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Edge vs. GamesTM

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    I guess its just a sign of the times, if you wanted to the net can be used to enlighten you on any subject imaginable.


      Originally posted by fumi
      Well I may be on my own here but I still quite enjoy Edge and its slighly sniffy attitude. Back in the 90's, their style of snooty journalism was really cool IMHO. Of course things change - I stopped buying it when they changed the size (magazine became wider) and layout (sucked like an Electrolux).

      I haven't read an issue for a long time now but I would still trust their reviews.

      Anyone remember when they used to come in bags? I used to leave mine on the desk in the office - co-workers would look and think to themselves 'Ah, Fumi is really serious about videogames - he buys that posh magazine that comes in a bag'.

      At least that what I always hoped they thought. lol.

      And don't get me started on those cardboard slipcases. For me, Edge was like a games magazine in the style of Vanity Fair, Vogue or Harpers Bazaar. It made me feel sophisticated as I nodded in agreement at their carefully written reviews.

      People go on about how Sony made gaming cool - but for people like me it was Edge that made me feel intelligent and informed - even if I really wasn't.

      You don't need no bleedin' Edge to tell you that good videogames are good - just play the things you're interested in and make your own opinions up!

      Remember, Edge is not cool - you are cool! Edge was there to say why it was/is(?????) cool and why you are not cool.

      PS: Yes, I do remember the 'sealed' covers - impressive but...mmmm...why?

      (....But I kind of get what you're getting at, in regards to the early issues, which at the time kind of offered a hitherto unseen way of presenting a games mag. )


        Originally posted by jazzfunk
        Remember, Edge is not cool - you are cool! Edge was there to say why it was/is(?????) cool and why you are not cool.
        Edge is kind of geekier-than-thou about everything, and really, being told you're not hip and trendy enough by other geeks is about as low as it can get


          I used to buy Edge every month, but have since chucked all but the first 10 issues, some selected ones (50, 100, specials) and cut off all the groovy covers of the others.

          Now I just buy it if it's got an interesting cover article - like something Ninty for example.

          For me, it's too full of PS2 and PC shizzle.


            I have subs for both Edge and GTM but if I had to go for one it would be Edge. I have been reading it since the first issue and still look forward to it dropping throught the door.

            Main part I would miss from GTM is the retro section.


              Games TM for me, although undoubtedtly it's gone a bit downhill quality wise since the troubles earlier this year, the writing isn't as good and it feels a little dumbed down at times. I usually pick up Edge as well from time to time, if anything they have become a little more accessible of late and not as ego driven as they once where.


                I often grab one when I have a long journey ahead of me, which isn't that often. Since I pick them up so infrequently, I can't really judge which is best, I just pick up whichever they have in smiths.


                  I browse through both mags whenever I'm in whsmith but never feel the need to buy either of them.


                    I used to buy Edge for the upcoming technical news and reviews of imports. Now the info is so out of date in comparison to the Interweb, I rarely buy any games mags anymore.

                    When I do buy a copy, it still seems quite reasonable but I tend to feel that the reviews can be somewhat odd.

                    Perhaps I'm not educated enough to enjoy the writing style, but it just turns me cold.

                    GamesTM seems a reasonable magazine for lesser mortals like me, who just fancya read on the bog now and then.

                    It would be a shame to lose either magazine, but at kr150 a copy (12 quid) over here, I tend to avoid! Maybe I should get a sub!


                      I've given up on both mags recently, and thats because of the slightly negative nature they take to RPGs that werent developed by 'Square' or Bioware', or don't have 'Dragon Quest VIII' or 'Oblivion' in their name.

                      Like someone on this forum pointed out earlier there doesn't seem to be anything but 'men with guns' or 'fast cars' on the covers these days and that goes for both mags.


                        i love them both and find them complimentary to each other.

                        Edge is still cool and aloof, Games TM the friendlier girl in the pub if you will, who would talk to you and you'd have a laugh with (and you'd probably sh*g her even though you really wanted Edge). I accept that i may have overthought this though.

                        despite never going back to old issues i still get a nice feeling when i look at my complete collections of both mags (including all specials) in the spare room.
                        in the absence of the short lived but missed Maximum I'm happy they can co-exist.




                            Neither. I don't feel either magazine is aimed at my audience anymore. I value select forum opinion more over written journalism these days.

