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Strategy Guides: Collectors Items??

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    @ Chunky

    I mis read your post and initially thought you had the guide for Secret of Mana, I would love to have a copy of that. In fact come to think of it , was a guide for SoM ever published for any region - does anyone know.


      Originally posted by Geo-V6
      @ Chunky

      I mis read your post and initially thought you had the guide for Secret of Mana, I would love to have a copy of that. In fact come to think of it , was a guide for SoM ever published for any region - does anyone know.
      Yeah, pretty sure i've seen it on ebay before, sells for a fair bit though.

      I've probably got a jap copy lying around if your interested but no english copy, i'm afraid.


        I'm more fond of artbooks myself or any form of making ofs for the game's I'm interested in. I do love Piggyback's production values and completist style though.


          I remember seeing some decent guides many years ago for mortal kombat and streetfighter 2 that was before i had internet access though

          I do have a reasonable guide for capcom vs snk 2

          One thing i have grown to like are these japanese strategy dvds for fighting games and shooters it feels like there far more advanced then any written guid i have seen


            Originally posted by eastyy
            One thing i have grown to like are these japanese strategy dvds for fighting games and shooters it feels like there far more advanced then any written guid i have seen
            I've never seen these, where do you get ahold of them?


              I used to buy a few if they were cheap, but the last ones I bought were Japanese Killer7 guides to compliment the collection and just 'cause they looked nice.


                Originally posted by Champloo
                I've never seen these, where do you get ahold of them?
                I got some like guilty gear x2 dvd and king of fighter 2002 off ebay from the seller videogameya i think

                I am hoping a KOF XI dvd comes out

                There are some shooter dvds on play asia but there no cheap
                Last edited by eastyy; 24-08-2006, 14:01.


                  Originally posted by eastyy
                  I got some like guilty gear x2 dvd and king of fighter 2002 off ebay from the seller videogameya i think

                  I am hoping a KOF XI dvd comes out

                  There are some shooter dvds on play asia but there no cheap
                  I know videogameya, didn't realise they did these dvds. I'll have to take a look, thanks for the help.


                    I'm not a fan. Yes the guides look nice and for quite a few sought after titles the price of the strategy guide is more than the price of the game. However there is something called gamefaqs.


                      I have around 20 Samurai spirits books , mainly Shinseisha gamest mooks and All about volumes. Keepers for the artwork alone in my opinion.

                      The Japanese FF books are quite collectables too.


                        I've never bought a strat guide, tending to rely on gamefaqs for the times i need to check up on something, but i have a question; How much stuff do you get ontop of the guide part itself? By which i mean, character bios, artwork, concept work, plot background, perhaps some elaboration on the themes (ideally from the developer).

                        I've heard of some of the japanese guides being like this sort of thing, more of an all round accompaniment to the title, rather than just a playguide giving you maps and telling you where all the hidden magic gems are.

                        The guides are usually sealed in stores, preventing me flicking through


                          I agree, there's not really much point any more to a strategy guide when every secret in the game is laid bare in a matter of hours after release on the internet. I was wondering how they still managed to sell so many, until I heard that they've begun offering dvd's of gameplay with audio commentary along with the guides. Even though there's Youtube and Google video, I guess the DVD along with the artwork might justify the purchase price for some people.

                          I have a couple of old strategy guides that were shipped free to Nintendo Power members. I bought the hint book for Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow for myself, and one for Return to Zork as a gift for my friend. But other than those occasions, I've never really felt compelled to have a hint book.


                            I rather like strategy guides that contain some sort of chapter on how the game was created. The guide for Extreme G on the N64 was particularly good for a Western guide as it contained a lot of interviews, inspirations and concept art in addition to the track layouts.

                            I just bought the deluxe Tekki/Steel Battalion guide from somebody on eBay and it has some lovely artwork, particularly a small scene with young children clambering over and playing on the ruins of a mech that is rusting in the sea. The Bradygames version is unsurprisingly poor in comparison but I like to have them both to round out my small Tekki collection. Oh, I also have guides for Front Mission and Gun Hazard, both of which are clearly packed with useful information- I wish I could read Japanese!

