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Billy Hatcher

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    Billy Hatcher

    Anyone replaying this or started it recently? Last week I started it from the beginning since I couldn't remember it at all. Done most of the tasks in the first areas and just opened up the theme park one, what is it? Clown Town or something? It gets pretty damn hard and I'm really frustrated.

    I played it for a little while last week.

    It was really good, I don't know why I didn't complete it.. >_>


      I remember reaching the final boss and the giant egg but it being impossible. The later levels suffered from poor design as with most of Sonic Team's recent stuff. Never finished it because of that. Best theme music ever though.


        I bought this from someone on here a few weeks ago and haven't got round to playing it yet, might fire it up after my hangovers gone.


          I love billy hatcher its one of sonic teams better games. I must agree though that the later levels become obscenely hard.

          Some require precise egg control but sonic team didnt polish the controls enough to make it easy. I managed to complete it but it took me months ending is pretty good too.

          I still need to collect all the coins so i can have sonic team characters hatch out of the special eggs.

          The game is worth it alone just to play the Nights gba download game.


            Billy Hatcher broke my heart. Saying the later levels are 'obscenely hard' is giving the game too much credit in my opinion because I don't think they were hard by design. They were hard because they were broken.

            Just like Sonic Heroes. The difference is that I knew pretty early on how bad Heroes was. Billy Hatcher let me fall in love with the game before letting the cracks appear.


              Yeah the later levels were terrible, the paths were too narrow so it was impossible to roll you egg over without falling.

              The theme song was nice, but now it makes me want to hang myself


                i was qa'ing that game, by the end of it. i had to play it on my own totally to myself, everyone at work were calling me billy hatcher by the end because i was getting annoyed. either way, i could finish from start to finish in a morning effort. You are right, the level design is totally broken. you dont even have to hit the switches to open the gates, you can just egg jump and quick spin around them. COO COO COO COO COO COO COO, thanks guys for putting that theme tune back into my head


                  I found this game to be very much like Lugi's mansion. It's so chaming you want to appreciate but like Mr Dogg said it was really broken.

                  Normally I can look past little failing's if the game is great but the problems in Billy Hatcher really make progression hard. I would like to see an improved sequel from Sonic Team as it could do something special!


                    Think I've got to the moment where it gets hard, maybe not broken yet but definitely hard. I'm gonna take it out of my "finish quickly and cross off" list and put it in the "keep forever and delve into" list.

                    master chief - did you think Luigi's Mansion was broken? I loved that one and got annoyed a lot (especially with all the boos on the roof) but blamed myself rather than the game. Out of any games that's the one I regret selling on cos I've fancied playing through it again just for fun, not even to collect anything 100%.


                      I have to agree that Billy Hatcher is a great game, up to a point where it suddenly gets annoying. It's like Sonic Team were fighting a losing battle against a deadline...

                      Luigi's Mansion is far from broken IMO. There's no comparison. One of the most underestimated games on the Gamecube!


                        Originally posted by mats_j
                        It's like Sonic Team were fighting a losing battle against a deadline...
                        I disagree with that as it feels like the game was broken from conception as why would such obvoious flaws be present? Although if the game was given more when it was being designed then it's level design and clunky puzzles would of been ironed out. Who knows!

                        Although it's only my opinion about Luigi, just like Billy Hatcher it's still a under-rated but deeply flawed game. Although Luigi was never going to be a game like Mario 64 it felt under-designed with it's small concept and became overly dull. Like monkey ball and thousands others a samll concept can work wonders but only if the simple gameplay hides something brillant.

                        In that respect I found Luigi lacking.

