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NTSC-UK... I need your help!!!

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    NTSC-UK... I need your help!!!

    Dear boys and girls,

    I'm currently writing a report on Consumer Behaviour for Marketing for one of my university modules, and the topic is examining buyer behaviour towards videogame consoles (particularly the Nintendo Gamecube). I need to conduct some primary research for this project in the form of the following questionnaire however. So..... I need you guys to complete it!

    To make this fun, I'll be awarding a prize each to two random posters (names will be drawn from a hat); first name drawn gets ?10 cash, the second will get the PAL ps2 version of Max Payne. Yeah, I know its not much, but hey... it's free. Anyhow, you'd all be doing me a huge favour.

    Everyone who completes the questionnaire will have their name added to the draw, but if you don't want to be included for any reason, just state so at the end of your post.

    Tuesday the 7th is probably going to be the last day that I'll be accepting answers, so get in there early!

    Any questions, feel free to ask...

    Here we go...

    Part 1

    1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

    - Exclusive games available (or will be available)

    - Graphical power of the console

    - Brand name

    - Design/Aesthetics

    - DVD playability

    - Online Play

    - HDTV compatibility

    - Third party support

    - Price

    2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

    GameCube PS2 XBOX

    Exclusive Games

    Graphical power

    Brand name


    DVD playability

    Online Play

    HDTV compatibility

    Third party support


    Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

    Part 2

    Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

    3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

    4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

    5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

    6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

    7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

    8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

    9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

    Part 3

    These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

    10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

    11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

    12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

    Part 4

    Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

    That's it... thanks a lot to everyone who's participated!!!!


    Forgot to mention... feel free to post your answers in this thread; you don't have to PM me. This helps keep track of how many posters answered the questionnaire as well.


      Where's the part it say's win a Xbox 360.


        Part 1

        1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

        - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 10

        - Graphical power of the console 7

        - Brand name 3

        - Design/Aesthetics 5

        - DVD playability 5

        - Online Play 8

        - HDTV compatibility 2

        - Third party support 8

        - Price 10

        2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

        GameCube PS2 XBOX

        Exclusive Games 10 7 10

        Graphical power 9 6 10

        Brand name 8 8 9

        Design/Aesthetics 7 3 4

        DVD playability 0 7 7

        Online Play 1 4 10

        HDTV compatibility 0 0 4

        Third party support 5 10 7

        Price 10 5 7

        Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

        Part 2

        Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

        3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?
        The quality has been pretty good with quite a few gems out there such as Doshin the Giant, Animal crossing, Metroid prime games, Pikmin etc.
        I feel Nintendo have given quite a few decent games since 2001

        4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).
        I think theres a fair variety of games on the Gamecube from FPS, Racing to Party titles. It doesnt have quite the variety of PS2, but it doesnt half half as many games as PS2! 2nd and 3rd party developers have bought out quite a selection for the consumers as well as the usual Fifa, Mario party etc.

        5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).
        I think overall the console is pretty neat, Small and quiet, but powerful and fun.
        The shape is pretty cool but the open top for Cd's annoys me as you have to have room above the console to get into it, although this does mean it cant break like a DVD/CD tray. The handle on the back suggests just how portable/light it is but if the gameboy player attachment is on I don't trust the handle and hold the console by the bottom too.
        Theres a few nice colour choices, Black, spice and silver.
        I wish they had made a classic Nes version and maybe a LTD edition Blue one

        6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).
        Gaming to me means alot. It means enjoying yourself while doing some in a "virtual" world, be it racing, shooting or else. It lets you escape from this crazy world to a world where you can be a plumber who saves princesses, a top secret agent, a taxi driver or even a 30ft tall giant. All at the touch of a button. Saving the world in a few hours, from merely pressing various buttons and analouge sticks/dpads.

        7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?
        I feel happy and with the fair quality games on gamecube It makes me wish the Gamecube was more popular than it is as it didn't deserve to be so dead in retailers as it is today.

