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Scamble (Xbox Live Arcade)

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    Scamble (Xbox Live Arcade)

    You know the drill.

    It's by Digital Eclipse who seem to have a monopoly on these arcade ports - It has exactly the same front end/menu setup as Time Pilot.

    It plays brilliant - exactly as I remember though those meteors on Stage 3 seem very fast

    Enhanced graphics mode is great as it was with Time Pilot, theres also some xbox live modes in there (Versus and Co-Op) - I'm intrigued to see how co-op works if anybodies on tonight shout me and we'll try it (There's a co-op achievement if you can score 30k between you).

    Great wee game - well worth the price of a pint and some Mccoys.

    That Digital Eclipse logo reminds me of the Ring and spooks me out every time

    Don't think I'd ever played this before but it reminds me of The Tube on the C64! Think this is another for nostalgia fans though, not that I'm not one but it's just one I don't know. I've got loads to catch up on on the arcade anyway so I don't mind but I'd like to see something a bit different.


      SCAMBLE? Edit the Title topic!

      I don't like the new graphics. I never do with these things and always select the original chunky pixels look. Feels like I'm playing a shareware version otherwise.

      I also resent having to play a stupid co-op mode to get one of the achievements. Fair enough including that in something like Gauntlet, but WTF is it doing in a single-player shooter?

      Bit annoying that the buttons can't be re-mapped either but the defaults translate OK to the arcade stick.

      Other than that, it's still a good game
      Last edited by Kubrick; 13-09-2006, 17:42.


        I need an arcade stick for this - not being able to remap the buttons means I am having to hold the pad in an awkward way and after 10 mins I get an intense pain in my right forearm which makes the game unplayable.

        Loving the game though - one of my fav games of all time, and I disagree with Kubrick in that I think the new graphics are not bad (the old clunky look is very poor in hidef)

