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BF2142 demo

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    BF2142 demo

    downloaded the demo this morning. not that impressed really, they've not changed alot from bf2 in terms of pure mechanics. the new titan mode feels like a rip off of onslaught (i think..the one where you have to destroy the enemys reactor and hold control points) in unreal tournament 2004.

    the game loads alot quicker though, some of the load times in bf2 were crazy but now the map loads and there is virtually no waiting to verify client data. it runs well, im running a a64 @2.4 ghz, 1gb ram, nvidia 6800gt and its pretty smooth at 1028 res, with most details on high but no aa or af.

    it looks....ok, but nothing special. im not running the best of machines, but even when i cranked everything up (ignoring the framerate) it just looked like a tarted up bf2, the textures in particualr were uninspiring.

    sound is nice as with all bf2 games, they havnt gone to futuristic with the weapon sounds, so thats ok

    overall....slightly dissapointed tbh. there just isnt enough here to justify a potential purchase. granted its only a demo, but everything seems to feel the same. anyone else tried this? opinions please......

    Sounds like this is Battlefield 2's Vietnam (if you recall that game)

    I doubt we'll see any major increase in looks, mechanics and so on until either BF3 (if there is one) or this in the works next gen title.


      You mind me asking where you got the demo from? I'm curious to see if my machine can handle it or not


        its on all the torrent networks, well seeded so shouldnt take you too long to dl (if you cant find it, pm me your email addrress and ill send you the torrent)

        whats your machines spec? it seems to be better coded than bf2, i rekon if you turn the eye candy down this would run on quite a low spec machine,


          I grabbed it from fileplanet, and it gave me a dx9 error when I tried to run it.

          Waste of bandwidth


            Originally posted by GordonJ
            I grabbed it from fileplanet, and it gave me a dx9 error when I tried to run it.

            Waste of bandwidth
            There's a readme file that comes with it, To save space DX9 isn't distributed with it so make sure your DX files are up to date



              have you got dx9 installed? to save space they left dx 9 out of the demo. try installing it (if you havnt already) then give it ago.


                I can't seem to connect to the EA server on the login screen. Just says connecting and never does anything else....


                  Katatsu Neko - Check your firewall isn't blocking any of the ports etc. Works fine for me.

                  After having a couple of matches i'm definatly buying this. Not really got a substantial enough opinion on it but it's a good enough one to warrent a buy


                    I tried disabling my firewall but it still won't let me connect. Weird as I was able to play Battlefield 2 okay.

                    Ah well, that's ?25 saved then.


                      Loving this its like kinda battlefield but like kinda in nearly but not quite in space wowzers !

                      Played 7 games today and I still laugh everytime I die, just as I do in BFII.
                      This has made me decide the splinter cell is now a november game and all my cash left is now buying this


                        Doesn't feel as solid or scary as BF2 in my opinion - the feeling of having hell-fire rain down on you in the last game was absolutely immense, this feels a little too...distant. That said, the feeling of boarding an enemy Titan is wonderful, the escape pods fired up to them are scary as hell, particularly the landing!

                        I was in a squad earlier and we all grouped up on top of the enemy titan, then descended inside to take down the control points. Very very atmospheric and intense. It's a shame the battlefield gets split really, it feels like entirely different games are taking place; the ground battle and the titan battle. It's hard to feel connected to either.

                        I'll probably get it on day one though (October 20th?).


                          Originally posted by PeteJ

                          I'll probably get it on day one though (October 20th?).
                          Yep Oct 20th


                            Liking it more with every game

                            Just managed to actually be the one who takes down the reactor - cool ****! Running out of the titan while everything is blowing up around you then jumping off the side is one hell of a moment!

                            How'd you revive people?


                              Medic pack and the fire button

