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Lost memory card - joy or disaster?

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    Lost memory card - joy or disaster?

    I have misplaced one of my PSP memory sticks - that's the risk you take with several smaller ones instead of one big bastard.

    With it went all my game saves. All my saves since 12 December 2004 on more than 50 games.

    I'm actually in two minds about it. While I can't be bothered to play through Tales of Eternia, Metal Gear Acid or Ridge Racers again (even though they were all unfinished), I'm having great fun getting back to where I was in Minna no golf, Outrun and Burnout Legends amongst others.

    Ever had a lost or failed memory card? Good news, or bad news? Or to put it another way, what games would you happily play again from square one?
    Last edited by DeathAdder; 19-10-2006, 12:34.

    Can't believe you haven't backed it up to a PC since then !

    Nutter !


      Hindsight is 20-20, but point taken, and I have done now.


        To answer your question though there are very few games I'd enjoy playing through again - I've always been more a finish & move on type !

        There are some games I'll happily play again (Mario64 springs to mind) but they're few & far between - Minna golf is timeless though so I can understand that


          My saves are backed up to PC periodically, all though I did lose a save on the third disc of Final Fantasy 9, because of that I never did finish the game as I couldn't find the energy to through the game again from disc 1.

          I also lost a totally unlocked Soul Calibur DC save because it was one of the games that wouldn't transfer from memory card to memory card, and I wiped the original without checking. That was annoying.

          Starting Forza 1 on Xbox360 was annoying too, given the car collection I had amassed on Xbox. So I gave up on that pretty quickly.

          Is not really that big a deal because there are lot of game save download sites around, so you could get back to where you were fairly easily.


            Man Marty just reminded me of the time I lost my 120 hours + save for Soul Calibur DC

            An yes - In that instance I did unlock it again


              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
              There are some games I'll happily play again
              Actually that's how I should have put it - what games would you be happy to start over - a lost memory card is obviously a pain as you have to spend the money on a new one.


                As others have said, silly boy for not backing up PSP saves to a PC every couple of weeks, only takes 30 seconds.

                Another possible "option" is to use one of the gamesaves available via, if you want to try to get back to where you were but don't have the time/incling (sp) to replay them from the start.

                EDIT: just realised Marty suggested the same thing above.
                Last edited by VR46; 19-10-2006, 12:47.


                  A friend of mine lost a memory card where we stored Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles savegames - along with his other GC games. We never really were too fond of the game but we were at the very end (fialed the first attempt to the last boss, levelling up to beat him)...the card was never recovered, so we never finished the game. It was a joy not to play FF:CC again but surely losing all other game data is not nice.


                    Hmm. I've got DC and PS2 memory cards in my top drawer that never, ever come out and all that's on them is saves from old games I've completed and / or I'm never likely to play again. I hang on to them but if I lost them I'd be inclined to be philosophical about it and think if I'm not missing them now when I have them and don't use them, it's pointless getting upset when they're gone. I did have a third-party GameCube card corrupt on me recently and I lost my Killer7 with Killer8 unlocked and my Resi 4 saves with all the extras unlocked, but since I'm not likely to find the time to replay them I just sort of shrugged it off.


                      An official Gamecube memory card corrupted on me with half finished Resident Evil 0, Skies of Arcadia: Legends and F-Zero on... I was so pissed off I've played none of them since, despite Resi0 being the only one in the series (bar survivors) I've not finished.


                        my freind who shall remain unamed not only lost all his psp saves but lost all his psp pr0n too, filthy sod



                          I thought I'd lost one of my PS1 memory cards when I bought some Blaze MPX memcard backup device. I was horrified.... I had a Gran Turismo save on there, Soul Reaver, Spiderman and Total NBA 96, too(!!).

                          I kept the memory card with the intention of trying to retrieve it. Earlier this year, I bought a Dexdrive in order to backup all my PS1 saves and magically it could read the corrupted memory card. So my saves were intact!

                          I was relieved... I will never play those games again, yet somehow their loss would nag away at me.
                          Last edited by gunrock; 19-10-2006, 13:52. Reason: Spolling. And grammur


                            My refusal to use anything but official peripherals stems from an incident where I lost all my data of a PSone memory card.

                            Story goes back to Christmas 1996 and my Dad had the ingenious idea of buying one of the unofficial 8meg memory cards. For anyone who never used one of these, instead of being a memory card that was simply 8 times bigger, it was basically 8 pages of 15 blocks (so like having 8 cards in 1) and you had to cycle through the different pages.

                            So I copy all my current saves from the official memory card over to the new one and (stupidly) erased them from the old. Christmas day passes and in the evening me and my cousin sit down for a session of Tekken 2 and are horrified to find only the initial 10 characters are available. A scan of the memory card reveals that everything has gone, the most notable being said Tekken 2 characters, Rocket Launcher for both Chris and Jill on Resident Evil and White Angel on Ridge Racer Revolution.

                            Back then I redid the majority of the lost data but nowadays I think I would struggle to find the motivation to do so. Backing up my PSP saves via PC seems like such a good idea yet I have never thought to do it before. Will be done tonight for sure.


                              I have had two gamecube memory cards go wrong

                              One was offical the other was not

                              both went wrong after playing phantasy star online though

