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Mario golf - worth getting?

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    Mario golf - worth getting?

    Well in the interest of saving some dosh i'm thinking of cancelling my pre-order for this over at dvdboxoffice. Having not played previous Mario Golf games i'm not sure what to expect and it's not like i'm looking forward to it unfortunately. Also if the swing system is of the type with a power bar where you press A and hit it again to swing (like Monkey Ball) then that would be a bit of a turn off.

    So what do you think? Save the money and put it towards something else or will I be missing out if I cancel?

    I'm gonna get this but not for a while. I think it'll be a nice game to own but i'm not desperate to pre order it.

    The control system might have changed a bit from the N64 version - Maybe check out some E3 impressions on sites like PGC.


      It was a fantastic game on the N64. No doubt about it.

      Although my recent clearing of my gaming collection has seen that go. I thought if a game is simullar or was updated well, keep the game I thought I would most play.

      What am I trying to say? If you've got Monkey Ball, you dont need Mario golf! Although if you really must... As it is class.


        Mario Golf was one of my fave N64 games - I can't wait for the GC version \o/ Top game.


          Mario Golf 64 was press the button on the way up for power and on the way down for slice or straight or whatever. Various other inputs as well (hit centre of ball or top or side etc).
          It was an amazingly relaxing game. Great while pissed cos it rumbles to alert you when it is your turn. Also great while hung over when you cant cope with anything more frantic.
          If you have an N64 though, just get that version. It wont be much different. possibly


            Well I checked out PGC and it seems to have power bar method unfortunately. I enjoyed Tiger Woods 2003 but found Monkey Ball Golf boring after the first few rounds. So maybe it's not the best idea for me to go ahead with it! Think I'll sit on it for a while though and see if any more previews appear on the net so I can judge it a little better.


              After a particularly desperate game drought a few years back, I bought Mario Golf for the Gameboy colour. I had no idea what to expect, not having played a golf game before, but it stayed glued firmly in my handheld for ages. Unexpectedly addictive, it was.

              And when I got that hole-in-one I was dancing round the room like a nutcase... and the only other GB game which has made me do that is Advance Wars

              I never played the N64 Mario Golf... but assuming the Gamecube version will be better than the GBC version, you can't go far wrong


                Also, GBA-connectivity. Please, don't flame me Mario Tennis N64/GBC had the same feature, taking your l33t-career tuned character into the N64 game for extra bonuses is a great feature, gaining experince when transferred back for on the move tourneys


                  I saw Mario Golf for cheap a few weeks ago, but I decided I'm going to wait for the GameCube version now.


                    I saw the new trailer for Golf earlier, and it lists the new swings you can do (massive back-spin, top-spin etc), one of them was 'manual' swing, which could well be like Tiger Woods 2003.

