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Going against the grain...

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    Going against the grain...

    It happens to everyone at some point in their gaming life, that is you find yourself deviating from the beaten track of popular opinion over a given title - even something well known and well loved.

    It's no secret that you can't please everybody all of the time, so what I'm after are those areas of would-be 'controversy' for you, whether it's not liking Mario 64 or thinking Final Fantasy 8 was the best game of the entire series.

    I'll kick this off with an personal opinion which goes against popular opinion; I actually though Chrono Cross was better than Chrono Trigger (it certainly had a better combat system).

    OK, what about you? Give som e examples of where your thinking goes against the grain...

    I went against the grain by telling people that virtua fighter was a great game while they were all playing tekken, what a turnaround


      The original Wipeout i still consider to be the best of the bunch, most people I speak to seem to prefer later ones in the series. I always enjoyed the punishing difficulty of the first, it forced you to work hard to master it to compete on later levels. People never liked the way crashing against a wall brought you to an almost complete stop.


        Originally posted by optimusomega
        I went against the grain by telling people that virtua fighter was a great game while they were all playing tekken, what a turnaround
        I did the same thing, I remember being in a video game store when Tekken 4 came out and some guy was picking it up and I remarked, it won't measure up to Virtua Fighter. The salesperson quickly countered how this Tekken would be different. I of course was right!

        Still in the states there is this rampant SC2 fanboyism that really pisses me off, Evo has depth in spades over Soul Calibur. So now I'm going against the grain of that.

        I think people are generally dismissive of Virtua Fighter.


          Originally posted by Che Musashi
          Originally posted by optimusomega
          I went against the grain by telling people that virtua fighter was a great game while they were all playing tekken, what a turnaround
          I did the same thing, I remember being in a video game store when Tekken 4 came out and some guy was picking it up and I remarked, it won't measure up to Virtua Fighter. The salesperson quickly countered how this Tekken would be different. I of course was right!

          Still in the states there is this rampant SC2 fanboyism that really pisses me off, Evo has depth in spades over Soul Calibur. So now I'm going against the grain of that.

          I think people are generally dismissive of Virtua Fighter.
          Same here in the UK (in general), that why I go out of my way to convince people of the sickness that is VF


            Its the other way round in Japan (thankfully).

            No one and I mean no one gives a flying **** about Tekken here.

            SC2 is very marginal

            and literally most arcade gamers are playing VF. The game really has united the arcade gamers here. For every SC2 player there must be at least 200 VF players (the difference in popularity is that huge).

            And as for SC2 fanboyism- I still very much like the game (and I`m Japanese tournament standard) but it doesn`t compare at all to Evo.


              The original Wipeout i still consider to be the best of the bunch
              I agree, although Wi3eout SE was definitive IMO. Hmm..Isuppose that means I don't agree

              No one and I mean no one gives a flying **** about Tekken here.
              Quite right too.

              Personally (although I have been known to partake) I was always mystified by Castlevanias following. It's just a tarted up Spectrum arcade adventure.

              Just as Biohazard was touted as new and exciting when it is really just a spooky Pyjamarama.


                I went against the grain when I was younger. It was always SF2 in the shops and the small arcade we had in our area.
                When the arcade expanded, we got Samurai Shodown. Everyone else shunned it, even though it's pretty much the same as SF2 but with weapons.

                After a while they started playing it. SF2 still ruled though. I just went against the grain for a bit.


                  I bought a CD32


                    MAJORAS MASK is better than Ocarina of Time!!!! And you all know it!!!!

                    Better darker story, more action, just better!


                      Nice topic...

                      I tend to feel that personal preference when it comes to games is always more important than sticking with the "accepted norm" every if it is the "hardcore" norm.

                      I've noticed in many other forums (although rarely this one) that saying you don't like x because y is asking for flames... it's sad when your choices are limited by what everyone else thinks.


                        I clocked up 100+ hours on Sonic Adventure 2 to unlock the Green Hill ZOne. And loved every second of it.


                          Originally posted by jassi singh
                          MAJORAS MASK is better than Ocarina of Time!!!! And you all know it!!!!

                          Better darker story, more action, just better!
                          I second that notion. I was beginning to think my sister and I were the only two people in the world who thought MM was better than OOT.


                            hmm.. let me see..

                            I love the gamecube!! *sticks two fingers up to all the whiners*

                            The PSone was the best console of the last generation and Sony have yet to beat it

                            Super Mario Sunshine is way better than crummy old Jak & Daxter.

                            Starfox Adventures aint half bad and neither is Haven: Call Of The King

                            okay now lets trash some respected games:
                            Metal Gear Solid = crap
                            Resident Evil = crap
                            Maximo = crap
                            Splinter Cell = crap
                            Gran Turismo 1+2 = crap
                            Gran Turismo 3 = classic
                            pikmin = crap
                            star wars: rouge leader = crap
                            super monkey ball 2 = crap
                            zelda: link to the past = crap
                            virtua fighter 4 = crap

                            that was v.satisfying 8)

                            oh and one last one for fun!

                            ikaruga = crap crappety crap


                              i think halo is pretty crap

