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Metal Gear Solid 4 (Guns of the Patriots)

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    Even still, Bungie and EA have their own servers in place I'm sure when testing BETA's. Difference is, they have to go through the XBL model - and rightly so as well.


      probably because psn is an independent model or something, and its pretty much up to the developer to do what they want (this could be good or bad), with live, you are pretty much signed up to their regulations on how it should be, if this provides a better service well thats fair and well really, its a paid service compared to free of course, and I guess that money goes into a better infrastructure.


        Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
        at the end of the day this is nothing to do with sony or the ps3 but will they will be blamed by everyone i am sure
        I agree, COD4 has millions of users on PS3 and works like a gem. And, lets not forget Pro Evo was (is) a pretty poor example also from Konami.

        This does not bode well for the retail release in June.


          That's because IW/Demonware (server hosts for the PS3 version) know how to write netcode.

          Konami don't.


            I just hope someday SCE sort out somekind of premium service. I'd happily pay if they could get a strong network in place like Live. If 'free' equals pap, then I say plop off. Saying that, I don't have any real quarms with the games I play on PSN. Lost Planet, Everybody's Golf and CoD4 run fine. Sheeeet, even PES08 runs miles better than the 360 one online. Still, if something solid was in place that could be funded by those who want the stable, speedy goods where it was bummed in the gob by the paying customers if the service went down or ran like crap - and no one could turn around and say 'but, it's free' - I'd pay... oooh yeeeah -diggit!? I'll get my coat.


              Well the ID registering went fine for me, aswell as the patch now. - So everyone get to it if you haven't got either of them yet.

              Shame to hear it's been suspended, I was looking forward to playing it today.


                Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                I just hope someday SCE sort out somekind of premium service. I'd happily pay if they could get a strong network in place like Live. If 'free' equals pap, then I say plop off. Saying that, I don't have any real quarms with the games I play on PSN. Lost Planet, Everybody's Golf and CoD4 run fine. Sheeeet, even PES08 runs miles better than the 360 one online. Still, if something solid was in place that could be funded by those who want the stable, speedy goods where it was bummed in the gob by the paying customers if the service went down or ran like crap - and no one could turn around and say 'but, it's free' - I'd pay... oooh yeeeah -diggit!? I'll get my coat.
                Fair points but Sony always said they wanted the service to be free and I`m sure they will stick with that model, besides change now would be suicide form a pr point of view.
                I`m sure the bods at psn are doing their best to help Konami sort this out. At the end of the day they want happy punters.


                  It wouldn't be any worse than admitting they were wrong to disregard the rumble in their controllers, tbh.


                    I know it is terribly fashionable to knock PSN but the paid for model is not the issue here. If I remember correctly the best, and paid-for, gaming service fell over completely (not one beta which is not a full game). Unless this has a knock on effect on the rest of the PSN (seems that it hasn't) then this is a Konami issue. I am not sure JPN dev houses are at all competent on netcode.


                      They did admit they made a misstake with the rumble but if I recall they couldnt say sod all due to court restrictions. Thing is you dont have to have rumble to play the games. The important thing is the network that goes with the online games.
                      It needs to stay free and it needs to get sorted and I`m sure it will, its just a victim of its own successe.
                      Live wasnt a bed of roses when it started, how pissed off do people get when they get a little bit of lag on live? A hell of a lot and the reason, its costs money and you expect a perfect service for that.

                      So look to the future when (fingers crossed) the PS3 and its partners online network is a fantastic bug free place to play and best of all its FREE! At which point the topic will be why do people pay for live?
                      Just a few thoughts and not a rant.


                        Originally posted by saif View Post
                        I am not sure JPN dev houses are at all competent on netcode.
                        They need to live in the now, then. Epecially if you're gonna bring a game out called Blah Blah Online They should really get the best they can find in for the job for this gig.

                        The netcode team at Konami yesterday...

                        All jokes aside. I hope it all goes well when they try again soon.
                        Last edited by hudson; 21-04-2008, 14:29.


                          FFS I finally got my id last night as well. Konami = cant do online for toffee. PES was bad enough on next gen but this is a joke. Bet loads in USA are happy they preorderd to play the beta online


                            I actually expected this, after the wickedly stupid signup shenanigans I would be surprised if the game servers would run without any hassle.

                            Japanese developers are simply living under a rock, they lag behind when it comes to online play. About all of them suck with Netcode... ask PES, SF2, DoA...


                              I really can not wait for this game


                                Sorry to say but it looks like you`ll have to hang on and see what happens on the 25th.
                                Its a sharp laerning curve for Konami - lets just hope they can track down a few more of those monkeys by the end of the week.

