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Whats the general opinion on Advent Rising?

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    Whats the general opinion on Advent Rising?

    It looks pretty decent to me, but from what I tell it seems like a very love/hate game..

    i hated it when i played it

    the controls weren't great and everything was a bit confusing


      I'm playing through it at the minute (on PC). It's wildly ambitious and doesn't quite succeed in some places, but I'm personally having fun with it.

      Controls are a touch fiddly on the PC - and there are a few places where the difficulty spikes - but I'd say it's definately worth a look. I picked mine up in Game - think it was ?12.99 - think they're doing the Xbox version for about the same, but I've heard the framerate is a bit choppy in that version.

      Feels like Halo crossed with Jedi Knight - if that makes sense. I generally use 1st person for the guns, and 3rd person for the psychic powers and vehicles.

      Good music too and I'm enjoying the story


