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The Film:Game Thread

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    The Film:Game Thread

    Ok some of you might be getting annoyed of seeing threads by me, if so cheese off!

    After an argument with someone about the Crapness (my opinion) vs. how it's a good film (Person I was arguing with's opinion) For Resident evil Apocolypse it made me think:

    Are there any good film to Game or Game to film transitions?

    I can't really think of any to be honest.

    Official stinkers inlcude: (Add your own)
    Mario bros Film -
    Not seen it myself but seen pics which simly tell me it's awful.

    Resident evil Films - I love the resident evil series but my problem with the films is that they dont follow the games as much as they should, perhaps some people wouldnt like this, but I would.
    Things such as: Nemisis being a cyborg guy who's good at the end - WTF
    Alice - WTF, Nicolai ISNT ginger and Kind/Nice....
    I'm sure theres more but that's the ones I could remember.
    Also the only known T virus not having some mutating effect is in Wesker so how come in the Film both Alice and the little girl have the T virus as a way of keeping them alive or giving them powers.
    If the films about resident evil it should be about the game more, unless they want to make their own film but use the Resident evil name to pull in more viewers.

    Kids Movie Games - Ice age, Madadascar, finding nemo all these average platformers or whatever are really annoying, coming out on 6+ platforms which a 2 year old could complete, but they're not fun enough to make you want to finish it anyway.

    And also what games would you like to be made into films and vice versa?

    Bugsy Malone should be made into a game!

    Like the godfather game but much much better!!!!


      I didn't think the Silent Hill movie was half bad, so I'd probably classify it as one of the more decent game-to-film translations. Mortal Kombat was campy fun as well, if hardly anything Oscar-winning.

      As for good film-to-games, the only one you need to remember is Goldeneye.


        1st resi evil movie = not too bad
        2nd resi evil movie = dire, dire, dire. Horrible. Turned it off half way.

        Only other half decent game movie I have seen is Silent Hill. Apart from that, they are pretty much cack


          King Kong wasn't too bad now was it?

          Chronicles of Riddick - a case of game being better than the film in my eyes - I hated the film)

          Some of 'Path of Neo' was'nt that bad either. (though there were some stinky parts)

          Spiderman 2 was good , if a little short.

          Lord of the rings games were pretty decent


            I reckon Escape to Victory is ripe for a game. Part stealth, part Pro Evolution clone it could be a winner. Imagine beinga ble control Michael Caine or Russell Osman!


              Originally posted by cohen205
              King Kong wasn't too bad now was it?

              Chronicles of Riddick - a case of game being better than the film in my eyes - I hated the film)

              Some of 'Path of Neo' was'nt that bad either. (though there were some stinky parts)

              Spiderman 2 was good , if a little short.

              Lord of the rings games were pretty decent
              I think you've got it back to front, I assume they are talking about which good game based films have come out.

              The first Lara Croft film wasn't too bad.


                Originally posted by Ouenben
                Are there any good film to Game or Game to film transitions?
                This thread is about both.

                Film to game can work, but the source material has to be right.

                Game to film.......well I'm not sure. I do agree with Mark Kermode on this that a Game's narrative works in an interactive scenario, not a passive one. So in Resident Evil 4 for example, spending ten minutes fighting zombies with heads exploding trying to get from one side of the map to the other can be a wonderful experience. In a film it would be dire.

                I can't think of any game that has either enough of a story or a story I would want to watch for 2 hours without any interaction. There are lots of games with good settings and characters for films, but a film would have to do something else with them.

                Biffo makes a good point in this month's Edge, that films have the maturity to exist on various levels, whereas most games do not. So the Godfather film is about power, family, change and corruption that happens to have extreme violence in some parts.

                The game is about shooting stuff.


                  Street fighter the movie takes the crown for best game to movie license ever,

                  Van Damme does no wrong.


                    Originally posted by Pezley
                    Street fighter the movie takes the crown for best game to movie license ever,
                    I heard the movie sucked ass completely


                      Originally posted by Ouenben
                      I heard the movie sucked ass completely
                      If you've not seen it you MUST get it on dvd you can prolly pick it up cheap on play or something, well worth it.

                      Personally cant think of any games that have made good movies and i know my all time favorite games serise Castlevania is just gonna be dire when the movie comes out. Also another of my favs Max Payne will prolly be rubbish as well however i do hold out some hope for it as it doesnt involve the scum of the earth Paul W S Anderson, seriously he really really needs to stop he must surely realise he sucks ass.


                        Game to film : Tomb Raider yeah by film standards it not too hot, but at least it was watchable

                        Film to game: not played riddick, but the Disney 16bit platformers like Aladdin and Lion King were awesome! well when I was 12 they were


                          My lingering hopes for a good movie of a game crashed and burned with the Silent Hill movie.

                          Having said that, I'd still be keen on a game of Commando. It'd be just like Duke Nukem, only more homo-erotic and with even worse hair.


                            The worst game has to be Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game.


                            King Kong wasn't a bad game, just two ideas taken as far as they could possibly go (and beyond to tediums-ville) - fire and food chain. Neither had much depth, which made the whole experience rather ho-hum. But not bad.

                            Riddick doesn't really count - they just used a cool character - but it is good. They nailed the character, anyway.

                            Film wise, it can only be Silent Hill. Not great, but it had some stand-out moments. A start.

                            I have high hopes for Dead or Alive: The Movie though. Hope they make DoA The Movie: The Game, too, using digitised sprites.


                              Originally posted by Ajay1986
                              If you've not seen it you MUST get it on dvd you can prolly pick it up cheap on play or something, well worth it.
                              Or keep an eye on Channel 5 - they seem to love showing it with alarming regularity.

