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US Wii: Preorder Details Thread

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    Originally posted by Synthesthesia
    I just phoned them too, he said they had 36 pre-orders and that i was 31st in the queue.

    What i didn't get was that he said i might not get my system for 2 weeks, yet he said that they're supposed to be getting 50 consoles? WTF.

    Also said that zelda is in plentiful supply, so no worry on that! I'm just going to keep my order even if it is 2 weeks, still before PAL!
    Only 36? I must be near the top then with order # 67672.


      That's what he said- my order # is 682**, don't know how the numbers work. But i'm sure Lyris said he phoned them and anyone with an order number of 67 were guaranteed a unit for launch.
      Last edited by Synthesthesia; 21-11-2006, 07:22.


        I caved in - Nintendo Wii + Zelda + Shipping = ?210

        alright really!


          Woohoo, just had a mail from Gameplay:

          Dear Gameplay Customer,
          Congratulations! We are delighted to be able to confirm that your pre-order for a Wii has been successful. We will be despatching this eagerly anticipated console to you for day of release.To ensure that we get your Wii to you without a hitch, please double check that your payment details are up-to-date and that sufficient funds are available in your account.

          I pre-ordered late on the 29th Sep. Would have preferred an NTSC console, but ahh well


            Originally posted by elaniel
            yorda... he was a top guy wasnt he?

            seemes completely on the same level with us rather than just filling us with a bs story like a normal sales rep would.

            i feel a lot more confident with IM now than over the weekend when i didnt know what was going on.
            Yep, he seemed like a good guy. It's going to do no harm to keep our orders in with IM in any case; if mine still hasn't been sent by the time the PAL launch happens, and there's stock on the shelves, then I'll pick up a PAL machine and cancel my order. I'm now fairly confident it won't come to that, though.


              true true yorda.

              they seem to be keeping me updated and telling me to call as much as i need which makes them fairly confident everything is going to plan (knock on wood)


                Have spoken to Derek a few times from IM and the guy is sound. Very informative and indeed a gamer. When i called they were checking out the PS3 on a 55" screen so i guess they busy . im also condfident they will deliver the wii as promised

                now where to find a component cable...


                  IM have stopped taking orders now, was gonna sneak one in...


                    I seriously am getting a bit too excited. 7 days to go!!


                      dang dude... i was just on IM a few hours ago and they were still taking orders.

                      check out

                      it claims they have some in stock.


                        Mines just shipped from VG+!
                        Zelda & Excitetruck goodness either Wednesday or Thursday.


                          Did they send you a tracking ref?


                            I've decided not to book any time off work to play. I prefer the anticipation of going to work and waiting until I get in so that I can spark up pronto and tackle one more dungeon. I'm saving ?100 so that I can go to the pub each night for my tea over the first two weeks, saving cooking/washing up time.

                            Mine might be arriving this week sometime so I'll get an Excitetruck thread going and bang some times up there for ppl to try and beat. I won't delete this one in a drunken stupor like I did with the F-Zero one. Hopefully we can upload + share ghost data from the get go.


                              Originally posted by elaniel
                              dang dude... i was just on IM a few hours ago and they were still taking orders.

                              check out

                              it claims they have some in stock.
                              Don't think they do. They've put 1-2 days because it's out. They put 1-2 days on everything that?s out whether they have it in stock or not. I've tried to cancel the order but it won't let me when I click cancel. I've emailed them 3 times now with no reply. I've changed my credit card details to a load of random numbers. That should get there attention when they want my money if they ever get the system in.

                              Stay well clear of dvdstars!


                                oh sorry dude. is it that bad there? i sorta ssumed they didtn have any as everything on tehir site said they had it. guess its a bit like IM. they always say it.

