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Resident Evil -killing the snake and other choices

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    Resident Evil -killing the snake and other choices

    I'm currently playing through Resident Evil on my DS and really loving it. I've not played this since the PS days and am surprised by how well it still plays. When it came to the bit where you have to get the crest from the snake's lair, I did what I always used to do: run in, grab it and run out again. I got bit once and ended up at the downstairs save point. I was just wondering if this is what other people do, or do they kill the snake. And if so, is it hard to kill and does it make any difference? This got me wondering about other choices in the game, such as do you kill the sharks with your gun or just go straight to empty the water? And what about the other Resi games? Do you normally try and fight Mr X in Resi 2? Do you always fight the Nemisis in 3 or just run away? And what about the monster in 4 that you have to try and freeze? I spent ages on him but couldn't kill him so just ran away in the end.
    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.

    I used to kill the snake in RE1 on PlayStation, but then I started to do sub 2.5hr runs so I just legged it past him As for RE2 and the Nemesis in ' I just evaded him until the boss fights where you had no choice.

    In RE4 I just froze the bastard, but it wasn't easy, even with a maxed out Butterfly.


      In Resi 2 scenario B I'd take him down everytime FTW. Although after that first time I started doing the speed runs and began to just leg it past him.


        There was a trick to the snake boss in RE1.... let yourself get poisoned and leave the room. You will collapse and Rebecca/Barry will take you to the save room under the stairs. You can no longer be poisoned by the snake.


          Anytime I meet a boss or enemy in a Resi game they dont ever see my arse running away, all they see is the barrell of my gun till that bad boy is empty... THEN they can see my arse

          Certainly for the snake anyway I would take him out with whatever weaponry I had and since I have never been one for the Resi speed runs most bosses get the time they deserve from me. Except for the wee guy in Resi 4 when he changes into the massive mutation monster thing, after multiple attempts at conserving ammo to take him down and bought the bullet, purchased an RPG and took the wee ****e out in one fell swoop I guess that could be the equivalent fo running from him, hehe.


            Unless I was doing a speed run, I'd always fight the snake. And if you decide to take on Nemesis each time you see him you'll be rewarded with weapon upgrades.


              I just run, grab the mask and then kill the snake at the library; that's remake anyway, don't know how it pans out in the original version.


                Originally posted by Roddie
                I just run, grab the mask and then kill the snake at the library; that's remake anyway, don't know how it pans out in the original version.
                Same basic thing, but there was one of they keys in there instead. The death masks are a new thing added to Remake.


                  i always take the ****er out! the snake that is. Shotguns shells? nah.......... Acid rounds? nah........... Beretta? maybe........... Bayonet/knife? now we are talking! Ive done it before without being bitten but boy was it tough! The fecker trys to curl you up with its tail. If yah Jill i think Barry comes in to help you out. But this is dependant on if you have need his assistance before you reach this part. I remember spending many a days in my youth trying to get through the game to see what different ways you can meet the characters by purposely not going into rooms with them in or avoiding them, to see how far Capcom took the story line. Its fun......... especially when yah chris and meet rebecca at the same point as when you meet richard (the guy with the snake bite)