        8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?
        Not that important but I do hope people realize Nintendo aren't "for kids" and that Good quality games can always be found on Nintendo

        9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?
        4 player games, Exclusive Nintendo games (And what was exclusive Sega and Capcom games, most availble on other formats too (EG. Resident evil 4, Viewtiful joe, Monkey ball, Sonic mega collection, Killer 7)

        Part 3

        These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

        10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?
        Lack of new games, Bordem of current games, improoved everything, new features.

        11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?
        Sites reviewing the console with praise, Launch games and price.

        12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?
        Quite a bit, I do a fair lot of other things including PC, activities outdoors, but I get usually a minimum of a hour a day, sometimes a few hours.

        Part 4

        Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?
        Not dissapointed really but more Multiformat titles only appearing on Xbox and PS2 annoyed me. EG. Psychonauts, GTA, etc
        More games being released, decent online play, Storage other than small, expensive memory cards and dvd compatibility would make the Revolution much more appealing to me than the Gamecube.
        But the Gamecube for me did deliver Games wise by Nintendo and some 2nd/3rd party stuff.

        What do I win?
        Last edited by Ouenben; 02-03-2006, 21:08.


          I pm'd you.


            Part 1

            1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

            - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 9

            - Graphical power of the console 10

            - Brand name 3

            - Design/Aesthetics 2

            - DVD playability 1

            - Online Play 6

            - HDTV compatibility 7

            - Third party support 10

            - Price 5

            2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

            GameCube PS2 XBOX

            Exclusive Games 7 8 6

            Graphical power 7 6 10

            Brand name 5 9 8

            Design/Aesthetics 6 5 3

            DVD playability 0 7 7

            Online Play 1 3 10

            HDTV compatibility 1 1 5

            Third party support 1 10 8

            Price 6 8 8

            Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

            Part 2

            Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

            3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

            Very, very disappointing, although the Gamecube does have some very nice first party software, games like Mario Sunshine and Pikmin felt very undercooked. Metroid and the Wind Waker, were great though.

            4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

            Realistically, the Gamecube has some good titles, although variety perhaps isn?t its best feature, it best games are somewhat different to the norm as they are infused with ingenuity. Bottom line if variety floats your boat ? its best that you look elsewhere.

            5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

            Functional. It looks nice and is capable of what it needs to do, the machine lid gets in the way of its otherwise compact nature ? although this should be seen as a minimal problem. The controller feels lovely as it is modelled perfectly to the human hand ? and the introduced wireless pad was ingenious, the only quibble I have with the pad is that the D-Pad was horrid and may have hampered certain titles ? especially fighters.

            6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

            Wow. What a question! Well, escapism is probably the key word for me. I expect to feel immersed in the gaming world I?m in whilst feeling comfortable and working effortlessly (with exceptions Virtua Fighter, Pro Evo etc..).

            7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

            I really enjoy using my cube, and if anything it makes me feel ?proud? to be a gamer ? I just there were more opportunities to use it..

            8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

            Not Bothered at all, although as I work in a games store, I occasionally try and convince people to try the cube because it has some very unique titles which certainly cannot be found on other machines. I try to portray the machine as an ?underground? gaming unit?

            9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

            For me the largest benefit must be ? having the chance to play its exclusive titles.

            Part 3

            These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

            10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

            Technology mainly for me, I love to feel excited about how my favourite developers will use this lovely new technology.

            11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

            Reading about its upcoming line-up, viewing trailers and listening to others as they get sucked into the hype!

            12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

            A very large amount of my time is dedicated into the world of gaming, as im always reading news, reviews and fan forums to discuss the latest. Strangely the amount of time I actually spend playing games has decreased ? but not my enthusiasm for it. On average (bar the ?special games) I tend to spend around 10 ? 15 hours gaming a week?

