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NGamer magazine (was NGC)

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    NGamer magazine (was NGC)

    The first issue of NGamer (formerly NGC) magazine will be out on 13 July with a cover price of ?4.99 and a DVD-ROM and free gift.

    NGamer is replacing NGC Magazine on 13 July 2006. The first issue of the magazine is to stay on sale for five weeks to get people acquainted with the new brand. The magazine?s launch is to be supported by the strong promotional campaign. Additionally, each issue will be covermounted with a DVD-ROM and at least one gift, and will have an increased number of pages.

    NGamer compliments perfectly with the Official Nintendo Magazine, published by Future in the UK, France and Italy. The magazine will strongly focus on Super Mario Bros, unlike the official magazine and will be much more oriented at the Japanese focus with previews, reviews of import games.
    From Future website.

    Ugh, looks ****ing awful

    I only hope the content might be up to the standard of early "N64" magazine, but I seriously doubt it.


      ?5 for a magazine! It's no wonder printed media is dying out really. I remember the days of C&VG being printed on bog roll and only costing a pound.


        Originally posted by jimmie2k
        ?5 for a magazine! It's no wonder printed media is dying out really. I remember the days of C&VG being printed on bog roll and only costing a pound.
        Black-and-white screenshots FTW


          I remember it going up from 75p to 85p, well old me. The top quality mag back in the eighties


            Thats the problem isnt it? You can get a triple a game for a ?5. Eg i bought resi remake from megamanx for exactly that!


              Maybe strider can shed some light as to why gaming mags cost a small fortune these days. I dont even bother with them any more because I find the internet quicker and cheaper than buying a gaming mag. If there was a mag though that actually didn't cost the same as buying a pre-owned game per month I'd think about it.


                It's not too difficult to work out - printing costs, staff wages, all adds up. Magazines like Edge are prestige titles and actually lose money more often than not. Have a look at their covers, there's no ads on the back cover, nor the inside front and back covers. These are usually the hit spots for most advertising depts. For this new Ninty mag to be going on sale for ?5 means it's probably going to be printed on high quality paper and with a glossy cover. Plus the DVD adds another pound.

                I remember the days of C&VG being printed on bog roll and only costing a pound.
                Which is why it cost so little. Why do you think newspaper only cost around 35p? The better quality stock it's printed on, the more it's going to cost. It's why subscriptions are the way to go - you can get gamesTM at half it's cover price and Edge for just over half of it's cover price. Last I saw Retro Gamer offers ?1.50 off it's cover price with free p&p.

                Much as I use the internet, I do enjoy settling down with a good magazine. Features are longer, reviews more in depth...people aren't as likely to sit at their PC's for as long as they will with a magazine. Print media isn't going anywhere soon. Although Future did post a loss recently, some of which could be down to the change over between generations of consoles, even the official mags took a tumble.


                  Why isnt there a mag that prints on bogroll ay more?

                  I was a big fan of CVG when it was around the ?2 mark, where half the mag was yellow and black and half coloured.


                    coz ppl think it's less credible if the paper doesn't hold your reflection.


                      Some might say that some magazines should be made from bog roll as they would be more use to people once they realised what an awful mistake they made paying five quid for the piece of crap.


                        I stopped reading that magazine shortly after it changed to NGC magazine. N64 Magazine was brilliant back in the day but as most of the original team left it got worse and worse.

                        I hope that ?4.99 price is just for the DVD issue. I can handle ?5-6 when it comes with a demo disc or something but regular magazines are creeping ever closer to that price. If NGamer is anything like N64/NGC it'll be aimed at a younger audience (younger than the magazines that think they're GQ or some other lifestyle magazine) and that's just too much for them to pay for a magazine.


                          Games mags were so much better when Emap and Future were competing with each other. But then Emap stop caring about games mags, and well, you know the rest...

