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Classic Game Series: Streets Of Rage - Your thoughts

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    Classic Game Series: Streets Of Rage - Your thoughts

    Please use this thread to discuss your thoughts, prompted by the Streets Of Rage Retrospective Feature

    If you wish to leave feedback about the feature, please either PM Jon Belwood (Streets Of Rage) or email [email protected]

    I know why i was not keen on the third game the whole tone of the game changed It just felt wrong to me almost like it had gone more futuristic

    Also i was not to keen on the music
    Last edited by charlesr; 07-07-2006, 08:28.


      Brings back memories of all three great games. I always preferred number one, (music, gameplay etc). Better than Final Fight on the SNES for sure, due to the fact it could cope with more than three enemys on the screen at one time, and had a two player option. Genius.
      Last edited by charlesr; 07-07-2006, 09:47.


        In streets of rage 2 the sound effects when blow connect were just great

        Also the baseball stadium tune is great (think it is a bit similar to the shamen tune move any mountain)

        I preffered it to the final fight series anyway


          Can't comment on SOR3 as I never got the chance to sample the delights it offered, but number 2 was one of my most played and loved mega drive games. Man, the tunes !!!!


            As good as SoR was, and it's clear that many people prefer it, it did always bother me that it was such an obvious copy of Final Fight. Final Fight did the groundwork and SoR just built on that a little without making any attempts to hide its origins.

            Of course the series deserves credit for being a success in its own right.


              Well Final Fight was hardly original - Taito did Renegade years before FF, who can forget Double Dragon either? OK Streets of Rage basically copied Cody in their character Axel - but the game was vastly different. For me the fact there was more than the 4 moves that FF had put SOR way ahead in the gameplay stakes.

              Nothing can beat a Blaze and Axel tag-team attack on the enemies either. Hagger and Guy didn't have such grade did they?
              Last edited by AllYourBase; 07-07-2006, 09:36.


                The concept and mechanics of FF were hardly original, I'll give you that. But many enemies in SoR were pretty much direct copies from FF and, as you say, they have Cody in there. Many games build on the groundwork of other games - there is nothing wrong with that. I just always felt that SoR was uncomfortably blatent in that regard.

                And I'm not in any way arguing that FF is the better game. That's not really my point.


                  Big fan of these classic side scrollling beat em ups. Sadly, I only experienced the first SoR so hopefully it and the other two show up on the new sega compilation out at the end of the year.

                  Perhaps the biggest thing I remember from SoR1 was that stupidly overpowered special ability where some guy would show up in a car and rain missiles down on your enemies - I'm not 100% certain but didn't this work inside buildings as well as outside? Crazy.


                    Originally posted by Daragon
                    Perhaps the biggest thing I remember from SoR1 was that stupidly overpowered special ability where some guy would show up in a car and rain missiles down on your enemies - I'm not 100% certain but didn't this work inside buildings as well as outside? Crazy.
                    yeah the special power was crap in SOR1, and it broke up the gameplay too - SOR2 replaced this with a FF style energy sapping special move! LOL!! - much better thou
                    Last edited by AllYourBase; 07-07-2006, 10:56.


                      The thing about these games is that (IMO) nothing has touched them since - I still play 2 & 3 today and they're as good as they ever were - how many games can you say that about ??

                      SoR2 music FTW but don't slate 3 - it was kicking too.


                        What I never got about the genre as a whole is that there are literally dozens of side scrolling fighters in the arcade, but hardly any of them ever got ports.

                        My favourite is still Capcom's Aliens vs Predator one. Go play it on Mame, it's aceness incarnate.


                          And i think due to licensing many of these games will probably never get onto a retro compilations either


                            Part II is the best Beat Them Up I've ever played , one of the few games at the time that one could be just as happy listing to the soundtrack as to play the actual game The Parallax scorlling was running as smooth as warm butter, and was just a joy to watch don't get the hate of Part III either
                            While it wasn't as good as Part II in a few aera's (not least the music) it did add a bit to the fighting Mechanics.
                            What was also so great about part II was it sh8t up those MD knockers from the stuck up Amgia and Snes fans All MD usera had to do was put SOR II in and Tunder Force IV was thier faces drop in awe of the graphics and even the sound in SOR II , Happy Days !

                            And to say its Ripp -Off of Final Fight is just moaning and finding fualts for the shake of looking for points to knock a game with. Because the likes of TATIO were doing it years before anyone else with Double Dragon and SEGA got in on the act with the likes of Golden Axe too. Its like saying Monster Hunter is a PSO rip-off and so that means the game is = sh8t
                            Last edited by Team Andromeda; 07-07-2006, 16:24.


                              Originally posted by Team Andromeda
                              Part II is the best Beat Them Up I've ever played , one of the few games at the time that one could be just as happy listing to the soundtrack as to play the actual game The Parallax scorlling was running as smooth as warm butter, and was just a joy to watch don't get the hate of Part III either
                              While it wasn't as good as Part II in a few aera's (not least the music) it did add a bit to the fighting Mechanics.
                              What was also so great about part II was it sh8t up those MD knockers from the stuck up Amgia and Snes fans All MD usera had to do was put SOR II in and Tunder Force IV was thier faces drop in awe of the graphics and even the sound in SOR II , Happy Days !

                              And to say its Ripp -Off of Final Fight is just moaning and finding fualts for the shake of looking for points to knock a game with. Because the likes of TATIO were doing it years before anyone else with Double Dragon and SEGA got in on the act with the likes of Golden Axe too. Its like saying Monster Hunter is a PSO rip-off and so that means the game is = sh8t
                              This man has said everything that needs to be said.

                              SOR for the win basically.

