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Games TM 48 Bitchfest!

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    Games TM 48 Bitchfest!

    Shamelessly stolen from sofasurfer over at RLLMUK.

    Dead Rising 8
    Yakuza 8
    Starfox command 8
    Dance Factory 8
    Test Drive Unlimited 7
    Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins 7
    B-Boy 5
    Disgaea 2 9
    Prostroke Golf 7
    Ace Combat Zero 6
    Saints Row 7
    Gangs of London 6
    Blade Dancer 3
    Enchanted Arms 6
    Bomberman Act:Zero 3
    Super Bikes:Riding Challenge 5

    The cover is Half Life, with a tiny article inside apparently. How odd considering they STILL haven't reviewed it!
    Nice score for Dead Rising, and NO SCORE! for Half Life 2.*

    *I know I should let it go, but I can't!

    Last edited by jimmbob; 04-09-2006, 14:44. Reason: Apparently they DO score it, but DON'T review it! Additional note. I don't have the magazine so can't read it even if I wanted to. Copied n' pasted from another forum. Ta.

    Originally posted by jimmie2k
    and NO SCORE! for Half Life 2.*

    *I know I should let it go, but I can't!

    Actually they do score it - they just don't review it. Look on the very last page - p.178. There is a score there...


      Interesting the Yakuaza is getting some high scores. It must be better when you can understand the plot.

      Disgaea 2 keeping up the high quality of the first.


        Originally posted by suicidepirate
        Actually they do score it - they just don't review it. Look on the very last page - p.178. There is a score there...

        What is it? I haven't got the mag.


          Heh, well maybe you should wait till you read something for yourself before spacking about it

          The score is 9.


            Thank you. I do it ("spacking") every month, it's my thing.


              what is the point in giving a score with no review text to back it up? (by this I mean within the magazine itself - I had more respect for them when they just ignored Half-life 2, this 'giving it a review score' says to me that they are just trying to appease the posters on various UK message boards)

              very sad.


                I guess they think they have the "review" covered in their feature, where they sing HL2's praises.

                But yes, it is odd not to have a proper review. Oh well.



                  Not all this gubbins again


                    They gave starfox command an 8?????

                    Do they have a 6 year old reviewing half of these games?


                      Maybe they will get back in my good books for giving Disgaea 2 a respectable 9 - we'll see when/if they finally get round to reviewing SRW, and this months RPG bible. If SRT gets a low score then they'll be past the point of no return - for me.

                      I have even heard the editor saying he hates RPGs recently, so that explained the recent downturn and stereotypical attitude towards them of late in the reviews, but at least they've given Disgaea 2 something respectable which makes a refreshing change. It still backs up my argument about inconsistency and doesn't get them out my bad books though - just yet.

                      Last edited by AdamJW; 04-09-2006, 13:20.


                        Hey, if you're going to bitch about the score at least give us a clue to what end of the scale you think it shoud be on. Did you think Starfox deserved more or less?


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang
                          Hey, if you're going to bitch about the score at least give us a clue to what end of the scale you think it shoud be on. Did you think Starfox deserved more or less?
                          The whole strategy concept behind the game was a bit pointless - sure it was new, but it didn't work very well and don't even get me started on the controls.

                          I'd imagine the review for starfox command went something like this:

                          "It has a cute little fox in it, he flies in a spaceship called an ahwing with lots of other cute characters that look like the ones I see on my saturday morning cartoon show - I wasn't very gewd at this game because controling a spaceship with a tiny stick is difficult for children. Overall I give this 8 out of 10 and would recommend it to my friends, just because it has cudly things in it"

                          Seriously tho, the game was a major disappointment and doesn't live up to the starfox name - It seems like nintendo thought a mad goat like guy for a villain was too much for kiddies to stomach and stuck in a dumb fish thing. As for the score I would have swapped it with that of saint's row.


                            Glad I finally got round to buying #47 today then lol


                              Originally posted by jimmie2k
                              The cover is Half Life, with a tiny article inside apparently. How odd considering they STILL haven't reviewed it!
                              Nice score for Dead Rising, and NO SCORE! for Half Life 2.
                              The editors notes on the inside cover goes through all this stuff about the lack of a HL2 review, and ironically, the internet bitching that followed.

