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Has NTSC-UK changed your gaming? aka NTSC-UK love in!

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    Has NTSC-UK changed your gaming? aka NTSC-UK love in!

    Bit of a random topic but was just curious if NTSC-UK or the forum has changed your gaming habbits at all?

    I'm not sure who it was but a turning point for me was a couple of months ago, there was some form of discussion on the forum about "hardcore/professional gamers"

    Someone mentioned that casual gamers probably know more about games than we do because we spend more time analysing/discussing them than actually playing them........and then i realised, thats exactly what I do

    Anyway it stuck with me and the past two months have been my best "gaming" months for a long time. I'm spending more time playing them than on the forum

    Anyone else experienced anything similar?
    Last edited by Jei; 07-10-2006, 08:44.

    Not really gaming but it made me improve the English I use on the Internet.
    It also improved my maturity since I joined 2 years ago >________<

    But not so much my gaming habits.


      It's made me buy, and import specifically, a lot more games than I would've. But then that's probably to be expected!


        I honestly don't know how you could spend more hours talking about games than playing them That is just wrong.

        For me the site has been the best place to goto for games chat since it's Wireplay days. Its kind of like an online home now, if I have a computer on this website is normally open in a browser even if I'm not browsing the net.

        I guess more than anything it's changed my gaming by influencing the titles I purchase, especially since the First Play forum opened which is easily one of the sites best features. The threads that are generated for some of the games really display the passion forumites have for the games they play and it's very easy to pick up a game you haven't considered before based on the views of players whose opinions you trust.

        I think you should change the title of this thread to the NTSC-UK love in


          Originally posted by Riskbreaker
          I honestly don't know how you could spend more hours talking about games than playing them That is just wrong.
          Tell me about it! I just didn't realise I was doing it

          Originally posted by Riskbreaker
          I think you should change the title of this thread to the NTSC-UK love in


            Hmmm I don't think so. I've been importing since the Megadrive, so before the internet then, but maybe I've tried a few games I might not have tried otherwise due to recommendations on here. It's just good to find a place of like minded gamers with similar attitudes to the games industry to discuss hot topics with. Can't believe I've been posting on here for over 3 years (joined a few months before the forum switch)!


              Mmmm ntsc bum-up!
              Anyway, no, I've imported always when I wanted to, but I hang around here mainly because a lot of people on here know what they're on about without having silly little arguments. It's a million miles better than RLLFUK anyway, can't stand the place, too many whiney little kids fawning over every turd that comes out of Nintendo's collective bum for my liking. I mean, I love Nintendo, but I can at least acknowledge that there's a noticable proportion of their games that are below par.
              So the only forums I hang around on are ntsc and worldofspectrum


                NTSC-UK has changed my gaming habits forever.

                Since joining, I've not only started playing a lot more games (last year I played around 40), and importing a lot more, especially once I realised the golden trio: VG+, Tronix and NCSX; but my gaming taste has also undergone a radical transformation. I used to play only on Nintendo's consoles, but now I'm much more into what Sony and Microsoft have to offer. I remember getting DMC3 just because of how popular it was on the first play forums last year.

                I love you NTSC-UK.


                  There are definitely games (and movies) that otherwise would have completely passed me by without ntsc-uk. Finding new things has got to be a good thing.


                    I'd say this forum got me back into gaming full stop.

                    I don't remember how I found the forum, or why, but I do know it has changed my habits in as much as I was completely out-of-love with gaming and the people from this forum have rekindled my hot steamy sex session of a love affair with the gaming industry.

                    Don't tell the wife!


                      Definitely made me poorer! I've bought more games from fellow members recommendation, which I would've never bought (Harmful park & Dodonpachi). Made me join and speak at a forum for the first time as well, although I joined in 2003, I only posted my first post at the end of last year (I think) !


                        I most likely wouldn't have bought the 360 at all had it not been for hanging around here too much this summer. I might not have bought my DS either, I know there's some games for it I wouldn't have got.

                        I know I spend more time talking/reading about games than playing them, or at least I did for a lot of the summer, I've been playing the XBLA a lot since I got the console and some points. I do that with all my interests though, I'm just not a proactive person, I sit and philosophise instead of do . I'm a broke one too which doesn't help.


                          I'm the same as Stainboy, there's tons of games I want but I rarely play them forwhatever reason. However, I just got a job so that may change ^_^


                            My taste in games hasn't changed - I came here because it was great to come to a place where we were all on a similar wavelength in terms of games. Not necessarily the same taste in games, but we can discuss a topic here and know people are going to know what your talking about.

                            Certainly though it's made obtaining import games so much easier to the extent that I don't even consider a PAL game anymore, whereas the idea of importing used to seem like a lot of work.


                              it hasn't really changed my gaming habits a lot,
                              but I did get more like minded players in my friends list were I can have some good gaming sessions with !!

