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New sub-forum. Your suggestions needed.

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    New sub-forum. Your suggestions needed.

    The First Play forum is a massive success.

    However, many of us only get around to playing some games later on when they are cheaper or just lower down the priority, by which time the First Play for that game will perhaps have run its course.

    So to go some way towards catering for this market, we are thinking of introducing a sub forum. We have already decided a framework for it, but for it to succeed we need the input of the people that will be using it. You!

    So we need suggestions on:
    1) What to call it
    2) How it should work
    3) How long each timebox should be (see below)

    The idea so far:
    A game is decided upon that is not a new release and that won't take too long to play (at least enough to join in with the discussion). It would also have to be a game that is fairly readily available, so obscure games like Cubivore that are impossible to get hold of wouldn't really work. For example something like Super Monkey Ball, or Burnout1 or Ico would be better.

    Everyone that is in will dig out their old copy of the game or grab it for cheap somewhere and be given a timebox in which to play and discuss it. This might be a month for example, but suggestions on more or less are needed. This timebox can evolve over time as we all figure out what the optimum is. The discussion will be held in a thread which could be locked at the end of the timebox, thus giving everyone an incentive to get on with it.

    Therefore people that haven't played before can play it at the same time as other newcomers and people that have played before can join in again if they want and give advice to the newcomers when they are stuck.

    Meanwhile, another new thread will started in parallel to discuss which game should be played next. This is your chance to really get people fired up for your particular choice and explain why your choice is best. So if you have an older game lying around that you never got around to, then that's a perfect choice to be voting for. This thread would be closed some time before the next timebox is due to start giving people a chance to get hold of the game before the next discussion thread starts.

    An idea for choosing the game could be that the staff could say which ones were popular and argued well for and make a poll on say 3 games. Or alternatively the posters could decide amongst themselves and come to an agreement. Again, suggestions on how this would work is welcome. (The staff will probably choose the first game, just to get it up and running). Once the choice is made, the thread could be closed and a new one started for the following slot.

    If the game is something with scores or times, then it could also be linked to the relevant challenge forum thread so people can compare progress.

    So, over to you guys. Please brain dump with any suggestions for how this would work. Please don't just post to say "Start with game X!!!". Even if you don't have any suggestions and think the above would work, and you think you would get involved in it where possible, please post to say so and show your support.

    Call it "Replay"?

    You might also start off with a poll to find out what platforms people own to get a feel for where the games may lie. Are you thinking import games? To me this idea has more a retro feel than import, but that may be just me.
    Last edited by Nijo; 02-10-2006, 12:03.


      This sounds like a great idea, i really like it. I think there should be a poll for the next game thats chosen, maybe like the top 5 most frequently suggested games in the next game thread. I also think somewhere between 2 weeks and a month would be a big enough window for people to play, any shorter would be too short to get through some of the longer games and too much longer and people would lose interest.

      I think maybe the genre of game should change each time, this might give people the incentive to play types of games that they wouldn't usually.


        sounds good - it might be a bit of a logistical nightmare, but maybe it could be tied in with the bargains thread?

        i never buy games on release especially PAL ones, and always wait for a bit until it comes down in price or turns up secondhand.


          Good suggestions keep them coming.

          Originally posted by Nijo
          Call it "Replay"?

          You might also start off with a poll to find out what platforms people own to get a feel for where the games may lie. Are you thinking import games? To me this idea has more a retro feel than import, but that may be just me.
          Yep, sounds like a great name.

          I was trying to avoid the retro word because it's far less likely people will have the older games on pre-DC systems. I don't think it matters if people are playing import versions or local versions. I guess most people here will be playing the import versions by default, but it really shouldn't matter by this point.


            Originally posted by charlesr
            Everyone that is in will dig out their old copy of the game or grab it for cheap somewhere and be given a timebox in which to play and discuss it.
            So it's kinda like a book club but for games? Interesting...

            I like the name "Replay" (maybe "Replay Club"?), but the forum descriptor should be clear as to what's going on, this sounds like a relatively complicated idea which might confuse newcomers. With enough variety, I think it could be a success.

            I guess the way it would work would be only to have a few threads open at a time, one for discussing the current game (maybe you could have 2+ running at once?), one for proposals for the next game, and maybe one for feedback on the system. You'd probably make it clearer to people if threads were locked after their timeframe was up.

