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Edge 169 Scores December 06 Issue

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    Rule of Rose is really poor. Badly designed and executed and really, really dull. Starts off well with some nice atmosphere but just cripples itself with some really bad play mechanics, awful combat and is just generally dull as dishwater.


      Good read this issue. Sounds like Sony have cocked up big time with the pads though. I just pray for a 3rd party 360 style pad and that Sony/3rd party add rumble at some point.


        Brillant to hear about Splinter Cell and Canis getting great reviews but a 9 for Okami?

        Defently going to buy it when it's released.


          Originally posted by darksteve

          Assasins Creed
          Inner World of FAQS
          The Legend of Link
          Is that FAQs as in the fan-written ones like at GameFAQs? I'll definitely read that because I used to write them and was heavily involved in the community. I get all nostalgic about the days when I had time to do that...
          Last edited by NekoFever; 25-10-2006, 19:27.


            Just sat down and had a read through my sub copy, great review for Okami, guess i should pick this up now. Bully looks good too, and given my love for GTA i'll be more than happy to get that too


              Originally posted by Wools
              Brillant to hear about Splinter Cell and Canis getting great reviews but a 9 for Okami?

              Defently going to buy it when it's released.

              Believe you me its worth a 9! in every way


                Just read the Zelda love in, really really want this game now but im a bit pissed at Edge for spoiling the beginging of the game for me as they talk you pretty much though it all and spoil quite a few plot points.

                Not sure where there heading with the first bit of the article either left me a bit cold and dosent really say much apart form Zelda games are the way to tell if Nintendo are on form or not.

                I can feel another edge Ten comeing on though as yes they say its fan fekking tastic


                  Picked this up today and had a browse when I had a few spare minutes at uni. This issue seems a lot better than last month's which I thought was generally a bit thin on the ground for interesting features. Nice Wii supplement, as well, even if it doesn't contain any new info.


                    The law suit from Sony, against Future, for importing God Hand should be coming any day now, you'll see...


                      Originally posted by debug77
                      The law suit from Sony, against Future, for importing God Hand should be coming any day now, you'll see...


                        If that's the case we're screwed


                          great issuse as always


                            Originally posted by dvdmike
                            great issuse
                            Originally posted by dvdmike
                            as always