            Part 4

            Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

            Generally, I wasn?t disappointed with the GameCube itself, but rather the image it gave itself. It caused Developers to shy away from the machine, and cause its premature end. For me I?d love to see Nintendo compete in the console market properly again (Powerful machine, DVD playback, Online). I?m actually really disappointed with the Revolutions approach as I feel Nintendo will be forced to use its controller on its beloved games ? and essentially turn them into simple party games.


              Part 1

              1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

              - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 8

              - Graphical power of the console 8

              - Brand name 4

              - Design/Aesthetics 6

              - DVD playability 1

              - Online Play 7

              - HDTV compatibility 7

              - Third party support 8

              - Price 7

              2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

              GameCube PS2 XBOX

              Exclusive Games 8, 7, 6

              Graphical power 7, 6, 8

              Brand name 8, 7, 7

              Design/Aesthetics 8, 5, 6

              DVD playability 0, 5, 6

              Online Play 1, 5, 8

              HDTV compatibility 2, 4, 8

              Third party support 3, 10, 8

              Price 10, 8, 8

              Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

              Part 2

              Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

              3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

              In the main, exceptional, although there are lazy examples of continuing franchises (Mario Party etc)

              4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

              Initially, reasonable, though as with last-gen, quite a sudden dropfoff to the point where essentially only a few majors (EA etc) support it, if at all. Second-party support, again, initially good but with lacklustre, few-and-far-between recent examples (Star Fox Assault, Donkey Konga 2, Mario Smash Football, Mario DDR, Geist, although that's only sort of second-party).

              5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

              A lovely little bundle of joy - the GC is easily the best designed of the current gen. The GC controller (slight reservations about the octagonal grooves for the stick, tiny D-pad and naff Z-button) is also quite lovely and most ergonomic. The WaveBird also knocks everything else into a cocked hat.

              6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

              Gaming means my scant free time gets burned up deceptively quickly It's not like it used to be, and I find myself going for shallower, quick-fix games rather than stuff that's long haul.

              7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

              Shiny and happy.

              8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

              I couldn't care less and find it amusing when it gets called kiddified.

              9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

              Outside of Nintendo games, nothing tangible or "spiritual" *cough* The power light smiles at me.

              Part 3

              These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

              10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

              New features, better graphics, the promise of the thrill of the new.

              11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

              The hype machine, boyee. I like new toys.

              12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

              I have less time than ever to indulge in gaming, and even less on other time-consuming things I used to partake in.

              Part 4

              Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

              Nintendo needs to reverse a depressingly familiar cycle and improve its third-party relationships.


              Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).
              This is a bit poorly constructed, because at the beginning of this section you ask how I think each platform ranks in terms of branding, but then retroactively tie it in to how likely I am to purchase said console. So, obviously, I think PlayStation is unquestionably the market leader in terms of brand name and recognisability but would that influence me personally when deciding what to buy? Nope.
              Last edited by anephric; 03-03-2006, 01:44.


                Soz, can't turn the sodding emboldening off. I give up. It's not cos I DESPERATELY WANT TO WIN THAT COPY OF MAX PAYNE or anything.


                  Originally posted by anephric
                  This is a bit poorly constructed, because at the beginning of this section you ask how I think each platform ranks in terms of branding, but then retroactively tie it in to how likely I am to purchase said console. So, obviously, I think PlayStation is unquestionably the market leader in terms of brand name and recognisability but would that influence me personally when deciding what to buy? Nope.
                  To clarify: by brand name, I didn't mean who has the strongest brand in general (as in which brand the public perceives as best), but rather how strongly it would appeal to you and, like you said, influence you personally when deciding whether to buy that console or not. The logic behind this stems from the fact that some people would buy a console just because it was made by Nintendo (for example). Hope that clears things up.