            I guess you'd start with something like a retro title and a recent release (something not new enough to talk about in First Play), or two different genres (an RPG and a sports title), or maybe a bargain title and an import title. Open discussion for two weeks, while running the proposal and feedback threads. I guess the main proposal thread is used to gather ideas for a poll, then in the second week of the frame a poll thread is opened with the options, and people vote for a few days. Then I guess you'd need to give people time to get their hand on the game if they wanted to join in, maybe a week. So perhaps it makes sense to run the polls during the first week, allow the second week for the acquisition of the following frame's games and the proposal of the next set of poll options.

            Perhaps this summary makes the previous paragraph clearer:

            WEEK 1:
            Start the first frame - play & discuss
            Start the poll for the next frame - vote

            WEEK 2:
            Continue play & discuss
            Conclude poll - decide on next frame's game(s)
            Acquire games
            Propose the next poll options

            WEEK 3:
            As week 1, start again with new games, start the next poll, etc.

            I guess the moderator(s) for this forum will have a lot more responsibility than normal, they'd have to start the polls and close the threads.

            Maybe increase it from 2 weeks to 4?


              Sounds wicked to me. I'm desperate to get a ps3 to play the ps2 games I have missed since selling my ps2. ICO, FF10, Okami, ff12 (ok, so the last 2 are new) and loads of others. To have peoples play time experiences and time frame for how long to play each game etc would be incredibly valuable!


                Sounds great, can I also suggest picking some nice xbox live games, such as Outrun 2 etc, that way those great live games can be played by a few of us, especially if in the thread we agree a time to go online together. Such a shame that so many great live games are dead as a dodo now. I came to live quite late, am rubbish at Halo 2 and would like to play some of the others as intended and not just the single player game.


                  I really like this idea, and I also think a two to three week timeframe for each game sounds reasonable since I know most of us don't get the time to play games as much as we used to. Maybe even one per month, since that would allow us to play whatever new games we bought as well and 'keep up to date'.

                  I also think it would work far better if the games were chosen completely independently by the mods or some nominated persons, to ensure that we don't end up with an elitest 'let's all vote for the most obscure TurboGrafx Shooter' mentality or alienate people who aren't into a given specialist genre by repeatedly choosing similar games. It would be interesting to play the odd game you may not normally be interested in but if you hated Genre X and that's all people voted for you'd get bored and drop out pretty quickly.


                    How about you just set a script for First Play threads that dumps them into the Played A Bit Later Coz I Waited For It On Budget sub-forum 6 months after creation say?
                    Oh I dunno! I question the worth of having more than one thread which will essentially be saying the same thing, something that the mods generally tend to try to cut down on by providing a link and locking the duplicate thread.


                      I personally think 4-6 weeks is a good timeframe because of people who import it after reading reviews etc, just gives people who are only a little bit late to get into discussions with people who are a little further into the game, but not so much as they are bored of it.

                      Replay sounds good as well.


                        i wanted (ages ago think i mentioned it somewhere)

                        A retro firstplay thread


                          Originally posted by vertigo
                          How about you just set a script for First Play threads that dumps them into the Played A Bit Later Coz I Waited For It On Budget sub-forum 6 months after creation say?
                          Oh I dunno! I question the worth of having more than one thread which will essentially be saying the same thing, something that the mods generally tend to try to cut down on by providing a link and locking the duplicate thread.
                          I agree that it's best to keep discussion of a game in one thread.

                          The contents of the new threads could be merged into the First Play threads (rather than just closing them) at the end of the time period, thus making it still possible to continue the discussions if need be.


                            What about you choose a game that doesn't have a First Play thread already and have the Videogames Club type discussion in there? Not sure I'm seeing the appeal of starting up another thread on a Game that already has a First Play thread? Although I maybe missing the point...


                              Originally posted by MattyD
                              'let's all vote for the most obscure TurboGrafx Shooter' mentality

                              I guess some basic rules could be set up alongside polling, such as "cover x genres over <howevermany> frames". On the one hand covering lots of genres/generations will make the system more appealing to a wider audience, but on the other, if the forum goers want an elitest selection of niche 16-bit Interactive Fiction doujin titles, then that's what the forum goers want.

                              Personally I'd prefer it if we had some say, but I understand in some cases we might need moderators to weild supreme executive power over the masses.

