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Am I getting old or something?

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    Am I getting old or something?

    Thanks to the mad flurry of XBL demos I've noticed that there just doesn't seem to be anything that excites me in terms of new games anymore.

    To put things into perspective I've just spent ?60 combined on a stick and GP in readyness for SFII. A thirteen year old game.

    Here's a self quote from 17th May 2005 carried over from the Dead Rising thread.

    Originally posted by DavidFallows
    I want to be able to throw a grenade into all those enemies and then have them blow up all over the place with true rag-doll psychics at 60FPS. If it doesn't do that I'm taking the console back.

    Imagine a mercenaries style game on this! Kill combos in their thousands!

    Dead Rising had better be good or else I'm certainly not going to regret dumping the 360. I'm not keeping it for an arcade game, an Xbox game and a PC game.

    Whilst N3 offers the thousand-score kill combos I want to be able to incorporate some skill that's going to make me sweat... not just frantically mashing X+Y until I work out the combos on my own in under 2 minutes.

    On the other end of the spectrum I could never get good at DMC3 because I didn't have the time. ><
    Last edited by dataDave; 31-07-2006, 10:01.

    not the response you want, but where did you get the stick for that price ? $199 on ebay can piss right off


      Pretty much the same right now. I'm 23 and I have gone through barren periods in gaming before, but this year has seen my enthusiasm completely shot. I suppose it's because I'm still bemoaning the loss of DC-era (and just post) Sega.

      It's probably the usual next-gen drought before it starts. One year before transition and one year after... is what it'll probably take for things to pick up again.

      Gaming on the whole is certainly uninspiring me though (bar what I've seen of some of the Wii). There's always that magic title on the horizon to wait for... the Ocarina, the Shenmue, the Colossus but it isn't quite there for me right now. It may be for other people and while the likes of MGS4 and Twilight Princess seem good they've not quite ignited that hungry spark where I have something eager to look forward to.

      Truth is I feel distant from gaming, and though I see it as my main hobby I feel as though it's out-growing me or I'm out-growing it. Things will hopefully change though.


        I feel the same, having just shelled out for a Hori RAP for SF and various shmups. Despite not being taken with it initially I find that most of my gaming takes place on my DS these days as I just don't have the time to play at home as much anymore. The only forthcoming games I'm interested in are Super Paper Mario, Zelda and much of what is promised for Wii. Sadly, I can see myself spending more time with the Virtual Console than anything else.

        I sometimes wonder if I should just concentrate on one or two formats for the next gen as I used to but I'm afraid that I'll miss out on something great if I do- I was very late in coming to the PS1 and I know I've missed some classic games, which is rather annoying. I think I've spread myself a bit too thin across all of the formats for the last gen and played too many mediocre or middling games in the midst of collecting for each system, instead of concentrating on and finishing a few AAA titles and having fun.

        On another note, I feel as if I'm getting progressively worse at gaming in general as I spend less and less time playing, which doesn't bode well for Street Fighter II over Live.
        Last edited by Decider-VT; 28-08-2006, 11:08.


          Also feel exactly the same, I find myself just not being "bothered" with a game. I'll see a game that looks good, it gets released, I buy it, play it for 2 hours and go "wow that was alright" and then never play it again. I even find it hard to get excited about the release of new games nowadays, whereas a few years ago i'd, uh, well get very excited about a game I wanted to play, and take a day off work just to go get it early and play it all day. Just doesn't happen anymore!

          Xbox Live has helped to a certain degree, but theres only so many racist americans you can kill on CoD2 before that gets boring too..

          Ah, what i'd give to be 8 again with my ZX spectrum


            Happens to the best of us. I'm actually quite into my gaming at the moment, but I've had periods like the one you describe. It's like any hobby really, your interest can't stay at it's peak all the time.


              Originally posted by DavidFallows
              Dead Rising had better be good or else I'm certainly not going to regret dumping the 360. I'm not keeping it for an arcade game, an Xbox game and a PC game.
              Lol @ Dave Fallows, Im so sure you said somat similar when Perfect Dark came out on the 360.

              To answer yah Q yes you are getting old! But ive made a point of us aging agmers in another thread, where IMO I reckon what we try to do in our minds is to seek out past glory, in terms of nostalgia. Cos SF2 was such an important game to you in the past, you know what yah getting and are tryin to replicate it with the new version. Which Capcom will luv you for

              Dont get rd of yah 360 jus yet, planty more good ish to come yet man, trust me!



