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Me and my ps2 and gaming

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    Me and my ps2 and gaming

    I was thinking about this today (well weeks now) and reading superfami's thread and remembering about two or three similar threads I have started over the years I thought to my self "you know what bangaio, your ps2 is really cool"

    It's funny really as I remember being totally non plussed when the ps2 came out and seeing them go for a grand, I was more interested in my pc, n64 and dc and it didn't do anything for me yet when I look at what I play, what games I have enjoyed over the years, nothing comes close to the ps2 at all. If I am realistic and say sure I enjoyed oot, m64, ff3, mario world, sonic, shenmue etc etc etc, nothing approaches how much fun I get out of this system. Even now I have on the go DQ8 which I just started, outrun c2c, MGS3 (I'm a late starter) and am finally starting ICO and as I unpack and box up all my old systems to play games I have been meaning to finish for years, this is the one machine I would never put away.

    Strange really how something with such a rubbish start can end up being so good and I think it will never get tired. **** now I sound like some sort of US fan boy and I'm not sure why this is going up but heh, it's my thought at the moment.

    (just to add my gc has been in and out of a wardrobe about 5 times this week - play it a bit pack it up play it a bit more etc etc etc. Pants!)

    Ditto. After a slow start in terms of quality releases, things on the PS2 eventually picked up and it just got better and better.

    Even now, 6 years after it's launch, there is some great stuff to foward to - like Final Fantasy XII, God Hand and Okami for example.
    Last edited by Kongster; 26-04-2006, 16:37.


      In terms of catering for every genre/taste in TV gaming I think the PS2 is the best system ever, especially when you factor in the PSone support.
      Last edited by SharkSkin-Man; 25-04-2006, 22:10.


        Absolutely, the PS2 is a classic console for me. There's something for everybody on the system. Yet there's still people out there who refuse to buy the console because it has an S badge on it....****ing losers, that's what i'd say to them. Out of all the consoles i've bought and owned this gen, it's by far the most played! Plus the JPN limited editions of some titles can't be beaten i.e. Mushihimesama box set, Wanda to Kyozou box set, Rez special box, etc, etc.

        Definitely a must have system!


          I've played some odd games on mine, who'd have thought i'd be using a ps2 to play train and curry house simulators!

          Have never regretted buying the unit, its been reliable too (though on my 2nd as the first was meant to be a pain in the arse to chip). Actually thinking about it i don't personally know anyone whos PS2 has broken.


            I've only recently really got into the PS2. Ignoring the absolute garbage that often passes for BLOCKBUSTER PS2 GAMEZ!!! in the US and UK and digging out the JP games has proven to be a real education, specially as I'm a big shoot-'em-up fan: the number of quality shooting games on the platform is huge.


              Out of all the consoles I've owned, the PlayStation 2 is the one I've played the most. I've sat up all night playing GTA III until the sun came up. There's been games like Freak Out, Devil May Cry, SOS, Tekken 4, Ratchet and Clank, Kingdom Hearts...loads more. They could have only come out on the PlayStation 2.

              I have two of them, one Sony know about (silver, yum), the other chipped to play imports.

              I know there's a lot of rubbish released for it, but the goodness is there if you look-the RPG's (the MegaTen ones in particular), the platformers, the beat-em-ups...people slag it off too easily without giving it a chance (the SEGA/DC fanboys especially). It changed gaming forever. Things were very different before it came out, things are very different now.


                Easily my most played console ever, and believe me i put in some serious time on my C64. Sure there is a lot of dross, but that bell curve is so much bigger it means more gold gets dug up too.

                I've enjoyed other games on its contempories, but the diversity of games available on the PS2 has been astounding. I've dipped into genres i have never been interested in before, seen shining classics in my favourite genres, and been thoroughly entertained along the way.


                  Think i mentioned this somewhere before
                  games i own
                  Xbox -about 25
                  cube - about 16
                  Ps2 -at least 130

                  For me the numbers speak for themselves (even taking into the account the odd dud i bought most games range between good to exceptionally good)


                    I sold mine. Two standout titles for me were Ico and Rez and were worth buying the system for alone (ok so Rez was on the DC too but I had it on the PS2).

                    I just don't get on with the DualShock. The sticks are godawful and it makes my hand cramp up.


                      the ps2 still does not have any must-haves for me, maybe a couple of would-be-nice-to-haves (the shooters...), but not enough to make me buy one. but then again I guess I am an extremely conservative, old-school and narrow minded (and proud!) old fart


                        It is a superb machine, no doubt about that - cutting through all the anti-Sony sentiment will net you some modern day classics. It may not be my favourite machine, but I certainly wouldn't be without mine

                        Originally posted by eastyy
                        Think i mentioned this somewhere before
                        games i own
                        Xbox -about 25
                        cube - about 16
                        Ps2 -at least 130

                        For me the numbers speak for themselves (even taking into the account the odd dud i bought most games range between good to exceptionally good)
                        Fair play to you, but I'm struggling to think of any console that has 130 must-haves...


                          Originally posted by Geoff D

                          Fair play to you, but I'm struggling to think of any console that has 130 must-haves...
                          eastyy didn't say anything about must haves. Just the number of games he owns/has owned.


                            My software ownership certainly follows a similar pattern, but that's purely because of the amount of games available for each system; PS2 has more than its share of RPGs, which explains why this is so for me. I'd reckon the ratios are about even on my own:available across the platforms I have though.

                            Xbox360 is slightly up on this because I went a bit mad at launch, I'd think it'll end up the same given time.


                              No doubt about it, the PS2 is a fantastic console. In terms of available games and top class titles, there's not a lot like it and although saying this on a forum of this nature (i.e. big retro gaming following) will probably be considered n00b-ish or immature, as a hardcore gamer (i.e. I'm not just buying EA sports games) I'd say the PS2 is my favourite console ever. And I own basically every console from the C64 and grew up with the MD etc so I'm speaking from years of experience.

