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First Pro Evo 6 360 review is up!

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    yeah gutted. its about time konami tried harder at moving the series forward rather than little bits here and there.


      Originally posted by vanpeebles
      yeah gutted. its about time konami tried harder at moving the series forward rather than little bits here and there.
      I'm being cynical here, but I'm guessing that with the 360 version being the only next-gen one, that they've had to spread themselves pretty thinly while developing all the different versions. We should get a proper version next time round as the PS3 will be out and the potential sales for that will probably warrant more money being thrown at it and the inevitable 360 port.


        Originally posted by ascender
        I'm being cynical here, but I'm guessing that with the 360 version being the only next-gen one, that they've had to spread themselves pretty thinly while developing all the different versions. We should get a proper version next time round as the PS3 will be out and the potential sales for that will probably warrant more money being thrown at it and the inevitable 360 port.
        That would be fair enough but it was them/Seasbass who said THIS version would be built from the ground up as a next gen pro-evo. Not something we were just expecting we were told we'd get it.

        They been working with Sony for too long


          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
          That would be fair enough but it was them/Seasbass who said THIS version would be built from the ground up as a next gen pro-evo. Not something we were just expecting we were told we'd get it.

          They been working with Sony for too long
          After the lazy Xbox port, I never expected them to pull out all the stops for the 360 one as there's no PS3 version just now and I've never been convinced about their support for the Xbox.

          But, the main thing is its here. Its just disappointing that it seems to be a bit half arsed and unfinished, more of a stop gap for us. I'll still be playing it, but I'll be interested to see how it compares to the PC version which I plan to get as well.


            I supposed if I'm feeling charitable I might view it as an NHL 2K6-type situation. A mid-generation effort to satisfy folk until the next one is built properly. However, lurking in the back of my mind for the next year will be the knowledge that this could have been the one, online co-op.....


              And no save replays on the 360 version either. That's more than a bit poor.

              Considering just how many people seem to have got hold of the warez version of this I'm surprised the release date hasn't been brought forward.


                Originally posted by ascender
                And no save replays on the 360 version either. That's more than a bit poor.


                Lack of online options I can understand.
                Lack of edit modes I can understand.
                Lack of licenses I can understand.
                Lack of stadiums I can understand.
                But I can't think of a single reason why you can't save goal replays


                  Originally posted by mr_sockochris
                  Lack of edit modes I can understand.
                  The exclusion of team name edit is such a killer though


                    Once you're playing the game is doesn't matter though. It's lazy and useless of them - especially the replay thing, but I'm sure we'll all still play it for the next 12 months.

                    I s'pose there's a 0.00045% chance they'll patch it to fix some of the missing features...


                      It's Konami... you have more chance of Elton John patching up his arse-less leather strides.


                        God, this version is awful: no editing teams, no transfers possible, and NO goal saving! these are the very basics of PES/WE games and they just left it out. This is nothing technically or graphics related, it's just the basic game options. IMO unacceptable.

                        It just feels like an unfinished game. Not to mention it sometimes suffers from the 1-second slowdown when you score a goal/take corners. Like in the PS2 versions, something the Xbox PES games didn't have.

                        Looks awesome when the game is actually in play in HD but i'm severely disappointed in the final retail version.

                        Edit**Forgot to add theres a lot of now retired players still in there respective countrys starting eleven also.
                        Last edited by glazza; 24-10-2006, 17:35.


                          Content Download me do?

                          Or make a half baked 360 version so they can release a 07 edition on the PS3?


                            Apparently Woolworths are going to be selling this tomorrow, so I'm guessing everywhere else might follow suit.


                              Ooh cool, any idea what time Woolworth stores open in the morning?


                                Seems to be going to down well with the PESInsight forum crowd so far. Cool.

