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Nintendo Wii

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    Why was everyone panicking about Wii Component cables? According to Edge this month, it uses a Standard Nintendo A/V port. I'm assuming that means I can use my Gamecube one.


      Originally posted by Bada Bing!
      Why was everyone panicking about Wii Component cables? According to Edge this month, it uses a Standard Nintendo A/V port. I'm assuming that means I can use my Gamecube one.
      Sounds good, If anyone can confirm this I will cancel my order.


        Why was everyone panicking about Wii Component cables? According to Edge this month, it uses a Standard Nintendo A/V port. I'm assuming that means I can use my Gamecube one.
        But the GameCube Component Cable didn't use the standard Nintendo A/V port.


          edge is hardly a 100% trustworth source.

          If they were indeed compatable. Why did nintendo remake every cable for the wii?


            100% the Wii AV port is NOT the same as the Gamecube, cables are NOT cross-compatible


              Yeah and even if they were you wouldn't get any sound coming out of your Wii with the Cube component cable because the sound on the cube uses the basic leads for audio separately.


                Originally posted by importaku
                edge is hardly a 100% trustworth source.

                If they were indeed compatable. Why did nintendo remake every cable for the wii?
                I guess because they wanted a single output for the machine, where they can dump all signals out of, instead of having the two-port system like before. That way, they can save even more money on the system. In doing that, all the cables needed replacing.


                  If they were indeed compatable. Why did nintendo remake every cable for the wii?
                  Because they know that people will buy them?


                    Probably for the convenience of having it all on one socket.


                      Originally posted by Duddyroar
                      Because they know that people will buy them?


                        If they were indeed compatable. Why did nintendo remake every cable for the wii?
                        Because the GameCube setup doesn't make sense any more. With the GameCube Nintendo seemed to minimise costs by leaving the necessary video chip for Component output out of the actual console and put it in the end of the Component cable instead, so that only the few people (back in 2001) who'd be buying the cable would pay for the capability.

                        Nowadays Component video is a lot more common so it's probably cheaper now to have one video output chip in the Wii that handles all the formats to go out of one port. I guess to support Component, that port needed redesigned - the original Nintendo A/V out jack's been in use since the early 90s, right?


                          I have a wii component cable sitting on my desk (at work might i add) and it is indeed a different design to the previous nintendo offerings. Thus making any previous cables from the GC/N64 and SNES redundant.

                          A shame, but Nintendo know they can sell more cables this way.


                            Never really been into cables so excuse my blondness!!! I've gone as far as buying RGB cables for my consoles but thats it.

                            Component cables go into the separate red, green and blue sockets yeah? Just like the SCART cables that come with GC/Xbox consoles?

                            Are they only for hi def TVs or would they make the display on my 21" Samsung CRT better?


                              Component cables go into the red,green,blue (video) and white and red (audio) jacks, yeah. They support HD but for the Wii they'll give a progressively scanned image (big benefit for LCD/Plasma TVs as it bypasses the deinterlacer, less of a big deal on CRT).

                              If your CRT has Component inputs then it'll probably improve the quality over RGB SCART a bit, but most CRTs don't.


                                Originally posted by Boggy
                                I have a wii component cable sitting on my desk (at work might i add) and it is indeed a different design to the previous nintendo offerings. Thus making any previous cables from the GC/N64 and SNES redundant.

                                A shame, but Nintendo know they can sell more cables this way.
                                Was it not just more because the old style AV fitting couldn't handle digital signals? bearing in mind it had been used since 1990. The GC had to have a seperate port for component. This is obviously both digital and analogue so I don't think Nintendo are just trying to be money grabbers with it, I think it was for practicality in design and overall production cost (over using 2 ports again).

