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Street Fighter II HF 360 - I've given up!!!

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    Street Fighter II HF 360 - I've given up!!!

    After numerous games playing Street Fighter II HF on my 360 and eventually reaching as high ranking as 32 yesterday after averaging around the 100 ranking mark, I can honestly say that I've given up playing this game for good.

    Big FU must go to MS for ****ing up what must have been one of the easiest 10 year old games to perfect.

    Firstly, hit boxes are ****ed up.

    Secondly, why is it you're allowed to changed characters once you've chosen. Delaying the process of actually getting into a game.

    Thirdly, why is it almost impossible to connect to an online ranked match.

    Fourthly, people quitting sucks. Oh, and those that taint your rep just for the sake of it sucks too.

    Lastly, how the heck did I drop from being ranked 32 to 150, playing my last 5 games in a row? I connected to a ranked match and the other person didn't/doesn't even bother selecting a character? I knew summat was wrong when I was made to wait about 5 minutes and then quit out! Then it clicked...
    I checked my ranking and to my horror, it went down!
    If I quit, it counts as a loss for me and my ranking goes down much to the delight of the Americans playing me!

    I'm sure there are many other things that piss me off about SF on 360 but these were the things to spring to mind especially the opponant not selecting a character thing...

    I'm sure it was a personal vendetta to get me outta the top 40!

    phillai RIP@SF...
    Matches played - 461
    Total wins - 378
    Total losses - 83
    Best rank ever - 32

    Give me back the SNES version, anyday!
    Last edited by phillai; 06-10-2006, 23:12.

    You should be venting your anger at Capcom... MS didn't develop this game.


      you expected people on live not to find loop holes to cheat there way up the ranking, i wouldent blame capcom as every single game i know has a way to cheat the rankings makeing them pretty meaningless, if it dident have the rank loss if you quit people would drop if they were loseing, and because it dose people have found this loophole to cheat rankings.

      Email capcom and tell them about this cheat, a 20second countdown to select players would solve this straight away, and i doubt it would be hard to add in with a patch.


        Garou Densetsu Special>>>>>>Street Fighter 2 '.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          Originally posted by J0e Musashi
          Garou Densetsu Special>>>>>>Street Fighter 2 '.
          Fatal Fury Special is crap tho!


            If you bought a stick just to play this game, it must make it worse.


              Originally posted by Kongster
              If you bought a stick just to play this game, it must make it worse.
              lol, yeah that's true! And to make it worse, I've broke it three times and repaired it each time to play this again!


                There should be an international treaty against people who drop out of online games, with a universal penalty of having their nutsack sliced open and pulled over their heads. With lots of vinegar to make sure it bloody hurts

                I always wondered if developers actually try their games out online instead of the relative safety of their LAN. They should start implimenting features like auto time-out to remedy people hiding / not selecting characters / generally stealing good gamer's oxygen.


                  This is my biggest waste of Microsoft Points to date, I would rather have put this 800 points towards the overpriced GRAW Chapter 2 pack, and the 360's D-pad isn't up to the job for this game.


                    This could all be quite easily solved by setting a bit on the game like Animal Crossing that sets to 1 when the game is in progress then sets back to 0 after the game has finished, this could be used to log who quits out during a match and the stat can be logged in your profile. A small number of disconnects is of course inevitable, but you will soon be able to see who the quitters are and avoid them accordingly. It's such a small, obvious fix, I don't know why it hasn't been in from the start.
                    Someone pay me some money.


                      Use the feedback system - Negative the bastards and pick "Quit Early" - You'll never be matched with them again (I think).

                      It does suck ass though - but any game which is/becomes popular on live usually falls foul of these pricks who can't just play the game.

                      If it makes you feel any better they probably all have micro-dicks and are trying to make up for it this way.


                        i got 70% bad feedback from this game for quitting (which i've never done) and even trash talk - odd, considering i never use the headset except when playing phillai and he wouldn't do something 3vil like that, now

                        and as for MS bodging it up, i bet they think hitboxes are for websites. i say noone's to blame really.

                        the thing is, playing online always has stuff like this. i for one have loved all the online capcom fighters (c vs snk2, hsf2, sf3ts and now this) as i just don't have access to a nearby arcade to play, and hardly any of my mates own sf games anyway (and most of the ones that do don't know how to play them) so for me they're a godsend and have improved my game substantially.

                        i had no problems paying the 800 points, and i also have absolutely no problems playing on the 360 dpad.

                        ok ranking sucks, and i always hook up my usb keyboard specifically to cuss the droppers (a few have even joined my friends list which is really funny when you think about it), so i play quarter matches more often, but it's so annoying when some twat using bittorrent or whatever jumps in and slows your game right down.

                        it's just the lamest thing ever - people who are so eager to do 'well' in the game will do all this crap. you're not doing 'well' at all if you're just being a git anyway. it's a game.

                        a flipping game.

                        i've even had a couple of quitters in quarter matches!

                        at the end of the day, it's not capcom that's broken sf, it's twats screwing it over that have done that. you still get the odd cheat on a game like counter strike, but because there are so many many people playing it, it's not that big a deal as you just switch servers. but with sf, it's not so simple.

                        at the end of the day, we can only really just vent our anger in the hope that these guys will pick up on this stuff and implement changes. they already did an update for it so it shows they are listening. we (excluding the guys on here with first-hand onlilne networking experience) just don't know exactly what it entails.

                        whereas before the main issues we had were lag-related (droppers were easy to ignore as you could see who was hosting before you joined), even if lag disappears, we'll still have twats who take it too damn seriously.


                          And that's why the friends list will sadly forever be a necessity.

                          Being up for a challenge against the masses is fine, but the stories in this thread show the real downside to it. I guess you can thank the anonymity of the internet for that.

                          That said, with Live in general I've never had a bad game with anyone from on here. It's always been a laugh and everyone is very sporting and plays properly. It's the best way to experience what Live has to offer IMO.


                            agreed, provided their damn friends lists aren't full


                              I still maintain that it should be a dirty great red number. Big red stat right next to their other stats. For shaaaaame!
                              i got 70% bad feedback from this game for quitting (which i've never done) and even trash talk - odd, considering i never use the headset except when playing phillai and he wouldn't do something 3vil like that, now
                              You know, this makes me think that perhaps in some way the loonies who want to cotton wool all the children because everyone who's even thought about the internet is a paedophile are right, and kids shouldn't be allowed to use online services like this, in that perhaps people who are 18+ might have the maturity to not pull **** like this any more. There'll always be some, but I'd wager that even though you need a credit card to join up, I bet there's a hell of a lot of 15 year olds who think they're clever on there ****ing up the experience for everyone else. I'm assuming it's the stupid kids anyway, who think accumulating a number is more important than enjoying the game. Of course, in Giga Wing you can do both

