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The future of gaming?

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    The future of gaming?

    Apologies if this has already been posted...

    Linky. Looks awesome frankly.

    This could apply to home computing-no more seperate keyboard and pc screen, you could sit in your favourite armchair and type away on a tablet like device. Go Apple!

    The games you could play, the mind boggles...

    Nintendo probably have their eye on this!

    (Got this from the Edge forum by the way)
    Last edited by Xephon; 25-04-2006, 12:57.

    Reminds me of those things you play in the pub with insultingly easy questions, and **** prize money.
    We have bullseye in my local.
    The thing about all this touch screen nonsense, is that you can't actually feel anything, the same with eye toy and all that, there's no resistance, so it never seems to work as well as you'd hope.


      Its different as you can do more at once, wheras a normal touch screen allows for one point of interaction at a time.


        Originally posted by Xephon
        This could apply to home computing-no more seperate keyboard and pc screen, you could sit in your favourite armchair and type away on a tablet like device. Go Apple!
        Like the tablet PC you mean? TBH it looks nice, but thats about it.


          Im pretty impressed...

          The only touchscreens I have ever used, have only had one "input" as it were. E.g, they sense only one touch. If you touched in 2 seperate places, the cursor would just go to the middle of the 2 touches. Not sure if this a limitation in the hardware or software.

          But anyway, I thought this was pretty cool. I really liked the touchscreen keyboard and the bumming around with the photos.

          However, like all new technology, it looks like a nice idea, but until someone comes up with a "killer app" for it, there isn't much point (and I think it needs more of a killer app than moving and resizing photos)

          Personally, I think the future of gaming will be VR in some form. Hopefully coupled with photorealistic graphics. With tech like that, the world would change!


            I think there was another thread called "The Future of Gaming" with the same link (edit: found it)

            But yeah, looks cool. I'd have one on my wall so I could just brush it with my hands while walking past. That would be good enough for me.
            Last edited by charlesr; 25-04-2006, 14:23.

