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Buy Your Gamerscore

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    Buy Your Gamerscore

    Had to happen eventually I guess...

    $299 for 3000 points?

    you could buy king kong madden and nba2k6 for a fraction of that and get 3000 points.

    which is exactly what the service will be doing i imagine

    heh clever but no one surely is THAT stupid


      Originally posted by Bleeders

      Had to happen eventually I guess...
      People would pay 300 dollars for 3000 points? That's madness!


        How on earth would they do it though, save maybe play through a few easy 1000 pointers or something?


          Bargain! Only $299.99 for an additional 3000 gamer points!!


            Bleeders the concept is simple


            i say to you buy your gamerscore! $299 for 3000 points
            you say ok
            you give me your gamertag and details
            i take your money laugh like a loon and buy
            king kong

            for no more than $60

            i play through these games\sim them

            you get the points
            i get the cash

            next punter does the same thing but now i make even more as i already have the games.


              Surprised it hasn't happened sooner really, their prices are astronomical though, give it time and a few more will crop up and prices will drop, very sad though.


                Aye, I mean, does a gamerscore mean that much to someone to be willing to spend money on it?


                  On this site, that lists the top gamerscore change per day, the top "change" is always around 3,000 points, even on piss easy games that gonna take alot of hours.


                    Doesn?t surprise me in the least to be honest. After playing FFXI for 3 years, what has astouned me the most is the sheer number of people who seem to be willing to pay real money for in game currency or fully levelled characters.

                    I do think online play has brought a lot of benefits but at the same time it seems there are people more interested in inflating their e-peen (whether it be by a high gamerscore or fancy in game items).

                    I certainly don?t wish to tar everyone with good in game equipment in a MMORPG or a high 360 gamerscore with the same brush. It?s just that there does seem to be people more interested in the end result, rather than actually playing the games and earning the rewards.

                    Then again, perhaps these people have always been around and provided the market for devices like Action Replay. Just with the online aspect coming to the fore, they are more noticeable?


                      The person with the HIGHEST gamerscore should go to them, and try and squeeze another 3000 points out, they'd have to buy games that the other person didnt have which is probably not alot and play them to death to get it all! Make them work for their money!!


                        Their prices are all cocked up. It's $40 dollars for 500 points or $100 for 1,000.

                        Nice business acumen!


                          Originally posted by Rossco
                          The person with the HIGHEST gamerscore should go to them, and try and squeeze another 3000 points out, they'd have to buy games that the other person didnt have which is probably not alot and play them to death to get it all! Make them work for their money!!
                          Exactly what I was thinking, it's not as if they can 'grind' an easy game like King Kong to get several thousand.

                          As C' said in MMO's you get loads of sites offering character leveling services, but this works because they can just grind for 20 hours...


                            This thread..........



                              The achivement points in early titles were way to easy NBA 2k6 you get all of them really quickly, NBA 2K7 is a whole different ball game, it seems companies are thinking about the achievements a bit more now, as for buying them that defeats the object of completeting a challenge and getting satisfaction.

