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The Outfit 360

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    Is my post invisble?

    Originally posted by MJ
    Demo on its way and US pre-orders get a free faceplate at selected retailers:


      Who said that!?


        The demo for this appeared on the Marketplace last night, it's multiplayer, but I haven't played it yet.

        I was annoyed that I had to flick the switch to TV, it rebooted, change to Pal-60, it rebooted, just to load/play it because it doesn't support Pal-50.

        All this technology and it can't auto switch!


          It's really good fun!


            Yeah my and Family Fry Played this for like 2 hours today, it was a good laugh despite it being hideously jerky


              I've just had a quick go and I am underwhelmed to say the least.


                First impressions are not favourable. Probably because there can be a lot going on and just running around blind, without any instructions, doesn't do the game any favours. Playing it a bit more, however, and I find myself really enjoying it.

                The game has some huge problems. The lag can make it unplayable. I really wish all XBLive games would show you the location of the host you're connecting to, or have a Country filter. Having to go to someones Gamer Profile to see where they are is just too slow, but this is a general gripe about the XBLive system in general. It may be "simple" to use, but I think it's a pretty crap way of playing online - I want to see servers, ping times, that kind of stuff, PC style.

                Controlling the vehicles is a right bugger. It's just not easy to go in a straight line half the time, but I suspect that's partly due to the countryside map with rough terrain.

                Aiming seems a little lazy, in fact all the controls tend to be slow but I'm putting that down to lag. Not played splitscreen yet.

                There are one or two silly things going on, like when you go to buy a new item, it's default placement is right next to you rather than where you are looking. And I'm not impressed with how the game just ends when you win or lose. It just stops. You get no sense of, "If you don't capture a base within 30 seconds you will lose!". Just stops, dead.

                And the graphics, while not what everyone calls next-gen, well I quite like them. Some nice effects here and there, and there can be a lot going on.

                However, if you can get past all these things, the game itself is pretty fun. Go in to a game with 3 other people and it's a blast, running around trying to control key areas, like the Motor Pool so you can buy tanks.

                I will be buying this on release, I'm just hoping the demo was somewhat old code with the lag issues now sorted. I expect this game to be missed by the majority but I can see a small group becoming really keen players, the strategy element certainly has potential, depending on what the other maps are like.


                  Just tried the demo and to be honest, thought it was absolute arse! Everything about it screamed mediocre, even the demo itself! Multiplayer only demo? Unless the demo is a really really bad idea of how the full game is, I won't be touching this with a barge pole!


                    One more spreading the Outfit love here.

                    Don't thing I'll be buying it though, unless they attach a convincing singleplayer. Could be worth a bargin bin purchase and the demo I think will get some abuse.

                    It's all been a pretty good laugh.


                      Ah, I see the difference, I haven't even tried it online yet, just played it a lot in split screen. It's really very good like that


                        What a brilliant game, played the demo, even during the first play i could see this was a lot of fun even though i didnt know what i was doing. Had more games since then and worked out whats what and its really top fun. Most games like this are ruined by power weapons but this game is perfect, even if the other team does manage to get one of the uber tanks its easily possible to steal it or still win the game through a bit of team work or tactics.

                        Only down points are the controls of the vehicals, warthog controls for the full version please and sorting out the lag.

                        But still im thinking of buying the game come friday and hope a few ntsc/rllmuk people do too.

                        Add my gamer tag 'Sack Man 64' if you fancy a few games!


                          I'm definitely getting it. Have so much fun playing the one map demo. I hope once people accept it's not a shooter and it's mainly strategy, they'll get onboard.


                            I couldn't get into this at all, so deleted it. It may as well be an Xbox title.

                            We need a now generation Mega-lo-mania, with Live support.

