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Oooh, I Did Like To Be Beside The Seaside - Your Thoughts

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    i remember queing outside sega park in bournemouth (then world) on its first weekend of opening. the excitement was something i never again recaptured in an arcade! the 8 player virtua racing and outrunners were fantastic, and you always had to wait to get a go, nothing like the sad state the place is in today! i wrote an email to sega a year or two ago asking why the place was in such a poor state now. they did reply, and said that they had nothing to do with the running of the park now. its such a shame, tho i still do visit there, if only for outrun 2 sp!


      Impressive piece of work Seany*, this and other people comments really got in me into a nostalgic frame of mind. I remember completing The Simpsons arcade in Skegness one year, and the first time I saw Street Fighter 2 in the the flesh. I used to love going to Scarborough and Bridlington as a kid, it was arcade heaven. I went there a couple of years ago and the only machines I saw in the arcades were shooting and dancing games. I long to play Shinobi, Golden Axe and that boxing game where you have a big afro again.

      * Of course, after reading Mr Smith's rant against that twatty Portsmouth fan I knew the boy had writing talent.

      Add his St Patricks Day thread to that as well.


        Originally posted by Yoraths mullet
        * Of course, after reading Mr Smith's rant against that twatty Portsmouth fan I knew the boy had writing talent.

        Add his St Patricks Day thread to that as well.
        Cheers, son. My legendary pop at PFC Westwood - if only there was a way of incorporating that into my next review.

        Charles and the team would probably ban me from the team if I did though.

        Grrr - Portsmouth


          This article was spot on. Blackpool used to be the Holy Grail of arcades for those of us in the North. Now it's just fruit machines as far as the eye can see. I was there a couple of months ago and decided to try and relive the arcade glee of my youth. I wasn't successful.


            I got weak in the knees in Christchurch airport in New Zealand, it had an original Outrun cabinet where you could sit in the car! beautiful, only nw$1 a go - 35p!

