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Which games will you be downloading for the virtual console?

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    Which games will you be downloading for the virtual console?

    Seems to me that quite a few people on here are downplaying the importance of the Virtual Console as a major selling point of the Wii, for me it's worth buying a Wii for this feature alone provided Nintendo can come up with decent pricing. Having grown up owning the Gameboy,SNES & N64 and then inevitably having to sell them on to buy new hardware I can't wait to reacquaint myself with some old titles I haven't played in ages as well as others that slipped by.

    I'm sure many people on here will take advantage of the Virtual Console but which games will you be downloading?

    After only owning a PAL N64 I personally would love to play full screen/full speed versions of the likes of Starfox 64,Waverace & 1080 in proper RGB and if Konami are going to be on board I need to get some Castlevania IV and Contra III action from the SNES collection oh and Gunstar Heroes from the Megadrive selection.
    Last edited by Nisa; 16-05-2006, 19:57.

    If its available, my first download will be Waverace 64. To play one of my favourite games of all time on Wii via component 480p will be awesome. Yes yes, you can play it on PC now at "" but I don't have a PC at home.

    Oh and Sin and Punishment, another one of my favourite games of all time. As long as Treaure stuff is available..

    Another one? Oh ok then. Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle 2 on Genesis/Megadrive depending if I go US or Japanese would be mint too.


      Majora's Mask. I didn't get hold of the Gamecube collector's disc, and can't bring myself to play it over composite on a PAL N64 with a worn-down analogue stick.

      I have got someway into it before but I could never get my head quite around the time dynamic at the time (I was trying to play it like a typical Zelda). The atmosphere I remember and the structure are something I look forward to returning to.


        Majora's Mask is excellent Concept. Stick with it!

        Sin and Punishment would be one for me also. Never got round to playing it first time round but always wanted to. Perhaps a couple of SNES RPGs.


          Originally posted by dc-arena
          Oh and Sin and Punishment, another one of my favourite games of all time. As long as Treaure stuff is available..
          Both Waverace 64 and S&P were in preliminary gamelist that Nintendo's marketing company used in marketing survey about virtual console and its pricing. Both N64 Zeldas were missing from that list, but surprisingly Goldeneye was there.


            Some old Treasure stuff would be cool, but I dont know if they will be doing it or not?


              super mario bros 3 for me. Been playing it a little on emulator.. that sheeeet is hard


                If the PCE stuff will include Super CD-ROM? titles:

                Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
                Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

                Since they're so expensive, but it really depends how much the downloads are. For common MD/SNES games etc you might be cheaper buying the real cartridge.


                  Originally posted by Kubrick
                  Dracula X: Rondo of Blood
                  That's one I definitely want to have a crack at - will probably hit up a bit of Gunhed as well.

                  For MD stuff, I'm hoping that Contra:Hard Corps makes an appearance.


                    Lylat Wars, I need to pack my N64 away!
                    Majora's Mask, never completed it because it hurt my brain. Have to try it again.
                    I have been hearing good things about Sin and Punishment so I may get that too with Super Metroid and all the Marios


                      Originally posted by stormbreak
                      Majora's Mask, never completed it because it hurt my brain.
                      Yeah it's pretty tough, it's worth every second especially the fourth dungeon, best level ever.

                      Myself i hope Ristar will be downloadable and will end up with most 64 stuff, despite owning most of it anyway .


                        Fourth dungeon is t3h br1XX0r. Loved the first jungle level and the snowy plains too. One of the few games I played to ultimate completion - and worth every second.

                        How about Bangai-oh? Wouldn't mind a crack at the two N64 Goemons either.


                          Originally posted by Colonel Billy-Bob
                          Fourth dungeon is t3h br1XX0r.
                          It's funny but i actually felt quite naucous when it went upside down .


                            God...this is like asking a parent which one of their children they prefer...

                            Most of Nintendo's N64 output since I have such great memories of it and would love to play the pre-Lylat Wars (vomit) ones at 60Hz.

                            For the SNES I'll be getting Chrono Trigger if that's there since I've played it through a couple of times but only on emulators. I have the original cart here but no US SNES on which to play it.

                            I'm just going to stop there since this is a post that I'll end up spending hours on and bloating the forum database with given half a chance. Must exercise control...


                              hmm, lots of games! maybe ill give chrono trigger another go. i might also relive painful memories by downloading Xevious on the nes. I REALLY REALLY wanted zelda for the nes when i was a wee guy, but what did my parents get me instead? Xevious!!! why? "you'd have lost the maps" WTF

