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PS3 in-store kiosks

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    You're not really going to notice a lot of difference between 720p and 1080p at the sort of size that you're going to get on a demo pod (23"?). They presumably could use a PC monitor that goes up to 1080p if they wanted to (you can get laptops that go higher than 1920x1080, after all) but I'm not sure that it would be worth the expense.


      Here's the PS3 one... apparently somewhere in Akihabara (Yodobashi Camera).

      Looks like something Kratos could navigate in the next God of War.
      Last edited by Bleeders; 02-10-2006, 10:37.


        Assuming they're 1080p screens, wonder what size they are? Look smaller than 37", the smallest ones I've seen avaliable to consumers.


          I like the way they've incorporated the curve of the ps3 into the base there. Looks like something off the set of old Dr Who! (good thing) or from Quake. The camera height is making it look massive, but I guess the TV is at eye level.
          Need more info on those screens!


            looks like a X-Series Bravia screen to me and iirc 40inch is the smallest they do atm.


              Originally posted by mt50
              looks like a X-Series Bravia screen to me and iirc 40inch is the smallest they do atm.
              Going on the fact that the PS3 is 10" wide... I reckon the screens in that shot could well be 40-inchers. Whether anywhere but the highest profile shops will get them is another matter. 40" screens wouldn't stay put for 5 minutes 'round where I live, tied to a kiosk or not.


                Looks to me like the real reason Europe are not getting the PS3 this year is because Sony ran out of plastic making these things

