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Games TM - issue 7 scores

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    Games TM - issue 7 scores

    F-Zero AX (arcade) 9
    RTCW-Tides of War (XB) 7
    Splinter Cell (GC) 8
    Brute Force (XB) 4
    Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA) 8
    Evil Dead : A Fistful of Broomstick (XB) 5
    Indycar Series (PS2) 2
    Wakeboarding Unleashed (PS2) 7
    Sonic Adventure DX (GC) 5
    Splinter Cell (GBA) 8
    Resident Evil : Dead Aim (PS2) 6
    F1 Career Challenge (PS2) 6
    Rise of nations (PC) 9
    SOF 2 : Double Helix (XB) 4
    Speed Kings (PS2) 6
    Red Faction 2 (XB) 4


    Originally posted by camps
    F-Zero AX (arcade) 9
    The interesting rumour mooted was that the arcade/GC card system might not make it to the UK


      Originally posted by camps
      Brute Force (XB) 4
      That must just be single player on easy as from what i've heard co-op on harder levels is pretty good.


        Indycar Series (PS2) 2
        LMAO at that.

        Edge's 8 was too high, but this 2 is so pathetically wrong it defies belief.


          Originally posted by charlie angel
          Originally posted by camps
          F-Zero AX (arcade) 9
          The interesting rumour mooted was that the arcade/GC card system might not make it to the UK
          You say that as though it's a big surprise


            Originally posted by C'
            Originally posted by charlie angel
            Originally posted by camps
            F-Zero AX (arcade) 9
            The interesting rumour mooted was that the arcade/GC card system might not make it to the UK
            You say that as though it's a big surprise
            True - forever the optimist, forever destined to have my heart broken


              Ah, and I'm in this issue.

              Or so I've been told, since I haven't read it.


                I was going to mention that!

                Your famous Nimmo.....

                I also spy an Ono...any relation to our Mr Ono?


                  Alas the Ono is not me.


                    Originally posted by Burai
                    Indycar Series (PS2) 2
                    LMAO at that.

                    Edge's 8 was too high, but this 2 is so pathetically wrong it defies belief.
                    You say that as if you're stating a fact rather than an opinion - better to read the review first before making sweeping statements.


                      Originally posted by Burai
                      Indycar Series (PS2) 2
                      LMAO at that.

                      Edge's 8 was too high, but this 2 is so pathetically wrong it defies belief.
                      They probally did it to spite edge


                        Well if nothing else, this issue has the acest typo of the year so far...

                        Check the subs pages.


                          Cheers for that Welrain.

                          I was in issue 2 as well y'know.

                          (I live a very sheltered life. )


                            You say that as if you're stating a fact rather than an opinion - better to read the review first before making sweeping statements.
                            I've been reviewing the game for this very site and have been playing it for the last week.

                            That 2 is so wrong it's criminal. I don't need to read their justification - Indy Car Series ain't the greatest racer ever, but only a complete spanner who didn't get it would give it 2.

                            The only justification they could give would be "We had to get the issue out on time and played it on Easy with all driving aids on." and I don't think they'll be saying that for some reason.


                              I think they said something along the lines of "You can have all the physics in the world, but if you are just driving around in circles then there isn't a lot of point".