                    Part 1

                    1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

                    - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 5

                    - Graphical power of the console 10

                    - Brand name 5

                    - Design/Aesthetics 8

                    - DVD playability 1

                    - Online Play 1

                    - HDTV compatibility 5

                    - Third party support 9

                    - Price 7

                    2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

                    GameCube PS2 XBOX

                    Exclusive Games 7 6 6

                    Graphical power 7 6 7

                    Brand name 4 8 6

                    Design/Aesthetics 8 7 4

                    DVD playability 6 5 4

                    Online Play 2 2 5

                    HDTV compatibility 2 2 3

                    Third party support 1 7 7

                    Price 3 3 4

                    Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

                    Part 2

                    Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

                    3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

                    imaginative, creative and fun, they concentrate on the important aspects rather than rely on fleshing games out with added facets. Everything they design, has a designed appeal much like Apple. They are in the business, because they want to be.

                    4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

                    All round really in terms of variety, 1st party games are well developed and entertaining mostly, their third party support is lacking as of late and developers who do cross platform releases tend to neglect the cube in favor of other consoles.

                    5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

                    The in thing to have different looking consoles to is just a gimmick, as no one really looks at their console for longer than 10 mins. bu the design of the cube and the limited edition Panasonic Q sows how to appeal to different sides of the market with a cute, robust looking normal cube to a sexy, sleek Q

                    6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

                    it means a lot, where people watch a movie listen to a song or read a book to relax and enjoy themselves, i see video games as an extension of this. Much like an interactive movie which emcompasses all the above. I see it as the future of entertainment as we strive to cram more things into our daily live, video games open a window of opportunity into interactive entertainment.

                    7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

                    I feel somewaht special, because it is a highly neglected platform amongst the crowd and especially as titles are hard to come by, evertime i purchase a new game, i feel a buzz and excitment, like when i was younger with my super nintendo. Everything from the packaging to the intuitive controller to the simplistic yet stylish interface of the cube screams style. One word really, and thats 'special'

                    8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

                    not that anyones opinion to matter to anyone who enjys there pass time, afetall if your not hurting anyone then its all good in my book (within reason!) I hope to convey to another person that i am enjoying somting 'special' here and that if somthing like this brings happiness into my life, maybe it will to you.

                    Oh and id like to prove im hardcore with my Panasonic Q and prolific line up of jap games

                    9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

                    i get to have the best box art design since ever, that is the jap GC boxes. I get to play Biohazard remake! Also, unlike the other same gen platforms, the cube gives you a warm feeling inside, whats that word again? ahh yes "special!"

                    Part 3

                    These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

                    10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

                    - new graphical prowess
                    - new better games (sometimes when its not a rush job to meet launch dates).
                    - ntsc forum members
                    - evertime a new console comes out, i always look to the interface, in this cae the joypads, with nintendo, they take the bar to anothe level with each successive console release.

                    11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

                    the next survival horror game or RPG really................ i like a good story line and if it looks pretty then even better!

                    12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

                    i dont play games as much as i like, infact i went through a period of jus purchasing, but in recent months i have been making the effort to leave aside some time to play them more as i have had a resurgence in gaming, which i am very appy about.

                    Working and having an active social life leaves little time, but like anything, if you dont have time, you make time, simple as!

                    Part 4

                    Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

                    the 3d models in all nintendo games always seem a bit hollow or simple to look at in some games, in PS2 games they seem more solid i dont know if it is the machines capabilities or jus the way you code things, but there is usually a great difference in back grounds and controllable characters that makes games lose there atmosphere.

                    id like to see better 3rd party support, more frequent game releases. cheaper games, more RGB support, and err................ a better support all round for their consoles.



                      And here's my answers if others want to read them (interesting reading others)

                      Part 1
                      1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

                      - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 9

                      - Graphical power of the console 4

                      - Brand name 3

                      - Design/Aesthetics 5

                      - DVD playability 2

                      - Online Play 5

                      - HDTV compatibility 6

                      - Third party support 8

                      - Price 2

                      2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

                      GameCube PS2 XBOX

                      Exclusive Games 6 8 3

                      Graphical power 5 6 7

                      Brand name 6 7 3

                      Design/Aesthetics 6 7 2

                      DVD playability 0 4 7 (because my XBOX is chipped otherwise 2)

                      Online Play 0 0 6

                      HDTV compatibility 0 0 0 (have no experience)

                      Third party support 2 8 5

                      Price 10 8 7

                      Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

                      Part 2

                      Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

                      3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

                      Overall average with the exception of one or 2 titles (Zelda and Metroid), saying that it is still a lot higher than most devs. Capcom however has shned on the GC.

