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Now I've heard everything ...

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    i do know of people that take there gameing to far and quite a few of them are MMORPG players, do you not think getting up at four in the morning to kill a rare virtual monster is a bit nutty when you look at it, add in the constant grind of leveling up on most mmorpgs and you have a nice trip to the divorce lawyer's on your hand.


      Originally posted by NekoFever
      You've got to be a ****ing idiot to get so addicted to something that isn't chemically addictive that you need to go into rehab.



        Originally posted by MattyD
        As others have pointed out, people like this are far too eager to lay the blame at the symptoms of playing games or smoking weed or whatever, rather than demonstrating a little moral fibre and tackling the underlying cause, the very reason their kids feel that their life sucks enough that they have to 'escape' from it.

        Parents who believe this **** are just re-enforcing in their children the selfish, spineless, whingeing 'it's not my fault' weakness that seem to be the principle goals of modern parenting.

        Couldn't have said it better myself.


          i mentioned this in another topic

          When a kid said he wanted at copy of grand theft auto vice city and his parents said that it had a age rating and they would have to buy it for him

          so i get the feeling most parents do not think it has any affect on kids
          Last edited by eastyy; 02-06-2006, 10:05.


            Like everything else in life it is about moderation; too much of anything generally isn't good for you. I think saying it's an addiction is a bit strong though - compulsive or obsessive behaviour maybe but not an addicition.

            Shame the article doesn't bother to look at the benefits of gaming, espeically to those people who are recovering from illness.


              18 hours?! FFS............. id be lucky to sneak in 1 hour some days! Infact i cant do anything for 18 hours a day............... does day dreamin count?

              Peeps need to find somthing to blame, and look for an easy scapegoat, so statments like the above can be justified.



                Originally posted by AlonzoUK
                Shame the article doesn't bother to look at the benefits of gaming, espeically to those people who are recovering from illness.
                Yeah, and how stuff like Brain Training is keeping Japanese brains healthy into old age

                Incidentally I own a load of games which have a flower collecting element. Off the top of my head there's We Love Katamari, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing...

                virtually trained killer, me


                  "This can get totally out of control. These books can be designed to keep the readers going, there's no pay-off, it's like climbing a mountain with no top. They're not in their rooms reading books about collecting flowers. They're up there for 18 hours a day reading books about killing people."
                  Ever heard that?


                    Originally posted by Fastware
                    Yes, that too.


                      Did anyone read this comment at the bottom and laugh or is it just me

                      "I like PacMan and have painted myself yellow, can I have the telephone number....
                      JH, Tylers Green"

                      On a Serious note, some of that i find pretty insulting.


                        My nephew is 15 and he had a bit of a problem in the sense that he would stay in all day during his holidays etc., playing games non-stop on his cube.

                        I don't blame him and and I don't blame the games, when I was fifteen I had a C64 (and was dreaming of an Amiga!) and me and my mates played (and pirated) games all day, every day of the long summer holidays and weekends, unless we were chucked out of whoever's house it was.

                        My point is, is that teenage boys do stuff to excess, whether that's gaming, football, wanking, listening-to-angsty-goth-rock-stuff-and-being-moody. My parents and my mates parents, would come in, open the curtains and say "that's it, it's sunny outside, go out and do something", and switch the computer or telly off. We'd moan and whine about it, then we'd go and do just that, i.e. harass some girls we liked, or go ride our bikes or have a water fight, climb trees etc. Rinse and repeat every day for the six weeks of summer.

                        Lack of parental input, I'd say, is the problem. As I think, MattyD said earlier.


                          i wonder if anyone would dive into a **** filled toilet to retrieve a UMD aka trainspotting style?


                            Originally posted by muse hunter
                            i wonder if anyone would dive into a **** filled toilet to retrieve a UMD aka trainspotting style?
                            ew, no way!

                            ...but maybe for a ds cart