                I'm playing (and enjoying) Galaga when not (pissing my soul away) on FFXI.

                It's pretty funny really, in a sad way.

                I didn't want to mention Nintendo as I am a self-confessed fan boy, I am greatly looking forward to the Wii - at the same time as spitting out all of this talk of 'dodgy control' like it's salt-water. It'll be the same as the DS, mark my words... 3rd parties won't have a clue on how to get anything reasonable out of it, especially not Ubisoft. I could be wrong.

                Originally posted by 112
                Dont get rd of yah 360 jus yet, planty more good ish to come yet man, trust me!

                It's that Capcom finesse. ; ; Striking through to save the day once again.

                You should see my shelves... They're totally littered with the Capcom logo.

                Here's looking forward to SFII, Dead Rising, and the 'best thing I've seen in a long time' Lost Planet.

                I'd be gay for Capcom.

                Originally posted by 112
                Lol @ Dave Fallows, Im so sure you said somat similar when Perfect Dark came out on the 360.
                That game was like a kicking to me eventually. I forced myself to love it at first (and I still do love a few of the missions). I ended up cashing it in after the music stopped working on it FFS..
                Last edited by dataDave; 31-07-2006, 10:58.


                  Yep at 32 I can assure you it'll come & go - If you're really fed up of it, kick it into touch for now, maybe box up the console and (as they used to say in "Why don't you") Get up and go out and do somethign less boring instead

                  Everybody has a golden period of gaming and for everyone it's different - I think it's how you handle comnig out the other end of that which determines whether you keep playing or not.

                  David - What you said abuot Dead Rising is almost verbatim of one of my posts Great minds and all that.

                  Ragdoll Zombies better be in there !


                    Yeah, I live in Burnley though mate... All I have is my smokes, lavish food (for 3 out of 4 weeks) and games.

                    I was even going to blow ?550 on a petrol RC buggy this month, but that's f'ing stupid. ><

                    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                    (as they used to say in "Why don't you") Get up and go out and do somethign less boring instead !
                    See lonliness thread for my state of action against boredom (I'm going to liberate China).


                      I'm 30 and I've been through these phases before. I usually get myself through by getting excited over some facet of gaming that I've not really experienced before whether it be a specific genre or platform. For example, last time I was on a low I went nuts for arcade hardware and MVS stuff. Great fun, but not exactly cutting edge.

                      You see the thing is I know the games will come on the 360, it's just a question of waiting for them to trickle through. Until then... well there's Geometry Wars isn't there


                        I try and keep my gaming horizon to the games I can play today, not hankering after some nirvana uber game just beyond reach over the hill. That constant nagging of waiting for a game, picking up scraps of information over the months about features etc to be sorely disappointed by ****e AI or poor controls or other general crapness. Those that seem most disallusioned ALL say the same thing - I can't wait for Wii. What if it doesn't deliver? You are totally ****ed then.

                        Enjoy what you've got, if not then switch off and go and do something else until next year.

                        If this thread was started by muse hunter it would have been locked by now, think on.


                          I found often when I get fed up with it all, its because Ive got too many games on the go at once. Now I only have 3 or so max, I work harder at them and get reward through improving my performance than I do from jumping from one to the next. I try not to get too excited about forthcoming games, so often here I see people with such ridiculously high expectations never being met. Playing the here and now is good advice.


                            Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
                            If this thread was started by muse hunter it would have been locked by now, think on.
                            Not going to happen anytime soon lol.


                              marcus - I used to think that too, but I've not really got into anything for months. I went crazy for Oblivion in the first week it came out until the reality of its buggyness sunk in but that's been about it this year.

                              People say don't focus on the major horizon releases and I've also been doing that. Trying to focus on smaller games. The problem is all those games have been current generation, and I have to say at this point I'm questioning whether it's worth making the leap to the next-gen now there's relatively a lack of fresh material out or coming out which interests me, and the sequels I want to see get made are simply never going to be.

                              Having said that, I'm a shallow bastard. If Q Entertainment really are working on Rez 2 for example, I'll be frenziedly interested in my gaming again.
                              Last edited by Concept; 31-07-2006, 11:30.