                      4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

                      Everything catered for (to a high level) besides: sports, fighting, fps (which in my eyes is a real let down, hence why I own all 3 consoles). Variety is better than XBOX but way behind PS2

                      5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

                      Controller is fab (esp Wavebird - first wireless I used and was blown away, even started using GC more because of it) except for stupid placement of z button. Do feel Nintendo need to let the who A, B, C button where C is not a button thing go, looks like they will do with rev. Console is nice and tidy but not "serious" enough for the masses. Look kiddy proof! I like my silver one very much however.

                      6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

                      It's something I have known for as long as I can remember, it's been with me everyday and I see it as some see any activity. It is my main hobby although I play less and less I get older, and seem to spend more and more time reading abuot games than playing them. Gaming for me is as much an art form as paint, film, literature. It's something which at times moves me very much, I think any gamer has been blown away many times when seeing certain things games can do.

                      7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

                      I feel happy and often feel as though I'm not going to have to use up as much energy "thinking" when using my GC as compared to my PS2 or XBOX (if that makes sense. Similar to the Dreamcast it is the most easy to pick up and play.

                      8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

                      Long since cared about what others think, never been a fanboy but I am a massive fan of Nintendo. It's interesting that my non gaming friends (who couldn;t name more than 3 current gen games if they tried) see the GC as the kiddie on, they understand less why I play on it as compared to the other 2.

                      9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

                      Same as the others, nothing stands out. I find that the controller is the hardest for non gamers to use when attempting multiplayer games (same as XBOX), think people have seen Dualshocks for so long that they now how to hold them.

                      Part 3

                      These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

                      10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

                      I have lots of money now so can afford them, I bought an XBOX 360 in Dec and have yet to buy a game for it.

                      11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

                      It comes out

                      12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

                      Spend maybe 14 hours a week playing games (of which 10 would be just playing Pro evo 5 on PS2 or XBOX), spend just as long reading about them in mags and forums.

                      Part 4

                      Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

                      Nintendo UK is a disgrace, I will buy a US rev and import all my games. Was going to do this for GC but someone bought me one as a surprise!! Apart from that the release list could be improved (but is what I expected).
                      Last edited by Reef; 03-03-2006, 15:41.


                        Part 1

                        1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

                        - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 10

                        - Graphical power of the console 6

                        - Brand name 1

                        - Design/Aesthetics 1

                        - DVD playability 1

                        - Online Play 7

                        - HDTV compatibility 7

                        - Third party support 10

                        - Price 4

                        2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

                        GameCube PS2 XBOX

                        Exclusive Games 10 10 10

                        Graphical power 9 8 10

                        Brand name 9 10 4

                        Design/Aesthetics 8 7 5

                        DVD playability 0 5 7

                        Online Play 1 5 7

                        HDTV compatibility 2 2 2

                        Third party support 5 10 8

                        Price 10 8 9

                        Note: a console may play DVD?s but you can still rate it below 10, if you feel that there could be an improvement (e.g. removal of region locking). In terms of HDTV, if the console doesn?t support all resolutions, that could also dock points. It is entirely up to you. Finally, if you rank Brand Name high, that means you are more likely to purchase that console based (but not solely) on its reputation (or the reputation of its maker).

                        Part 2

                        Please answer the following questions. Two or three sentences for each question will suffice, but if you want to write more, feel free (especially question 6).

                        3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

                        First party needs to be more varied. Terrible exploitation of the Mario characters. Did we really need Mario Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, Golf and Party 7? Nintendo needs a new franchise or reinvent existing one such as what happened with Metroid.

