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Halo 2 E3 Demo discussed (content-wise!!)

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    Originally posted by Uli
    JRMacumber, you could be right. i though the same when i first saw the "halo 2 demo sarge" and heard his voice - it 's at least the same voice as of the first halo's sarge! and he looks nearly the same too. i have too play halo again to be sure.
    Well, in both the game and in the book, they make it pretty clear that the olny Pillar of Autumn survivors were Cortana and the Chief. That was it. The rest were "dust and echos."

    Oh, and if course Guilty Spark made it off too, but since he wasn't a crew member of the Pillar, I didn't include him.


      a decent explanation for the Sarge to be back is... well he's the best drill sargeant they have (i'm right in thinking he trained MC right?) and so, well.... they cloned him. i mean Chief is a cyborg or whatever, perfectly possible, think the 6th day stylee. cloned right he wouldn't even realise he'd died and so would carry on where he left off, training up marines to shoot stuff dead.


        Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
        (i'm right in thinking he trained MC right?)
        If by "right" you mean completely and utterly so far wrong that you'd need the Hubble to see right, then yes, you are, my good sir.


          Play have H2 up for Preorder...and it has a name:

          Halo 2: The Fallen.


            Originally posted by JRMacumber
            Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
            (i'm right in thinking he trained MC right?)
            If by "right" you mean completely and utterly so far wrong that you'd need the Hubble to see right, then yes, you are, my good sir.

            i for one don't claim to be a Halo expert anyway... so ignoring THAT bit i got wrong it's still a decent explanation, but then they could just create several million marines and stomp all over the covenant.

            er... i have no clue what i'm talking about really so i'll just bow out by saying the game looks really good and i'll be buying it. w00t!


              Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
              i for one don't claim to be a Halo expert anyway... so ignoring THAT bit i got wrong it's still a decent explanation, but then they could just create several million marines and stomp all over the covenant.

              er... i have no clue what i'm talking about really so i'll just bow out by saying the game looks really good and i'll be buying it. w00t!
              Hey now, I hope you didn't take that personally. I was just makin' with the funny funnies. No offense intended.

              As for the Sarge, perhaps it's his identical twin brother. That's as good an explaination as any.


                Originally posted by JRMacumber
                Hey now, I hope you didn't take that personally. I was just makin' with the funny funnies. No offense intended.

                As for the Sarge, perhaps it's his identical twin brother. That's as good an explaination as any.
                no offense taken... must get them Halo books and read up a bit, but yeah Sarge's secret twin brother who lived with his father and became a Sargeant in another secret military group or some far flung crap like that.


                  They are bringing him back cos he's just so god damn ****ing the best elite hardcore kickass badass sniper ace tough nut son of a bitch best marine in the last game! tbh


                    has anybody read the 2nd novel "the flood"???

                    i have heard it's no even half as good as the first one ("the fall of reach", which is one of the best sci-fi novels imo) and just tells the games chapters one after another. but maybe i should read it anyway to get the whole picture. it can pe picked up for just 6 euro at amazon, which is not too expensive even for half the fun ...

                    any recommendations? JRMacumber?


                      Originally posted by bungie
                      Well, think of Sgt. Johnson as being like Kenny from South Park. No matter how many times he dies he'll always come back. Why? Well, it's complicated. Suffice it to say that even nuclear explosions can't keep a good man down.


                        Originally posted by Uli
                        has anybody read the 2nd novel "the flood"???

                        i have heard it's no even half as good as the first one ("the fall of reach", which is one of the best sci-fi novels imo) and just tells the games chapters one after another. but maybe i should read it anyway to get the whole picture. it can pe picked up for just 6 euro at amazon, which is not too expensive even for half the fun ...

                        any recommendations? JRMacumber?
                        Eh, The Flood isn't all that great. The Chief's parts of the book ARE basically just a blow by blow description of what you do in the game, so there's not much there. There are also parts that deal with the other Marines, which aren't too bad, and parts that even show what the Covenant are up to, but those were a little too cheesy for me. I prefer my mysterious aliens to be more... mysterious. I don't need or want to get into their heads. All in all it is a very average read.

                        Now, if you're wanting a recommendation, go pick up "Armor" by Steakley. THAT is one incredible ****ing read about a man and his power armor.

