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The feeling you get when you completely dial a game

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    The feeling you get when you completely dial a game

    The posts on the games you can win at got me thinking, whats your greatest achievement, when your adrenaline kicks in, you lose track of every thing else apart from winning and when you do win the feeling is pure undescribable?
    Mine would have to be a few years ago on mariokart 64, I was playing it against my brothers friend and we both had the game so dialled, we were playing 2 player on wario stadium. The whole race we never messed up, never missed out on doing a smoking corners (don't know what the proper term is but its the joypad wiggling thing round the corner) and both did the shortcuts every time, we were neck and neck throughout the whole race,in the end I thought I had lost but a actually one by a millisecond. That was probably my defining gaming moment and I'm highly sceptical I'll ever better it.

    What does dialled mean?

    My fondest gaming memory is of playing in a RTCW league a few months ago. We beat a particularly mouthy clan - and qualified for the next division. Everyone was on voice comms and started cheering and singing (in English, Dutch, German and Welsh )

    The guys played great and the tactics worked like a charm - years of practice had come together. We thought we were the dogs bollox and congratulated each other till the wee hours

    (now we are in a very hard division and get completely minced every week - is still excellent fun tho)


      Getting off Halo with a few seconds to spare last week really gave me a buzz.

      But playing Q2 on a LAN with loads of people and slaugtering them all is the best.


        I dialled a pizza once, does that count?


          Completing Ikaruga challenge mode on one credit.

          I dont think my heart has ever been pounding so fast and I have never been so nervous in a game before...


            "Dailed", as in you got that number.

            I had this feeling a number of times, but one of the best was a while back when playing Ring of Red by Konami. Liked that game a lot. No....LOVED that game a lot.

            Mid point on that and I'm in control. I had that game's number dialed up. But it was still a long love affair and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sure the game had a few flaws, but the strategy was top notch and the feeling of besting the computer was pure grade-A brilliant. I would kill cute small furry animals to see a sequel to that title.

            Ring of Red is a bit like a 3D advance wars for the PS2. Sun came up. Went down. Came up again.


              the best game felling i ever had, i would have to agree with probeater, the feeling u get after a good Mario Cart race is amazing, u and your mate can be dead even but at the last min one of u manages to win - that is a good feeeling.

              Completing some goldeneye levels on 00 angent setting gave me quite a buzz as well, but i did find most of them very hard.

              but the most resent buzz feeling from a game would have to be getting the ship att he end of halo on legengary after spending ages working though the level it is a great feeling of satisfaction and very rewarding, especially when u see the secret movie.


                Playing insanely well balanced games of Halo have to be one of the best multiplayer experiences. The time when we had 4 vs 4 on a capture the flag (up to 10) on Rat Race and the teams were so balanced that you could never pin down who was gonna win.

                At 9/9 they took our flag and in a valiant attempt to kill him I stormed the base and took out two player but got shot down. Luckily the remaining team member had thrown a grenade taking the flag bearer down. 30 seconds later, we win. Pure Genius.