                        4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

                        The range of games on the cube is designed for a more hardcore gamer. Publishers have stopped supporting it tragically. Capcom's output has been fantastic for the cube. More developers need to support it. The odder games are superb though, Donkey Konga for example. and Odama when it's released.

                        5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

                        I love the cutish purple cube design. It screams game machine more than the non descript black sony box. its small and fits in nicelt anywhere. the controllers are nice to hold but a button layout that is so different from competitor's controllers is a drawback.

                        6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

                        For me gaming can only be vaguely described because, as is well recognised in the field of game academia, we don't have the words to correctly define it. for me it is a lifestyle and it defines my own pop culture microcosm. i feel part of a strong community. the experience of gaming is like nothing else. a good immersive game cannot be beaten. some of my best memories are linked to games.

                        7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?

                        I enjoy playing games on the cube as it just feels so gamey. other than that it makes me feel no different than playing on anything else.

                        8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

                        i don't try to convey any image when playing the cube. to do so is pretentious. i play the games i want to and if they are on cube then i'll play them on cube. other people's negative opinions of the game are narrow minded and put simply, retarded.

                        9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

                        The same as any console, the exclusive games. the only benefit any console has over another (other than online implementation) is the exclusive games really. and it's region free work around (free loader).

                        Part 3

                        These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

                        10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

                        It's existance.

                        11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

                        It's existance.

                        12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

                        i do nothing else other than see friends. unless the misses is feeling horny. if i'm not in the pub i'll be playing games and i don't go to the pub that much.

                        Part 4

                        Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

                        Mario is old now. raping the franchise isn't acceptable anymore. The Revolution needs more support from first and third party publishers than the cube. I don't want to see cheap uses of the controller (see shoddy DS games). i want new franchises designed exclusively for the controller or existing ones re-imagined. i want DS connectivity. And we *need* online now.

                        And don't give me anymore **** about 3D advance wars. just do it properly. Kuju never will.

                        And Iwata, this goes out to you. The first time i see a mario soccer/golf/tennis/basketball/snow board/party game i will personally fly to japan and uppercut you and miyamoto so hard it will make Mario pop up a pipe.


                          Part 1

                          Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

                          - Exclusive games available (or will be available) - 8

                          - Graphical power of the console - 1

                          - Brand name - 1

                          - Design/Aesthetics - 1

                          - DVD playability - 1

                          - Online Play - 5

                          - HDTV compatibility - 1

                          - Third party support - 10

                          - Price - 7

                          GameCube PS2 XBOX

                          Exclusive Games ? 7/9/5

                          Graphical power ? 7/7/8

                          Brand name ? 6/7/4

                          Design/Aesthetics ? 5/7/4

                          DVD playability - 0/6/7

                          Online Play ? 0/0/7

                          HDTV compatibility ? 0/0/0

                          Third party support - 5/8/7

                          Price ? 7/7/7

                          Part 2

                          How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?

                          The quality of Gamecube games is good, but not fantastic. Most Nintendo games on the Gamecube play very much the same as the N64 editions.

                          Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).

                          Like the N64 disappointing, unless you like Nintendo games there?s not much here in terms of choice. Most of the third party games Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, etc on the system you can get on a rival console/s.

                          What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see).

                          Looks like something a toy manufacturer would design. The build quality is of low standard, feels very plastic. Plus that handle was of no use what so ever. As for the contoller, I though it was good, felt comfortable, apart from the Z button and D pad position. Totally useless for beat em up?s.

                          What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).

                          This could mean quite a few things actually? It?s about getting entertained, losing your self in a electronic world, having mates round for a couple of jars and having a laugh.

                          How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself?)

                          Like any other system. Put a game in, press the power button and away you go, nothing exciting here.

                          How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?

                          Couldn?t care less what they thought. If they don?t like it, then they can piss off.

                          9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?

                          None for me it was just more Nintendo, more Nintendo, more Nintendo. IMO.

