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Help me "get" RPGs

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    Thats the thing though does not happen in chess that my pawn cannot take your pawn because the level is not high enough

    Still i understand though everyone has a preference


      Originally posted by Brats
      It seems unlikely that Oblvion would be made by a Japanese developer, for the next few years anyway. Oblivion works because the game's character is a blank canvass, which goes against the appeal (in Japan at least) of their RPGs which have clearly defined characters.

      However I do see more Western influence creeping into Japanese RPGs in the form of more open play. Steambox Chronicles is a good example of this.

      I've said this before, but JRPGs aren't RPGs at all in the true sense. They are adventure games with lots of stats. They have more in common with Western games like Grim Fandango than Oblivion.
      I agree. What I'm saying is that regardless of region the areas we're seeing rapid evolution in the RPG genre (which contains multiple definitions for different people these days) are the ones in which Oblivion inhabits.

      I like a good story and I'm not against defined characters. I suppose what continues to turn me off the 'traditional' Japanese RPG is the brutal, raw linear nature of progression many seem to follow.


        I can't remember a RPG I've played recently where I've been unable to win fights based on being a lower level than the opponents. It's all about the tactics


          I do remember there were a few battles in FF7 i could not win until i leveled up a bit
          also having decent equipment helps too

          did anyone find phantasy star online 3 that hard ?


            It can be tactics, but it can also be about the actual players skill level aswell. My skill levels don't allow me to play many 'action' 'realtime' games because of a lack of use of a couple of fingers in one of my hands, but I wouldn't fault my own skill level of playing turn based games, and have always put it down to my own tactics and my own skill rather than what my characters level may be at especially in alot of situations in games such as Fire Emblem and Disgaea.


              The game will influence this to some degree as well as skill I agree - Disgaea 2 I was able to play through the story without power levelling to completion because I knew the tactics that worked ( the prinny levels are a prime example of knowing how prinnies work - you might struggle level wise if you don't get with the right tactics on that chapter )


                Yeah!! you definitely need to get to grips with some tactics & mechanics outside of just the usual levelling up to beat some of the story level stages on Disgaea 2, but the beauty of it is that you can manipulate Disgaea and Disgaea 2s mechanics in such a way that it enables you to suit it to your own style of play and skill level - in a similar way to like a sandbox game, but in the structure of a TRPG. To me the only limitting thing that can work against you within Disgaea 2 is your own imagination, but things soon fall into place - with play.
                Last edited by AdamJW; 03-10-2006, 17:31.


                  Yes, I'm playing Disgaea 2 like I would Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics - avoiding casualties makes many maps a challenge on first run through (I've only had one so far).

                  When I've finished the story I'll power level in the item world, get baliffs etc and it will be like a second game.


                    Everyone's said most of the Bioware/Black Isle titles (notably Planescape Torment, which is superb) but one game worth going back to (even if it's not as pretty) is


                    which is just delightful. Wonderful scope + scale, fun turn-based combat with Big Guns, stunningly good writing and voice acting, and - and this is a big and - subtle.

                    I can't cope with Japanese RPGs, because, as Concept points out, there's no role-playing; you guide pre-defined characters through a story. I love the battle mechanics of FF7, but the rest of the game utterly ****s me. FFX surprised me, by being alright (in terms of narrative/plot) and fun to play.

                    But in short: if you don't "get" the Japanese RPG, it doesn't mean the genre's dead to you.

                    KOTOR is also very good - very RPGy and yet very accessible. Fun.

                    But yeah, both Fallout games are pretty good; 2 has way more plot, guns, side-plots, and is a bigger world, but it has a really crap first hour - stabbing rats in sewer. Fallout 1, by contrast, has the most brilliant opening, throwing you straight in.


                      Vandal Hearts for Ps1. That. is. all.

                      Ok, maybe that's not all. It's Japanese, turn-based, good story and to me at the time, playing my first JRPG, felt like chess with more pieces and a great story.


                        Fallout, while absolutely a superb game, has dated graphically quite badly.
                        If you go into it expecting that then hopefully you'll find it extremely enjoyable. The art direction's extremely charming.
                        I still think the character creation in Fallout 1 & 2 is the most enjoyable in almost any game ever, possibly bar the excellent Arcanum.
                        Last edited by Magnakai; 05-10-2006, 13:47.


                          Tales of Symphonia is an awesome all round title, plus the real time combat really takes the tedium outta the leveling up.

                          Maybe you should play some RPGs on a portable? Its alot less time consuming when you are playing it whilst watching TV.


                            For great battle systems have a go at Grandia or the PC MMO Guildwars

                            I really love strategy RPGs but Vandal Hearts and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance disappointed me a bit. I'd suggest Shining Force 2 (on Megadrive), Advance Wars (on GBA) or Disgaea (on PS2) instead.

                            Skies of Arcadia Legends (on Gamecube) seems really nice too if you can stomach random battles.


                              dear me

                              has everyone forgot the best ever rpg?

                              boys and girls i give you:

                              the legend of zelda - a link to the past


                                Originally posted by eastyy
                                I really loved diablo 2 and LOD was not keen on that for every patch the game got harder though
                                The 1.10 patch really transformed the game with skill synergies, a whole new series of tactics could be employed. The game really did get alot better. Skills and enemies were balanced out too. The expansion added a load of stuff including 2 really good new classes.

                                The skills, characters and enemies in Diablo 2 are so far ahead of what you find in other action rpg's. The console equivalents, apart from Record Of Lodoss War have really dissapointed me.

