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Viva Pinata (interactive demo, 360)

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    Viva Pinata (interactive demo, 360)

    Wasn't sure if this was worthy of a first play, but as it's a smidgeon under 800mb, I thought it'd be nice to know what the download contains. Besides, it IS interactive, so you do get to "do stuff".

    Starts off with a funky RARE intro and then an intro to the demo by Hudson Horstacio.

    Then you can choose to hear from either Fergie the Fudgehog (?), Ella the Elephanilla - who teaches you about attracting pinatas.

    After that you can hear from Tina & Teddington (? - a two headed snake), or Paulie the Pretzail- who teaches you about "Romance".

    Then it's either Franklin (dude! its a like, a bear! is he the voice from Amped 3?) - who teachs you about making houses - and then some pink thing called Les (who speaks some REALLY FAST pidgin spanish like language. Funny) - who teaches you about Bad Guys (Sours and Professor Pester).

    I couldn't care if this game was aimed at 3 year olds, I think it looks ace, and I personally can't wait for it Viva Pinata la laa la laaa.
    Last edited by ChrisF; 24-10-2006, 17:42.

    I have never seen anything so annoying in all my life


      its not a demo and pressing a button to select a different speaker is a lousy way of making this more than a simple video imo.


        Yeah what a waste of time. 5 years ago I would have been into a game like this but I just couldn't go through it all anymore. And those characters! I've so had enough of unoriginal wise-cracking CGI animals.


          This should've been in the game videos section - putting it in the demos is taking the piss.


            Its for pre-school kids though right?

