm afraid to say my bandwidth just went through 9GB in one day. I'll be taking this page down until it's settled.

    I apologize to those who were really looking forward to reading this. I'll put it back up next week, so bookmark it and try again another time.

    Is this the one where they show how every single thing in the game was designed, modelled and animated, etc? Because it was posted before but no-one else seemed to take much interest.

    Or is it something completely different and new?


      Essentially the same but with far more depth.

      Too bad the guy ran out of bandwidth. It was an interesting article!


        Cool, I'll keep checking back for it then as I love this game and everything about it, like to see how its all done.


          Very good. The game does still look pretty rough in some areas, but they've done an amazing job on the PS2. I'm suprised I didn't register the use of stencil shadow volumes and self shadowing - must be too used to hard edges. I did wonder if the furthest level of detail was actually 2D though

