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What was the first computer/console game you played ?

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    Damn this is a tough one. My first computer was a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, but I'm sure I must have played something before that...I have vague memories of a ZX81 and Trans-Am...maybe that was my first.


      First game i remember playing was Space Invaders in the arcade when i was very little and had to stand on milk crates to reach it. Console or computer wise i think it was many years after, i seem to remember playing a very early Star Wars game on an Apple at a friends around 1983.


        Atari ST - 'Myrax Force'

        A horizontal space shooter which was quite ace.


          The first game I distinctly remember playing was Attack Of The Mutant Camels on C64 at a friend's house.


            chuckie egg on a BBC micro....we only had the one computer for the whole school. i cant remember doing anything else on it.


              Bridge It or something along those lines, on my amstrad cpc 464. Bit ****e really, after that it was lots of demos off the front of good olde amstrad action.

              Ah memories.


                Rolling Thunder in a traveling fair's arcade.

                I got seperated from my parents when I was about 6 or 7 and wandered into the arcade. I think it was the side artwork which drew me to the cabinet as it was really bold and striking.

                Not sure how long it took for my parents to find me (probably no more than a few minutes) but when they did, my Dad put 10p in the slot so I could play.

                Couple of months later got a Spectrum+3 for Christmas which was replaced shortly after with an Atari ST along with the US Gold conversion of...

                Rolling Thunder
                Last edited by C'; 23-05-2006, 19:46.


                  Pretty sure it was the original Super Mario Bros on the NES.

                  My mums friend had it and I was like !


                    Probably the old Grandstand console with Pong and a few variations on it. Possibly something before that, but nothing else springs to mind.


                      Probably the Space Invaders coin-op, or the VCS version. Definitely something from the late '70s in any case.


                        Originally posted by Fuddle
                        chuckie egg on a BBC micro....we only had the one computer for the whole school. i cant remember doing anything else on it.
                        same here

                        then it was most probably Elite


                          Home version of pong. Maybe that thing with the gun and the flickery shark in the 70s... Who knows what that's called...

                          I'm quite old.


                            Trans am on the speccy for me!!! I really must buy that again on the old cartridge thingy


                              when i was about 6 i a friend with a nes, there was mario bros, pacman and some other games on it. cant rember what though.

                              first games were super mario land 1, super mario land 2, a bugs life and game boy gallery when i was 10


                                Think it was Treasure Island on the Amstrad!