                          Part 3

                          These next 3 questions relate to ANY console, not just Nintendo?s.

                          What triggers the need inside you for a new console?

                          The games, it?s all about the games.

                          Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?

                          Again titles I want to play, online gaming, backward compatibility, Multimedia content.

                          How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?

                          Games used to take more of my time than any other interest. Not so much now though, I tend to read more, play the Guitar, listen to music and watch movies now than play games. Plus sometimes I just can?t be bothered.

                          Part 4

                          Finally: if you have been disappointed with the GameCube for any reason, what changes would you like to see implemented (regardless of whether this has already been announced or not) in the Revolution to help satisfy you as a consumer (e.g. online play)?

                          The only area that disappointed me was the lack of tiles from third party?s. More of this would have been nice, plus most of the Nintendo games are the same from previous generation. For me, it doesn?t matter what?s implemented in the Revolution as I?m fed up with Nintendo IP. I won?t be buying any Nintendo system again because all you get is more of the same.


                            Awesome. Now we're rolling. And to celebrate, I'll add one more prize: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (NTSC, Original Version). Now we'll have three winners!!!

                            Keep 'em coming guys!


                              Part 1

                              1) Rank the following (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not important at all, 10 means extremely important) when considering the purchase of a videogame console:

                              - Exclusive games available (or will be available) 9

                              - Graphical power of the console 6

                              - Brand name 3

                              - Design/Aesthetics 7

                              - DVD playability 4

                              - Online Play 2

                              - HDTV compatibility 1

                              - Third party support 5

                              - Price 5

                              2) Rank how you think the 3 consoles perform in each area (on a scale of 0 to 10, where zero means that a console does NOT support a feature and 10 means excellent):

                              GameCube PS2 XBOX

                              Exclusive Games 8 9 3

                              Graphical power 8 4 8

                              Brand name 8 8 4

                              Design/Aesthetics 8 6 3

                              DVD playability 0 6 8

                              Online Play 1 3 7

                              HDTV compatibility 5 5 5

                              Third party support 5 9 7

                              Price 9 7 7

                              Part 2

                              3) How would you describe the quality of Nintendo?s games for the GameCube?
                              they are very good, the only games that I can think of enjoying over the last 3 years have been Nintendos Gamecube ones, with a couple from Capcom.

                              4) Comment on the range and variety of games that you may find on the GameCube (this includes second and third-party games).
                              Not enough good third party games like Pro Evo. Soccer, if it did have, it would be pretty perfect.

                              5) What do you think of the design of the console (including ergonomics of the controller)? You may comment on colour choice as well (including any colours you would have liked to see). great design, shouldnt have pushed purple, although I like it. Siller is the best I think, and should have been the focus from the start. The controller is my favourite ever yo. Wavebird especially.

                              6) What does gaming mean to you? (Feel free to write a longer answer here).
                              A way to kill a bit of time really, something to do at night.

                              7) How do you feel about playing games on the GameCube (how does the product make you feel about yourself)?
                              Makes me feel happy, like i'm indulging in sweets/art.

                              8] How important are other people?s opinions of you playing games on the GameCube? What kind of image (if any) do you hope to convey?
                              Don't give a damn, really.

                              9) What are the benefits to you of playing on the GameCube?
                              Kills time, have fun. Expands creativity.

                              Part 3

                              10) What triggers the need inside you for a new console?
                              I want to play some new games, and I like what multimedia options it has, e.g dvd player.

                              11) Who or what usually convinces you to purchase a new console?
                              When price comes below ?100 and it has a good amount of fun games.

                              12) How involved are you in videogames in proportion to other hobbies/activities AND in terms of the number of hours spent weekly playing games?
                              Not very any more, sometimes I dont play games for about a month, but i'm interested in them nonetheless. I have other hobbies that have preference.

                              Part 4

                              Better range of games, like RPG's, more exclusive games without Mario, not so child centric, so it would be more popular which equals more games.

