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Sony says: Press 'Serect'

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    Originally posted by Roddie
    that can't be light

    Poor sods, I'm actually starting to feel a little solly for Sony now. It's funnier to me because if you knock the "S" off, it says erect. Much better name for a button I reckon.


      I currently have my old mate's brother-in-law, Yoshiyuki staying at my place.
      I have been coaching him to say Wayne Rooney this week, but it usually still comes out as Wayne Looney (which is probably closer to the truth at times).

      His English teacher at St. Giles' College, Brighton gave him some tongue-twisters, inluding the, "red lorry, yellow lorry" one - which is an utter nightmare for him tbh.
      Last edited by Ratso; 14-06-2006, 12:17.


        gamespot e3 image

        how come the image of the controller here ( shows it spelt correctly?


          Ah! This explains "VICTOLY" then in samurai shodown


            Also see 'Leady!' & 'Lound One' from KoF, 'Conglaturation...' from many games and 'Gladius' ending up as 'Gradius', amongst many others.


              Originally posted by doshin
              how come the image of the controller here ( shows it spelt correctly?
              If it's real, then it's because the correct one was on show at E3 in the US. This one is in Japan where it's possible (however unlikely) that no English speakers saw it on the way to where it's on display.


                Originally posted by IanE
                It doesn't look PShopped at all.
                With something as easy as this to photoshop that's hardly surprising. Attached shopped or not?
                Attached Files
                Last edited by MartyG; 14-06-2006, 14:51.


                  Shopped of course, you can see where you rubbed away the 'r' with a color/unglossy black.


                    You're 100% sure of that are you?

                    The point is something like this would be extremely easy to photoshop, given the background, so it very easily could be a jobbie - not like we haven't seen this sort of thing before.


                      Whether is is shopped or not is irrelevant. Sony are still rubbish and destroying gaming etc etc etc.
                      I'll go have a look if I get the chance on the weekend shall I?


                        Yeah, The serect thing is photoshopped, thats what i'm hearing from da net ;o


                          Originally posted by Roddie
                          no, it does happen
                          Well, maybe if the person doesn't know whether to use an R or an L considering they can't make any difference according to transliterated Japanese words. Hardly a typo though.

                          But yeah, this case is most likely a joke.
                          Last edited by danholo; 14-06-2006, 21:34.


                            Originally posted by danholo
                            Well, maybe if the person doesn't know whether to use an R or an L considering they can't make any difference according to transliterated Japanese words. Hardly a typo though.
                            What? I understand that people Japanese people have trouble differentiating between the R and L sounds; who said it was typo?


                              This 'serect' revelation definitely qualifies as "Scoop of the Century".


                                It's not so much that they have trouble with R and L it's just that such sounds don't exist in Japanese so they find it hard to pronounce, and remember that to the Japanese, the letters R and L are part of a foreign alphabet. In my local Family Mart, they have a sign saying 'fly foods' next to fried chicken, etc. One day I will remind them that it's wrong.

                                In the same way, we find it hard to pronounce the Hepburn romanised

                                tsu, ra, ri, ru, re, ro, rya, ryu, ryo

                                or names ending in suke, like Celtic player, Shunsuke. I assume that most Brits say Shunsuukeey, which is way off the mark.

                                Or how about SFII's 'Riyuu' or 'Ryeyuu' Yep, wrong again.
                                Last edited by Richard.John; 15-06-2006, 06:35.

