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Duke Nukem Forever "Released Soon"

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    Duke Nukem Forever "Released Soon"

    Well, according to the mail I've just received from Amazon. Maybe it was delayed from the 1st April, but here's what it says.

    Greetings from,
    We've noticed that customers who have purchased Command and Conquer: The First Decade (PC DVD) are also interested in Duke Nukem Forever. For this reason, you might like to know that Duke Nukem Forever will be released soon. You can pre-order your copy for just GBP 24.99 ( 28% off the RRP) by following the link below.
    Yours sceptically.

    Oh, I just don't know what to say about this 'game' anymore. Cynicism, jokes, disbelief, optimism -- it's been ten years, and I've had all the reactions before.


      Its going to have to be a EXCEPTIONAL game to warrant 10 years of time on it.

      Trouble is between that we have had exceptional games for example half life 1 and 2 morrowind and oblivion and gta 3 to san andreas

      How on earth can it possibly compare when in that same amount of time dma have knocked out 3 gta games bethseda two great rpgs and valve (and they take there time with there games) manage to release two games.

      we can hope it is at least good and not a daiktana style disaster


        I'm not going to write it off until I've played it.

        Duke Nukem was a classic game that I spent many hours abusing the university LAN on, so "suck it down"


          Well you could always go on the Perfect Dark Zero scale of great gameplay. PDZ took 5 years, so duke nukem could be twice as good!!!11111


            well Too Human has been in development since the PSX days, and has just recently resurfaced looking all awesome and next-gen. Could DNF do the same?


              Well i suppose with duke nukem it could be like with the game prey.

              In that they actually have not been working on the game for 10 years they started then stopped and restarted again (perhaps several times).If the game had been development say for the past couple of years then it could be a next gen game.But i really doubt its anywhere near the same game it was 8 years ago


                It'll probably come out when Guns n Roses "Chinese Democracy" does...

                10 years + ... it's just silly, it'll NEVER live up to what it should be. I spent so many hours modem gaming on duke 3d!


                  Some of the best gaming quotes ever :

                  "I'll rip your head off and **** down your neck"

                  "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum - And I'm all out of gum"


                    Originally posted by eastyy
                    Its going to have to be a EXCEPTIONAL game to warrant 10 years of time on it.
                    I get the feeling 3D Realms will just be glad when they finally get it released. I imagine the 'let's change the world' vibe left the offices years ago.

                    Development hell, the worst case of all time.


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                      Some of the best gaming quotes ever :

                      "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum - And I'm all out of gum"
                      That one is in fact, the best gaming quote of all time


                        I thought both of them were just second-hand film quotes


                          It's all true, Duke Nukem Forever is coming out soon. Unfortunately its an exclusive for the Infinium Labs Phantom
                          Last edited by Zed; 18-04-2006, 08:12.


                            Some new Duke Nukem news

                            I would have refused to take part unless they gave me something more up to date to play


                              I really hope this turns out decent - the original Duke 3D is still far more captivating than most of the FPSes released nowadays.
                              Last edited by parkinho; 18-04-2006, 23:54.

