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Gamecube - Rip ???

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    Gamecube - Rip ???

    Originally posted by Darwock
    Afloat with what though? There's nothing around on cube for people to buy, so what purpose would it serve?
    That's from the Zelda thread in headlines (talking about the possibility of Twilight Princess being a GC exclusive just so we don't take Darwock out of context !!!) but it got me thinking - Bar putting on Super Mario Sunshine last week for the wee-man to have a play (he likes riding around on Yoshi "being sick" on the townsfolk !!!) my Gamecube has been gathering dust for months & months now.

    I can think of nothing bar the possibility that Zelda TTP might still land on it that makes it worth hanging on to bar the fact that I'll get hee-haw for it if I sell and I do love the little blighter - the only console with character in how long ???

    Had some good times - MonkeyBall, Luigis Mansion, 1080, Waverace, Mario, Windwaker, Metroid, Mario Parties (the bird loves them) - too many to mention.

    Still plenty for me to check out - PacMan VS, Zelda 4 Swords, Metroid 2, Animal Crossing (avoided all iterations so far), Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball, Mario Boring Day Job edition.

    I don't want any fanboy rants or anything - I'm just wondering "is it finished ?" Certainly seems that way from where I'm looking.

    In a word: yes.

    It is terrifically hard to even find GC games in Southampton these days, even GAME only stock a handful, meanwhile Gamestation charge silly money for some of the "rarer" releases like Baten Kaitos and Symphonia, even when in battered condition.

    I am gutted I didn't get a cube sooner, like the DC I missed the boat on this machine, so far I have enjoyed everything I have played on it.

    In the meantime, Yoshimax, grab yourself what you can and keep enjoying it. In about 2-3 years time you will regret ditching it and ache for some Cube action!


      Probably,yes. But im just begining to fall in love with mine.


        Well whilst it is true that aside from Twilight Princess there is nothing NEW to look forward to I still see the cube as worth holding onto for a long time to come (at least until the revolution comes along to play the games!)

        There have been some classic exclusives on the cube, some of the best things this generation. Check out Ikaruga (ok not GC exclusive!), windwaker, f-zero, monkeyball, metroid 1&2, viewtiful joe and resident evil 4 (yes last 2 now not exclusive!!).... some of my favourite games ever!


          It's dead as far as big new releases go, although the whole Zelda thing seems to still be up in the air.

          However, mine never gathers dust - & now I've finally sourced a component cable, I can fall in love all over again


            Still it does feel this generation was underused.

            Really sure the gamecube could have done so much more


              Definitely, unless they have some kind of pokepuppy surprise around the corner.

              Mine still gets regular attention, lots of classic games to catch up on and now all cheap as chips. Also this is the console that get wheeled out when friends are around as MKDD, Mario Golf and Wario Ware are all party favourites.


                Yes good shout Mr Pump I should've mentioned the party stuff - didn't want a GC post mortem or anything just wondered peoples opinions on it - cracking little machine which suffered really badly through lack of dev support.

                For parties it's fantastic - WarioWare, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Monkey Ball 1&2 - phenomenal - I have 5 pads all in cracking condition which is testament to how much of a party console it is.

                Also, I've lost count of how many "non gamers" have played Donkey Konga (Japanese version no less) at mine and bought a Gamecube within a week - unbelievable.


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                  Also, I've lost count of how many "non gamers" have played Donkey Konga (Japanese version no less) at mine and bought a Gamecube within a week - unbelievable.
                  It's worth it just to watch my Dad play Donkey Konga - truly a sight to behold.


                    Must be said with the gamecube it is the machine that i own the least amount of games for.Probably only have around 15


                      i hardly play the xbox or ps2, i'll probably still be playing the gamecube for years, i've got an absolute mountain of games to get through on it


                        Who cares?

                        It's got some brillant games for it, every console is at the end of it's life and there all cheap.

                        Dont concern yourself whether the console is "Dead" or not just play the bloody games!


                          Originally posted by master chief
                          Who cares?

                          It's got some brillant games for it, every console is at the end of it's life and there all cheap.

                          Dont concern yourself whether the console is "Dead" or not just play the bloody games!

                          Absolutely...I have neglected the old Cube recently in favour of flashier,newer machines but this morning I have vowed to plough through all those games I loved but didnt finish.

                          I am also getting a new Plasma in a couple of weeks time and will go through the progressive scan capable games such as Zelda again.

                          Its a great machine and one I know I will still play on in years to come.


                            Gamecube + Metroid Prime games >>>>>>> PS2 + Xbox.


                              the cube is getting no sympathy from me, the worst nintendo console ever. It deserved to fail the DC, PS2, and xbox offer far more than what the GC did. Nintendo got lazy, and didn't support the console enough, we were left with the disappointing mario sunshine, wind waker, and smash bros, and the horrible luigi's mansion and mariokart dd. The best nintendo release on the GC was animal crossing which was just an update of an N64 game. Many would say that others have contributed as well, but for me nintendo is the reason to buy a nintendo console, but this time round they were not on form. I'd rather forget about the gamecube and hope that nintendo do much better with the revolution.

