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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    edit : Done it again - must read posts !
    Last edited by Simmy; 20-02-2007, 16:38.


      What's the point of having "Arcade Wednesdays" if they're not gonna release stuff half the time? Why not just put stuff out when it's ready, regardless of the day?


        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
        What's the point of having "Arcade Wednesdays" if they're not gonna release stuff half the time? Why not just put stuff out when it's ready, regardless of the day?
        To be fair, arcade Wednesdays was a promotion last summer which lasted for a couple of months at most.

        They haven't promised anything since then.


          They do make quite a big deal of games being released *on Wednesdays* though. It's never promised, but it's come to be expected that Wednesday means a Live Arcade game.


            The Arcade Wednesday has looked like this for 2007:

            Nothing - 3rd Jan 2007
            Ms PacMan - 10th Jan 2007
            Heavy Weapon - 17th Jan 2007
            Lumines Add-on - 24th Jan 2007
            Nothing - 31st Jan 2007
            Root Beer Tapper - 7th Feb 2007
            Paperboy - 14th Feb
            Nothing - 21st Feb 2007

            Makes for pretty bleak reading really, given how Microsoft keeps banging on about all these great games coming to XBLA. I haven't used any points at all this year so far - edit - no I did get the mission pack for Lumines, so 100 points then.
            Last edited by MartyG; 21-02-2007, 08:55.


              I didn't like the video on gamerscoreblog, I don't think they should be so flippant about poor service, whether or not it was intended as being funny is irrellevant, it's idiotic.

              Pretty poor all round to be honest.


                Originally posted by
                Xbox Live Arcade for the week of 2/19

                What’s up with Arcade this week? Well I am glad you ask (or about to) so I’ll give you the straight deal-eo:

                There will be no Xbox Live Arcade release this Wednesday, as the scheduled title was delayed. We have a very high bar that each title must pass over in order to be released on Xbox Live Arcade and unfortunately, no titles were ready in time.

                There is not much more to say (or is there?) As soon as I have news about next week, I’ll post about it.
                Let the rumours commence once again


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  I didn't like the video on gamerscoreblog, I don't think they should be so flippant about poor service, whether or not it was intended as being funny is irrellevant, it's idiotic.
                  They got the point across well even if it did feel idiotic.

                  I remember Microsoft keep banging on and on about how they will kick start the year with quality titles yet we have absolutely nothing that feels like you have spent your money wisely.

                  I got one of those 2100 Microsoft-points for Christmas and it hasn't been used yet due to the poor service towards Arcade as of late. The last game I really, really enjoyed is Cloning Clyde way back in July last year.


                    Everyone keeps saying how poor its been and everything and i agree, but when it comes down to it if a game isnt ready it isnt ready. Its not like MS dont want to release them is it.


                      MS already have my money. Points are waiting to be used.

                      With regards to the above - the simple answer is if the demand is there place more resources and importance on expanding XBLA. It's hopefully what will happen - MS are far more community-centric than either Sony or Nintendo appear to be (though there is a certain level of PR spin to that reality).


                        On launch day, we got 15 Arcade games:

                        Bankshot Billiards 2
                        Bejeweled 2
                        Geometry Wars
                        Hardwood Backgammon
                        Hardwood Hearts
                        Hardwood Spades
                        Mutant Storm
                        Outpost Kaloki X
                        Smash TV
                        Wik: Fable of Souls

                        Since then, it was always difficult to live up to that billing where at least 4 or 5 of those are perhaps the very best Arcade games available to download. The gap between the launch until the 'Summer of Arcade' line-up where the likes of Cloning Clyde, Frogger, Galaga, Pac-Man and Street Fighter II was so very poor.

                        Between that timeframe we only got Astropop, Crystal Quest, Feeding Frenzy, Jewel Quest and Marble Blast Ultra so to wait between December till July where you only got five games in which only one or two of them is worth buying is unacceptable.

                        The Live Arcade service still has far too many retro games and not enough new and original content to keep the service consistent and enjoyable.

                        The Live Arcade has great potential but it isn't being realised at all.


                          Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
                          On launch day, we got 15 Arcade games:

                          Bankshot Billiards 2
                          Bejeweled 2
                          Geometry Wars
                          Hardwood Backgammon
                          Hardwood Hearts
                          Hardwood Spades
                          Mutant Storm
                          Outpost Kaloki X
                          Smash TV
                          Wik: Fable of Souls

                          Since then, it was always difficult to live up to that billing where at least 4 or 5 of those are perhaps the very best Arcade games available to download. The gap between the launch until the 'Summer of Arcade' line-up where the likes of Cloning Clyde, Frogger, Galaga, Pac-Man and Street Fighter II was so very poor.

                          Between that timeframe we only got Astropop, Crystal Quest, Feeding Frenzy, Jewel Quest and Marble Blast Ultra so to wait between December till July where you only got five games in which only one or two of them is worth buying is unacceptable.
                          That's wrong. The three hardwood games came shortly after launch and were all released together. Wik was released after that and then Robotron and Joust were both released at the same time. And of course Hexic came with the hard drive.

                          So eleven games released in that period, not five.

                          I remember Microsoft keep banging on and on about how they will kick start the year with quality titles yet we have absolutely nothing that feels like you have spent your money wisely.
                          No they didn't. They said that there was going to be a release of eight titles starting in February. We've had two of those titles (Tapper and Paperboy) which I know a lot of people have been disappointed with.

                          However, expectations have got awry, which is partly Microsoft's fault, partly the gamers. They obviously have major titles in development that are very close to being finished, and as soon as they are complete, we'll see a release. However until they are (and it's obviously not MS's fault that they aren't) they have a limited supply of retro titles to fall back on.

                          Personally if I were running XBox Live arcade, I'd take a sabbatical. Release a big game, but beforehand advise that there were going to be no more releases for eight weeks. Then allow a supply line of finished games to build up. That way you can publish a relese calendar with guaranteed dates (like they did in the summer last year). If you stay ahead like that, you should always have something for release.

                          I know the eight week wait will be hard, but fickle gamers are very quick to forget anything longer than a few weeks ago.

                          Interestingly, there have been weeks between Lost Planet and Battle Over Midway where there have been jack all full price releases for the 360, yet no-one seems bothered. Gamers are used to gaming drowts at this time of year, so a lack of new orginal titles is expected. But god forbid they don't release a port of a ten year old title that people could play today if they really wanted to (and most people probably have anyway). Burn them all!

                          Which makes the point about what I was saying about expectations. As a company you have to anticipate that people's exptections will be unreasonable. Give them and inch, they'll expect a mile.
                          Last edited by Brats; 21-02-2007, 12:46.


                            I've graphed the XBLA releases from launch ( yeah, sad I know ) - there are some quite large gaps in places, especially before the summer splurge last year.

                            For the actual games, see the Market Place update thread

                            ( I haven't counted add-on packs in this )
                            Last edited by MartyG; 21-02-2007, 13:35.


                              That graph is the dryest game-related thing I've EVER seen.

                              Good work!


                                Cor, it looks like a Nintendo release schedule

